Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Squad Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good!

A couple days ago I shared my Brawl Stars post about Berry on Twitter and my old acquaintance, Officer McGruff, let me know that he too was a Brawl Stars player, but ended up switching to Squad Busters, the new Supercell game that launched a little over a month ago. I remember the cross-promotion that was done in Brawl Stars, but at the time I ignored it . . . how could anything be as awesome as Brawl Stars!

Bustin' makes me feel good!

On the other hand, who could argue with Officer McGruff?  It was something I needed to try out.  It's new. It has a fantastic rating, and if Officer McGruff likes it, I'm in!  I immediately downloaded the game and tried it out.  

My initial reaction was, MAN, I am DOMINATING the 10-year-olds today, and then I realized that it was probably bots I was going up against there. In my eyes, they did a really good job at making you feel amazing for those first few games. That's a thing we used to try to do at KingsIsle and WIMO back in the day. If you can improve a player's win-loss ratio in the first moments of gameplay, they'll be more apt to keep returning to play more. It's an art.

I DESTROYED them! What?!

This game will also feel like a fun fit for both Brawl Star players and Clash players as well since it merges the two characters from the games as playable heroes that join your squad.  One of the first characters that joins your squad is a cute little baby version of El Primo.

Everyone's favorite baby wrestler!

Basic gameplay goes a bit like this: You enter a match that takes four minutes and thirty seconds to complete. When you start the game you get to choose one of three characters as your starter hero. you then run them around a slightly isometric, retro Zelda-like looking map full of monsters, trees, chests, and other players.  In fact, there are 10 other players, and if you kill another player you "bust" them, and they're out of the game. 

From small beginnings come great squads!

After killing a few monsters, you're able to invest in a new hero at a chest. If you keep purchasing the same type of hero, they will evolve and merge into a tougher version of that hero. So, basically, you're building a party, or squad, if you will. Eventually over the four-and-a-half-minute game, you draw closer to the center where other players have brought their squads as the center is where all the good gems and super tough enemies are, which also drop gems. The remaining squads at the end of the match have their gems tallied up and a ranking is determined. The goal is to be in the top 5 to keep your win streak going.

Squad fight!

If you're one of the teams in the top 5, the opportunities to increase your rewards from the chest you get to open after the match keep escalating. Much like cracking open Brawl Stars' "stars" at the end of a match, you unlock chests, and with each tap to unlock it, the opportunity to increase its rarity and size happens.

Cracking open a super big chest!

It's super addicting and fun to play. I also really like the familiarity of the Supercell characters. Squad Busters is definitely going to have a new place on my phone thanks to Officer McGruff's excellent suggestion.

Happy Dueling! 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Baulder's Gate 3 -- doing wrong things the right way

When last we left our heroes, they were doing things completely out of order and not following the main quest line ... because why would we ever do things the right way?!

Maybe book burnings ain't such a bad thing after all...

Basically we had jumped all the way to the Underdark just out of random exploration rather than being overly concerned with having parasites in our brains. In fact, we wandered around a mage tower in the underdark for an hour or so before Moonstar (Dylan in real life) turned to his real life son and asked what we had missed here in this tower, and he noted that there was a little jumping puzzle down through some mushrooms on the far side of the tower where we hadn't even looked. Whoops. 

But really I don't think much of that mattered anyway since, after exploring the whole gosh darn tower we virtually turned to each other and said . . . maybe we should just follow the main quest first and figure out why we're supposed to be here?

Druid magic is always so chloro-filled

So back we went to the overworld and started trying to pull out parasites from our heads even though we already had some advance knowledge that we really didn't want to pull out the parasites from our heads yet. In other words, the story got a bit wonky for us, and we just played along.

The hat is everything.

And then I found the most glorious cowboy hat and thus began my Sheriff Avantador story arc, which was much more enjoyable simply because every time my dragonborn came on screen, we couldn't help ourselves but laugh at the ridiculousness of a cowboy dragonborn. 

After a couple restarts, we had freed our druid friend from the underdark and had a better direction, which was, let's explore this whole world before we move on to the next chapter. We found Asterion, who we had completely missed.  We even destroyed a bunch of gnolls and found ye' old rolling ball trap from Indiana Jones. Let's just say, it wasn't a proud moment where we broke out our best ability checks. *cough*

The whole crew and our hats too

Eventually we all gained ridiculous headwear and moved on to the next act, where we promptly ran into a town being protected by a cleric's spell.  Then she got attacked and died. Then the whole town turned undead and jumped us. Then we hid on the second floor of the inn and cheesed a fight with ranged attacks and killed the whole said town.

Um, sorry this all happened to you all. Whoops

So much for being heroes, but MAN, that was stellar loot . . . now if we just had an NPC left to sell it to . . .

Seriously though, that battle was incredibly epic. I was ready to restart, but Moonstar wanted to see it through. Avantador spent most of the fight on his back with one foot in the grave, but he was happy to be revived and level up to sixth level ... bring on the fireball spell!

So there you have it. We're level 6 in Act 2 and 24 hours in. It's a great game and we're still having fun with it!

Happy Dueling!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Brawl Stars Berry, the grumpy unicorn

I've often had a thing for rainbows and unicorns . . . as evidenced by this blog:

Well, here we are. It's 2024 and you now can add one more rainbow unicorn love to the list!

Cute and grumpy, just like me!

Just two weeks ago, Brawl Stars dropped a brand new character named Berry, and he is a very grumpy and somewhat psychotic rainbow unicorn. The game allowed me to swap out my Brawler Claim Credits to Berry from Bonnie. (side note for those that don't know what I'm talking about -- There's a currency in Brawl Stars called Claim Credits. You can use these to unlock epic and legendary Brawlers. You get the credits by hitting milestones in Trophy Road and the Battle Pass.)

Below is a video of me, um, horsing around with him.

They also made a fun YouTube marketing video to showcase his personality.

At a base level, Berry plays a bit like a mix between Barley's regular attack and Carl's ultimate attack.

Berry lobs ice cream on the ground that damages enemies and heals teammates -- Right off the bat, this splash attack is clearly better than Barley's because of the healing component of the splashes he leaves behind. Once his ultimate is built up, Berry spins forward in one direction, damaging enemies he contacts and leaving a long trail of ice cream behind him in his wake. 

When comparing this to Carl's ultimate, you'll find that it's both better and worse than Carl's ultimate. For one, it's faster and leaves behind an effect. Secondly, you can't control the direction of the spin once it's set (unlike Carl's ultimate, which is pretty flexible). On the other hand, you can still use his ultimate for attack, positioning, and escape like Carl, but just not with as much control, and of course, you get the added benefit of healing on top of damage from the trail of ice cream left behind.

I'd love to pair Berry and a melee character like Frank. Adding a healing buff where the melee character is fighting seems like an awesome synergy. I haven't yet leveled Berry to a point where I can really mess around with star powers and the like, but my inherent love for unicorns will probably cause me to take him all the way to the top.

Happy Dueling!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Of Gods and Monsters -- Season 28 of Brawl Stars

The Gods Versus Monsters update dropped in Brawl Stars, and it features a slew of new skins that have ye' olde Olympian flair. EMZ as Medusa is a pretty great skin, and that alone makes it a tempting battle pass to purchase.

Medusa EMZ! So much awesomeness!

For me, the only thing I've felt immediately compelled to purchase was the Goblin Carl skin. Carl has a special place in my heart,  mostly because my oldest child is studying to be a geologist, and that's carl's whole backstory. I don't' know if this was marked down in price because of the Gods Versus Monsters sale, but it was pretty cheap and a great improvement over your standard looking Carl skin, which is pretty bland.

Digging the diggy skin!

Also of note, a new season of ranked play happened at the same time as this update, and that means you can get some great unlocks for ranking up. For me that meant I got a lucky unlock of the Cobra Lola skin! To be honest, I really don't know if the cobra skin is more likely to manifest itself because of the Gods Versus Monsters update, but it does seem pretty in line with the theme of the event.

Having a hissy fit as Cobra Lola

I wish there was a mode of play that came with this event. Probably one of the best seasons I've seen was two seasons ago where everything was Godzilla themed. Not only was the theme fun, but they also threw in a new game mode for you to play where you could BE Godzilla, destroying the other players' town. Although, it was debatable if people actually liked this mode.

My finger keeps hovering over the buy button on this one, but I haven't quite committed to the seven dollar price tag . . . mainly because I just bought Baulder's Gate and a whole slew of VR games with a Humble Bundle deal.  I have an invisible gaming budget that I might have already overspent on during the month. Wish my wallet the best of luck!

Happy Dueling!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Finally . . . a Baulder's Gate 3 post . . .

Look. I get it. Y'all were playing Baulder's Gate 3 like 11 months ago, but this thing just went on sale on Steam for 20% off and my buddy, Dylan (heretofore known as Moonstar), was like . . . Tom, let's freaking play Baulder's Gate 3! 

Ahh, Avantador!  It's good to finally see you in 3D!

The first thing I needed to do was recreate my Dragonborn Bard, Avantador . . . to this day he's one of my favorite characters I've ever made in D&D. I used to write about him a lot on my little D&D side blog. It's super wholesome . . . unlike the next thing you're about to see.

I feel dirty . . . make the images go away

Because the second thing I needed to do, was a Gith Skanky. Yes, BG3 is a mature-rated game. You've been warned.

I'll never fully recover from this . . .

Now that I've got those two things out of the way, I can play some D&D!

Moonstar and Avantador have been tearing things up and making a lot of bad choices over the past 14 hours of playtime. We almost TPK'd in a goblin village by trying to free a gnome tied to a windmill, but through the magic of zoning, free rez scrolls, and some kiting, we managed to pull through. Whew. We must have wasted 2 to 3 hours just figuring out how we were going to survive that.

After figuring out the magic of "saving often," we then somehow stumbled our way into the Underdark, and after a scary encounter with a Bullete, we jogged into a group of myconids that were ready to bestow upon us all the honorary titles we wanted as long as we were murdering all their enemies along the way.

Dance Myconids, Dance!

Yesterday we struggled and barely pulled out from an encounter with a particularly nefarious Drow named Nere. Some gnomes had to be sacrificed, we had to feign allying with him for a time, and then ultimately we just let the poor sap be the tank for us and die at the hands of the Druegar. Pretty much everyone died but us, and we were limping along with all our resources expended.  It took us 4 maybe 5 tries to get it to play out correctly. We probably should have come back later when we were at the appropriate level? It was super intense.

Handing over the head to the king

Anyway, one of the great things about waiting 11 months to write about a popular game is that I feel guilt-free about writing spoilers. Everyone who's played it knows the main plot by now. It's a campaign world adventure.  You probably won't run it exactly the same every time you play through it, but the fact remains that you have a mind flayer worm in your head and you need to get it out no matter how many times you're going to play it. I'm ok with that, it's just not an epic MMO adventure with several starting points that differ. 

On the other hand, everyone's journey will differ. It's a huge sprawling campaign setting that so far has been a lot of fun journeying through. It's basically D&D 5e with small twists here and there. Moonstar and I are certainly having fun with it!

Happy Dueling!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 2024 Gaming Roundup -- Diablo 4, Max Mustard, and Brawl Stars

Man, June was a crazy month for me in real life. I packed up my family and moved them from Texas to Utah. I also was working full time and just trying to survive. To say it's been busy would be an understatement.  

The 26-foot Uhaul helped me feel like I was fulfilling my trucker dreams

But just because a month is busy with real life, that doesn't mean I can't play some games as a pastime -- and especially now that things are starting to get settled a bit. So let me break down my, I guess you would call them, top three games of June.

1- Diablo IV

So I did something amazing with the help of my friend, Dylan.  You may remember my post about our Southern Gentlemen, Montgomery and Leufroy.  Last you heard, they were in their 30's or so, but not anymore. Leufroy is officially my first character in Diablo 4 to have reached max level. 

Yes! Captured the ding moment in all its boring glory!

I didn't think I'd ever have a level 100, but here we are.

Why I say . . . a level 100 . . . bless your heart

Not only is he max level, but he also has a pretty nice set of gear and can take down tier 78ish dungeons.  Also, because of that, I took the 5 glyphs of his build and built them up to Level 15 to finish out his skill point build.  I've been playing the Heartseeker Rogue build found on Icy Veins. It's pretty brainless, but also pretty powerful.

Need . . . more . . . Vulnerable Damage!

I did modify the build a bit so that I could use the death trap ultimate.  It's pretty fun to watch things explode inside of it, and it combo'ed well with Montgomery's teleport vacuuming he was doing to gather up all the enemies. I could improve his gear a bit still, but honestly, I'm not sure I have it in me to do all that grinding.

2- Max Mustard

There was a screamer of a deal going on that the Ruff Talk discord channel informed me about.  Max Mustard, the VR Platforming game I've had my eye on for a while, went on sale for an amazing 90% off. So picking up a regularly $30 game for $3 was absolutely irresistible.

Gotta love when a game feels like a theme park ride at the same time

It's such a fun game. It reminds me a lot of Astrobot, which is one of the games that made me fall in love with VR in the first place.

There are some great moments so far in the game where not only are you platforming, but you're shooting plungers out at enemies and sucking things up with your vacuum gun. Here's a little video footage of the first level of the game I took for fun.  Enjoy!

3- Brawl Stars

I've been playing an unhealthy amount of Brawl Stars to be honest. It's one of those weekend morning things for me where I wake up before everyone else and just veg out to some Brawl Stars fun. 

That feeling when you lose 10 games in a row and drop rank

Once I complete my quests for the day, I usually grind a bit on PvP.  I got so close to bumping my rank above Diamond III to Mythic . . . and then I went on a terrible losing streak that took me all the way back down to mid-Diamond II. 

I've gotten some great characters since the last time I posted about Brawl Stars. Let's see . . . I've now added Spike, Mr. P, Pearl, Mandy, Kit, Maisie, Ash, Belle, Griff, and last but not least . . . Meg.

Not only did I get Meg, but I got her cool Aztec skin as well!

Of those listed above, Meg is the hero I've played and leveled the most. I just really like how she feels like Brawl Stars version of Dva from Overwatch.  She loads up into a tank that fires a crazy barrage of bullets and when her tank body explodes, it does damage to anyone surrounding it and runs around in a little human version until her ultimate charges, then she can build her tank again and keep going. Basically Dva, right?

Feels like someone is always playing spike in every match I play

Kit, Meg, and Spike are the good pulls out of the bunch -- they're all listed yellow legendary characters, and if played in the right hands, would be a serious threat.  The question remains if I'm "the right hands." ;)


I'm hoping that July sees more time to game and definitely to post about gaming. I have quite a few more VR games to post about and play, and Dylan and I are looking to play some Seven Days to Die and possibly even Baulder's Gate 3.  It certainly would be fun to write about all of that here on The Friendly Necromancer blog.

Happy Dueling!

Friday, May 31, 2024

Loving That Underwater VR Walkabout Mini-golf!

I truly would love to review every single underwater experience in VR I can get my hands on. (I'm going to make a new "Underwater VR" tag so I can start cataloging them. It's a strange genre and mostly filled with "submarine" games, but I've made a short list of games to look at. It'd also make a really cool YouTube series . . . you know, one of those weird subgenres of games that you'll probably never play, but some random dude on the Internet went on a quest to play them all. That's the kind of YouTube I can just zone out to.

Anyway, about a week ago, the Ruff Talk VR Discord channel had a meetup to play Walkabout Minigolf (WMG). Fortunately and unfortunately, it was just me and my buddy Amelia that showed up to the event. Unfortunately, because it's always fun to play with more. Fortunately, because Amelia offered up her entire WMG library of expansions and allowed me to choose our course. 

WMG is pretty great because it'll let anybody just play an expansion course on a guest pass. Meaning, that as long as someone owns the course, it'll let you play that course with them in multiplayer. The only downside to that is you can't collect any hidden balls or complete the hard course quest to earn a new putter, which totally makes sense from a business standpoint.

swimming up high and looking down at a few holes in the underwater golf course

Of course, I'm going to choose to guest pass the underwater Atlantis mini-golf course I don't own! Amelia obliged and we were soon putting around in an Atlantian underwater fantasy.

Rule one of underwater mini-golf, bring forth the mermaid statues and coral structures!

The course itself was good. I found it a fair bit less difficult than some of the newer courses I've played like the Meow Wolf course or the Venetian course. We didn't play the hard version of the course, but I didn't have any problems scoring under par on my first attempt around the 18 holes of underwater magic.


Even better, they made it so you could grab on to larger sharks, manta rays, and turtles and ride them around as they circled the course. I loved that little extra feature. It's things like this that make WMG one of the most well-thought-out experiences. It's not just a mini-golf course, it's an experience as well.

The sun shining through the underwater ruins of the mini-golf course was a nice touch

Of course, they didn't mess with the physics of their real mini-golf experience. It's all an illusion of being underwater. You're not going to smack a ball as hard as you can to only have it go 12 inches forward and start floating upward -- that'd just be frustrating. It is a pretty great illusion though. Little hexagonal graphic fish were darting around in small schools and the sharks were circling. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing a mini-golf game with Amelia.

Six under par! Not bad!

Rest assured, this isn't really the only underwater experience you have in WMG. There's also, the infamous 20,000 Leagues under the Sea course, but that all takes place inside Captain Nemo's submarine. The only times you'll catch a glimpse of being underwater is through the submarine windows, on hole 18 where the Kraken has broken through, or if you fly outside of the course boundaries and take a look at the sub from an outside view.

I love my 20,000 Leagues putter. It's Krakentastic!

I own the 20,000 Leagues under the Sea course, but after last week, I'm pretty sure I'll pick up the Atlantis course on my next opportunity.

Happy Dueling!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Diamond Rank in Brawl Stars Achieved!

Brawl Stars continues to be my favorite mobile game, and yup, they got me to purchase the Battle Pass. I relented, but the reason why wasn't that I got a ton of skins and goodies, it was all about the gold!  

Gimme that 8000 gold! (and all the other stuff too)

As it turns out, this morning was the first time I had ever hit the Diamond rank in ranked PvP matches. I've gotten gold rank usually or silver, but the past couple of weeks I've been a bit more deliberate in playing ranked PvP. 

Gimme that Mythic Rank-up reward!

There was a bit of a rude surprise when I got there though, and that was to continue ranking up, you need to have a full squad of 12 brawlers ranked up to at least level 9 to play. To do that requires, a ton of gold that I just really didn't have . . . unless I bought that delicious-looking battle pass! So I went for it. I mean, it was only 7 bucks, and this game brought me through nights of unemployment.  You got my money, Brawl Stars!

You need . . . 12 of them?!

The next interesting surprise was that at Diamond rank, PvP is a bit more intense . . . not just the competition, but you can choose heroes to ban the other team from choosing. I think I'd actually have to start looking at the meta if I were to make happy choices for my teammates, but I typically just choose the characters that are annoying to play against.

PvP at the higher rank also involves a more Overwatch style of winning matches. Honestly, it feels like overkill, but it does make the game different.  Once you play 2 matches against a team, you start to get the feel for how your opponents play and, if you're a good player, you can swing the game based on this knowledge.  Spoiler alert, I don't think I'm that good of a player.  I'm trying though!

At least the battle pass gave me some new fun skins and a Brawler I can't wait to play.  He's a fairy-turned-mosquito and just looks crazy enough to love.  

Angelo is super charming in an ugly way

I don't know if I have the wits about me to make it up the ranks of PvP post-Diamond, but it certainly was fun getting there! I'm really loving Brawl Stars still for my go-to mobile game.

Happy Dueling!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fast Leveling for Southern Gents in Diablo 4's Season of Loot

The duo of Montgomery and Leufroy once again delved into Diablo 4, but this time we straight up skipped the story, plunked ourselves in Veteran 2 difficulty, and hit the seasonal quest line. It turned out to be a solid decision for our southern duo. You might say it was truly a "butter my backside and call me a biscuit" moment.

The seasonal quests ultimately centered around the helltides, and let me tell you ... the exp from said helltides flowed like Montgomery's sweet southern drawl. It was kind of crazy. 

Melting the blood maiden

We were gaining levels super fast. We went from level 19 to level 30 so fast it was like a powerleveling session. Not only that, but a full swap out of new gear was happening every 30 minutes or so. If it wasn't gear drops from the helltides and chest, it was gear from the new quest tiers. Oh, you just got some new legendary gear five minutes ago? Well now, as they say in the south, "Today you're a rooster, tomorrow a feather duster. Here's more loot. Enjoy!"

As you gain honor from defeating enemies in a helltide and completing quests, you gain tiered rewards that are actually pretty great.  At Tier 4 I got a pretty sweet unique bow. It's official, I'm really liking this new season of loot. 

Earning all the wolf's honor I can!

I can't wait to play the Montgomery and Leufroy duo again. I'm pretty sure we'll be breaking into Tier 3 in no time at all. Then once all these demons are cleared out, Leufroy can finally show Montgomery the perfect piece of Sanctuary property that he could claim for his own. Shh, Leufroy doesn't really know where that is just yet . . . but if we keep playing, I'm sure a piece of land will show that it's "high in the cotton."

Happy Dueling!

Monday, May 20, 2024

Season of the Southern Gentlemen in Diablo 4

I've been playing a little more Diablo IV now that the new season dropped. My friend Dylan and I all but abandoned our surfers and rolled up a couple of fine Southern gentlemen. Yes, we're milking our tropes for all they are worth.

I am Leufroy and my companion is Montgomery. As the story goes, Leufroy is a bit of a French Explorer type, and Montgomery is a rich southern real estate mogul. Leufroy is taking dear Montgomery on a tour of Sanctuary in search of fertile land he might choose to claim as his own ... for resale purposes, of course.

The dashing duo of Montgomery and Leufroy

Oh yeah, it's incredibly goofy, but I don't think I've laughed quite as hard while playing Diablo IV as when Montgomery found some new gear to cover his "uppers" and his "lowers." Truly, the slow, gentle Southern accents from our role-playing are legendary. I really should be streaming this nonsense.

As for the new season of Diablo IV being game-changing and all that, Leufroy and Montogomery's official opinions are "yes, quite." It's pretty great. Aspects unlock without pain. Gold grinding is needed for gear rerolling, and customization of gear is truly possible, but at our level, you probably wouldn't want to go too crazy.

Montgomery and Leufroy talking about business plans before hacking through hell

We're bulldozing enemies pretty good right now with the two of us. The game itself feels really good. Leufroy is a dashing rogue full of traps and tricks, and Montgomery is a sorcerer, casting bolts of lightning with his southern wit. We're having a great time. In fact, several times we've said to each other that it feels like this combo is way more powerful than our last team. All good signs.

Happy dueling.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Roguematch: A Nekomancer's Match-3 Love Letter

 A year ago, a dev from the Starstruck Games team reached out to me over Twitter and sent me one of the sweetest messages I'd ever heard. I wrote about it at the end of this post titled "Thank you, Readers."

To sum it up, they had read through my series of blog posts where I went on a quest for a good match-3 dungeon game and felt a sense of camaraderie. They too were in search of something amazing and kept falling short with what the world was offering. My blog was there for them at the right time, cheering them on.  Because of this, they gave me a free copy of the game with no demands for review or anything other than to say thank you. I got you.

That said, a review of Roguematch: The Extraplaner Invasion is overdue. As of today, I've put about 22 hours into the game, and it's pretty great. Now, is it without bugs? No, I mean, even with a larger team, we still had our fair share of bugs in Animal Cove. But I have to say that for a three-person indie team, Roguematch is pretty freaking clean, and it's a fantastic game worthy of a best-in-class study for a dungeon-based match-3 game.

Time to delve into the dungeon of many matches!

At its core, Roguematch feels like the answer to the question, what if you combined Binding of Issac's storytelling, dungeon crawling, and item building with the classic match-3 mechanics akin to those found in Candy Crush?  Bam, that's Roguematch!

Feya is all about moving fast and jumping out of danger

Each room you enter in Roguematch is a match-3 board where you not only move your character around on the board, shifting pieces as you move, but also you can make color matches to damage enemies that are definitely out to get you.

You have a health bar and each character you play has a different set of skills they can use. If you spend too long on a board, chaos pieces drop and increase the difficulty of the game, bringing a five-color matching system to a six-color matching system.

Sonya the nekomancer vs. the evil snail boss and his mini snail minions!

In addition, there are boss and mini-boss fights that have special conditions surrounding them. These are challenging fights. Some have really tight boards and rely on you pulling out all the stops with the items you've collected around the dungeon.

When you defeat a boss, you'll be presented with a stairway leading down further into the dungeon where the stakes are higher and the puzzles are meaner . . . where the questions remain: How good is your gear? How good are your matching skills? How lucky are you feeling, punk?

Each dungeon features all the dangers a harsh, extraplaner environment can dust you with

When you lose all your life, you're thrown out of the dungeon and graded on your performance. How many turns did you take, which bosses did you fight, what new items did you discover, and what stage did you make it to?

Sad Sonya is sad at her defeat

Of special note to me is the fact that one of the characters, Sonya, is a friendly "nekomancer," who went dungeon-delving in search of the "Nekonomicon." Any friendly nekomancer can be a friend to the Friendly Necromancer!

As originally posted on Twitter a year ago

The art style is extremely cute, very much in the style of anthropomorphized chibis, which I understand is a turn-off to some, but to others . . . well, it's just warm and inviting. Don't let that art look fool you though, cute does not equal easy by any means.  It's legitimately a hard game. In all of my 22 hours playing, I've never made it past the second dungeon. I've only ever unlocked the first two characters.  I got close once, but I failed on the final boss fight.

I have to say that since the beta that I played a year ago, Roguematch has really streamlined the story beats at the beginning of the game. Where once I was a little confused as to what was going on, now I fully understand why I'm heading into the extraplanar match-3 dungeon. Props to them for clarifying the story and getting the tutorial shaped up.

If you're up for a complex, but fun match-3 experience that meshes Roguelike and the matching of gems, I can confidently say this is a great game that belongs in your library . . . and that's coming from a guy who's reviewed a lot of match-3 games in my day.

Happy Dueling!

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Surviving Unemployment with Peridot and Brawl Stars

So as this recent story goes, while I was unemployed, I honestly didn't have the stomach to play any PC or VR games at all! For me, that's pretty much the weirdest thing that's ever happened. The feeling I had was that I just lost all joy in doing the things I typically love. I know that sounds depressing, and yeah, it was. But that said, two mobile games helped ease the pain. 

Every day while unemployed I had a pretty strict morning schedule. I'd go to a morning meeting at 8am about job hunting, at 9am I'd go for a walk, and when I got back home, then it was time to hit the networking and resume circuit. If you're unemployed, I highly recommend keeping a schedule. This little routine gave my day some needed structure.

While I was out on a walk, I would pull out my phone and start up a game called Peridot, which is made by Niantic (you know, of Pokemon Go fame).

My Peridot waiting at the end of the sidewalk, ready to play catch with me

Peridot is a super cute AR game where you hatch cute baby pets and grow them into adults. It has the whole Tomigatchi thing going for it, but without the constant annoying real-life, real-time electronic whining. Basically, you care for your Peridot, feed it, play with it, do daily quests, and it grows up and becomes your best friend. But you don't want just one! You want a whole generational tree of Peridots.

To be honest, when I first discovered Peridot, it kind of made me mad. WIMO had tried to do the same kind of hatching game with inherited DNA traits in our mobile game Unnatural Selection. I saw this and was like, man, why didn't we just do this?  You have one body with morphing of parts -- a peridot can look like any number of four-legged creatures. The art savings must be huge!

In fact, Peridot plays into that morphing by giving badge hunters an assortment of Peridot body "archetypes" for you to hunt after.

So many archetypes!

For instance, if you hatch a peridot with the Bee Wings Plumage, Fuzzy Material, Bee Stripe Patern, Antenna Horns, and a yellow and black body, you unlock the Bee Archetype.

What's the buzz about DNA?

. . . and the resulting Peridot has a little bee flare to it.

His little robin hood hat adds the perfect flair

For a while I didn't even care about the Archetypes, I was just after hatching the rarest 4-star genes to see if I could get something crazy. The best I got was four of the 4-star genes. At the time I was surprised they didn't try to steer collectors into having higher gene ratings with an achievement system.

In fact, the big thing I kept thinking to myself over these six months or so of playing Peridot was . . . man, how does this thing even make money? It just felt like there was no motivation for players to spend. I mean, you could buy a few outfits or get an extra nest or two, but all those things come in time if you just play the game.

It's been interesting to watch the folks at Niantic bend and tweak and balance the game to be more profitable, and I think they may have actually arrived at something brilliant with the latest patch.  Now Peridots can have "chaos traits," which elevates the DNA to a really new and crazy level.  Chaos traits are basically elongated or extreme body features that you get to name and personalize.

Two chaos traits in one!

Now you have a solid reason to use the Eggs Ray consumable (to see a baby's DNA before you hatch it) because the sub-game is now trying to get as many crazy Chaos traits on your Peridot pet as possible. It's kind of genius.

I honestly can't wait to see what they come up with next because the stuff they're adding just keeps making this game better and I feel the pull to purchase more often. I'm actually proud of what they've done with this game vicariously for them. 

So, to sum it up, Peridot was just a nice comfort moment I had during my 9am walks while unemployed . . . as much comfort as I could manage between freaking out about the situation I found myself in as a 52-year-old game designer who was out of work and not making progress with employment.


The other mobile game that provided me some comfort was one I've talked about before on this blog: Brawl Stars

I didn't start playing Brawl Stars until about 2 months into unemployment. This was my "late at night" comfort game after I had done all the job hunting I could during the day. 

Unlocking Mythic stars is the best!

By the time I was 2 months into unemployment, I had finally stopped beating myself up for the situation I was in and accepted that I had done everything right in my career to this point and it wasn't my fault for being in this situation. It just . . . was.

Anyway, I was surprised that Brawl Stars had grown its hero roster so wide! Where once I had unlocked pretty much all of the heroes save for a couple Mythic characters, now I had tons of catch-up to do.  After months of not playing the game, I was happy to see them add all these new skins, emotes, sprays, and unlockable items. New events were hitting the game on the regular. All in all it was just a way more fleshed-out experience for me.

I decided to choose a new character and just take it all the way up as far as I could.  When I found Lola, I really liked her and decided, yup, she was going to be my new number one.

I'm a dirty Lola main!

What I like about Lola is that you could use her power to duplicate her and just completely wreck face with her double attacks.  In addition, you could use that same duplicate shadow character to get out of tight situations by shielding it while it stood in place and you run away. It's actually a great decoy as well!

Side note, my wife hates this game because of the music and the look of the characters. *insert sad face* I guess she'll never know why I found comfort in a silly little PVP experience on mobile, but to me, it's always been a well-designed experience with a lot of smart decisions. Unlike Peridot, I get why this game is successful. The pull to purchase is strong. Battle passes always do that to me. I love this little game!

Of course, it's not just Lola I like to play . . . gotta play them all! FRANK SMASH!

So, there you go. I'm giving it up to Peridot and Brawl Stars today for helping me through unemployment as the only type of game-playing I could stomach. Thanks for being a couple of nice distractions.

Happy Dueling!