Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Catching up with Friendly -- March 2025 Edition

Hey readers!

Just thought I'd take a second to let you know what's up with me since life's been a little weird. I've got a few thoughts, and I like making lists, so here we go:


1- I'm in pain -- I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow to see if I can get this left shoulder of mine worked on. I've never been to the chiropractor before, but after a month of pain, I think I'm ready to try it out.  I think it might have something to do with when I went Hatchet throwing.

wow, blogger's video upload quality leaves a lot to desire

2- We went to Colorado over the weekend -- It was to celebrate the life and mourn the death of my wife's half-brother. 

I supported however I could, whether it was helping with flower arrangements or lifting boxes and examining old computers and things or just giving a shoulder to cry on.

He was a great guy! He loved the music of Morrissey and the Cure, which played throughout the chapel. I can't get Everyday is Like Sunday out of my head now. 

Always great to see my extended family. They warmly hosted us in the midst of their mourning. I've got a full heart and hope their family finds peace and abundance. They've had to say goodbye to 4 of their kids now. Truly heartbreaking. 

I'm feeling pretty humbled and grateful I still have the ones I love around me. I can't imagine the pain of losing a child. My heart goes out to those of you who have experienced that unique type of sadness.

Supporting Grandma and Grandpa through these difficult times

3- I want to make a game -- I do! I feel like that Game Designer part of me has been sleeping for a year, and because of that, I just really want to try something crazy. I have two things I would love to drop. I have a game jam demo from my old company where they gave me permissions to release it, and I have a unique game idea that only the friendly necromancer would love. lol.

4- My friend Dylan soft-dumped me -- I mean, we're still friends and he's going to plan a D&D campaign that I will totally jump in on, but he surrendered his computer to his son, and thus, the dream team of Montgomery and Leufroy is on hiatus.  The last thing we did together was play a little Path of Exile 2, which to be honest, didn't really light my flames.  I need to give it another shot.

PoE II did light some weird boss's flames though!

5- Oops No Zone of the Month -- Dangit, I was on a roll there for a couple of months with those Zones of the Month, but life got really busy (see above), and I've dropped the ball. Maybe I'll get to one mid-month.

6- What's a VR? -- MAN, I really lost my fire lately with VR games. I think part of it has to do with playing a bunch of games with Dylan. I would like to get back into the original Asgard's Wrath and try to actually finish that game up.  I'd expect that to happen.

7- What's an MMO? -- I need to find an MMO that I'm passionate about again. It's so much fun to get sucked into a game and take screenshots and meet new people. Again, I've really lost my fire to this genre. It'd be fun to get back into it . . . MMOs are definitely The Friendly Necromancer's jam.

8- I want to write music -- I swear I do, but for some reason, I just haven't. The most interesting music thing that's happened to me lately is this: So most of you who follow me know we recently moved back to Utah. So far the biggest surprise finds from moving was this: four copies of a lathe-cut vinyl record I had made during Quarantine. I called it the "Quarantine Mixes," which featured six songs I remade during lockdown. 

The white album?

1- Cetu Javu's "Fight Without a Reason"

2- Morrissey's "Now My Heart is Full"

3- Cabaret Voltaire's "Code"

4- The Cure's "Night Like This"

5- A song from my teens I remade called "Bit by Bit"

6- A remade song from Decussion Council (My high school band) called "Don't Stop"

I listened to it on my kid's cheap record player and thought that the record mix came out so bad it was knocking the needle off the record player. I thought I had thrown them all away in disgust, but actually, my wife had saved them. I'm so glad she did! Kind of a quirky cool record. There's a low bass drum kick on Don't Stop that turned out weird in one part, but other than that, it sounds pretty good.


Ok, that's probably enough ranting and raving for now. I just wanted to get a blog post out here and let you know what's what.

Happy Dueling!

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