Oh, it's a force to be reckoned with and feared! You'll find the Stormzilla spell all the way up the trainable spell list from our dear froggy professor Halston Balestrom at Level 42 . . . and that's the strange oddity of this spell, really. It's a five pip terror coming in at a frightening base damage of 650-730, but shouldn't the six pip terror known as Triton come after Stormzilla in the order of spell training? There are lots of theories as to why this might be (quest spells vs. trainable spells, balance of secondary schools, efficiency per pip, etc.), but I blame aliens! Like Mothra!
You can also get this spell as a treasure card and from a couple of items. In the end, it's a fun spell with one of the most memorable casting animations out of the bunch. I think that's what has made it so popular with my readers this time around. I received an astounding 24 stormzilla pictures in my email over the past couple of days! WOW! I'm gonna stop typing now and show those to you. Check 'em out!
Paige Moonshade:

Alexander Dragontamer:

Wizard101 Life:
Tanner Rubycatcher:

Rachel Windtalon:

Samuel Ashthorn:

Matthew Emeraldfist:


Valdus Skulldust:

Seth Hunter:


Terri Nightshield:

Jason Titan:

Jason Thundershield:

Courtney Silverflame:

Sophia EmeraldBlossom:

Elizabeth GoldenThistle:
Justin Shadowblade:

David Fireflame:

Kyle Firesword:

Julia Dragonsword:

Isabella Starsong:

Seth Dragonhunter:

HAHAHAHA! You all crack me up. :) Have a great week.
Happy Dueling!
the new world is coming it's called Avalon, extention of Wysteria
@Isabella - I'm glad somebody caught the little airplane! I wince every time I see that mini Red Baron, 'cause I know what's coming right after it - a big 'ol chaser of Pain.
-Sierra Starsong (no relation)
@austin: Try sending it again to me, Austin! I had a TON of email. I may have missed it or maybe it just didn't come through.
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