Thursday, December 27, 2012

Beating the Post-Christmas Blues Raffle!

Heya! It's easy to slump into some post-Christmas blues my friends. When you think about it, the holidays are pretty emotional events where you're seeing family, giving and receiving gifts, and basically eating more comfort food than you should. It's a time when you're extending yourself beyond your normal reaches, and well, sometimes that just lends itself to "deflating" after the holidays.

No worries though! BUCK UP MY COOL RANCH COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS! You can definitely beat the post-Christmas blues! Get out there and exercise, clean your house, take a vacation, WORK, finish a big project . . . there are lots of awesome things you can do to get motivated.

So here's the deal . . . I have five codes for Wizard101 Epic Bundles that I'd love to give away Rafflecopter style. You remember epic bundles don't you? No? It's a retired card that's no longer available! It's the bundle that started bundles! Check it out!

Enter today (12/27/2012) and I'll choose winners tomorrow (12/28/2012)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The only thing I'm asking is that you leave me a comment below with an idea on how someone might beat the post-Christmas blues! Thanks! Have fun, and . . . .

Happy Dueling!


Joshua Jaderunner said...


Anonymous said...

How to beat the Post-Christmas Blues? Well I say that to be yourself and show what you got, even though it doesn't make sense at least it helps.

DragonKeeper or KongCheng Vue

Joshua Jaderunner said...

I am beating the blues by playing wizard101

Icy Wiz said...

To beat the holidays blues go play some baseball on your your Wii. Or start a pillow fight. :)

chamender3 said...

I am beating the post christmas blues by playing Wizard101, Pirate101, and Wii

Anonymous said...

I beat the holiday blues by drinking hot chocolate and playing pirate101.

ttcapt46 said...

I am beating it by sleeping :P

DreamFlower said...

We're trying to beat the post-holiday blues by making forts, Wii/PS3 games that get you moving, and of course playing some Wiz/Pirate101. ;) The weather has been yucky so we're stuck inside, but nothing beats the blues like fresh air and sunshine.

stacy5838 said...

Thanks for the raffle! :)

Winged Nazgul said...

Winning one of these bundles would sure beat a lot of blues away. :)

Anonymous said...

G~Ann here and it is hard for sure when you are missing your best gaming friend to get over the Christmas Blues. But what I'm finding I can do is help others in w101 and p101 and it fills the void just a bit.

tabitha said...

i am beating the blues by cleaning out my closet and getting rid of stuff i don't need. and playing wizard101 and pirate101

Anonymous said...

But we still have New Years to look forward to! After that, I don't know.


I beat the christmas blues by playing pirate101, or playing (kind of wrecking) all my new gifts ;)

tatiana shadowflame said...

I am surviving the post Christmas blues by focusing what I have, and not what I don't. Watching my kids smiles gets me through everything. :)

Anonymous said...

Lisa here - We're beating the Christmas Blues by celebrating Christmas Week. My daughter and son-in-law and I decided to postpone our gift exchange to later this week. Merry Christmas Week Everyone!

Javier A Lopez said...

Just relaxing

Unknown said...

I'm beating the blues by - and I'm not kidding - chasing my dog! We have the same interests (tech, books, etc)but we explore them differently, causing me to have to run around with him for hours before I can snatch whatever's in his mouth. It takes my mind off of everything!

Kevin E. said...

I'm beating the Christmas Blue by staying with my family and playing Wizard101 with them. It's really a great experience.

Heather said...

I am beating the Christmas Blues by having fun with my family and appreciating what we all have.

Talon Seagem said...

This will really beat the holiday blues!

Unknown said...

To beat the Christmas blues, simple hang out with friends on wizzy

Anonymous said...

To beat the Post-Christmas blues do some fun things like drawing, helping your families or playing Wizard101 or pirate101 with your friends and families.

-Robert Stevenson (privateer)

Anonymous said...

If you want to beat the post-christmas blue you have to clean your house such as your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or the backyard.

Thank you,
Nicole Ashburn aka Nikki Ashburn

Unknown said...

Avast Ye Land Lubbers, ya can sail the skyways and thrash some varmin in Pirate101 to keep dem holiday blues away!

Ernis said...

Well, I am muslim, so I didn't celebrate Christmas, but I have eaten the cookies from my friends.
What I did after Christmas? I've read Hamlet and got an A today, and I am about to study now for tomorrow, then off to holidays.

Dylan SunThief said...

I love Christmas.
I miss Christmas.
I want a present.
I got a present.
So that sucks.
I want more presents...
But seriously, how I beat them is that I just tell myself 364 days left until Christmas! Even though that's too far, I'll still look on the bright side and keep a good attitude, and wait for the New Year with the fireworks and amazing performances on Times Square!

James DC said...

To beat the Christmas blue I would go outside play in the snow, go sledding. If no snow, play board games and video games

Emma Starblood said...

Just playing Wizard101 and looking forward to another exciting semester at college. :)

Gwinevere said...

I beat the post-Christmas blues by enjoying time with my children while they're on Christmas break! I play with their toys right along with them - From my kindergartener's Imaginext castle to my Sophomore's video games! It's hard to be depressed when you PLAY!

Patrick Dreamfinder said...

I'm beating the post-christmas blues by enjoying all the gifts I received and by playing Wizard101 of course.

Natália said...

I am beating the post Xmas blues with the lvl 90! Finally i got it!

Victoria Thunderheart said...

I'm beating the holiday blues by being around my family and playing Wizard101.

Aedan Morgan/Aaron Starheart said...

Running, Exercise Watching movies with your family, and hope for snow!

Anonymous said...

I am beating the blues by playing wizard101

Joshua Lionbane said...

If you got snow then you must play in it. If you dont got snow then u must play wizard101.

Anonymous said...

Just getting out of the house works for me . Especially when I'm going to see the Hobbit !
Marcus Deathwalker

keira deathwalker said...

oh yay! finally a contest for my favorite epic bundle, ty so much

keira deathwalker said...

to beat the christmas blues, go eat ice cream sitting on the white snow :D

Nicholas LionRider said...

I just typically just read or play Wizard101/Pirate101.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the raffle friendly!

Al Neuu said...

I am beating the post-christmas blues by playing pirate101 and wizard101. Thanks for the raffle :)

Daniel said...

I'm beating the blues by getting read for New Years. And thinking of goals to make for the new year also. :)

Swordroll said...

Post-Christmas blues, eh?

A little bit of Wizard and Pirate, some blogging, and a bit of relaxation usually do the trick.

Duncan GriffinBane said...

To beat the Holiday Blues I just make my days go by in Wizard101 by crafting something that takes some time, actually, several things. :) It takes my mind off things.

Unknown said...

I'm beating the Christmas Blues by playing Wizard101 and Pirate101. :D

stacy5838 said...

To beat the Christmas blues you could play Wizard101 more read more,or just try to not think about Christmas. New Year's coming up.

Anonymous said...

Well I am Orthodox christian so no Christmas Blues yet but watch movie name "Baby's" :D
That always cheers me up :) Watch it with friends and family :)
Watch any movie with friends and family or make Wizard101 "No Blues" party cause everything with friends and family is fun and happy :D

Llewella Life

Unknown said...

I will beat the blues with a lot of chocolate in any form

Ariel said...

I have a college music audition the first Saturday of 2013, so I'm beating the blues by playing classical! :)

Eric Windhunter said...

I just fill up another cup of eggnog and wait 'til the New Years Party.

Blaze Firesword said...

Well, one way to beat the post-Christmas blues would be to do whatever you love to do most.

modagain.p said...

As I sit on the floor handing out the gifts that Santa brought, I can see the excitement build every time the wrapping paper starts to rip, and right then, that exact moment, that is the feeling I keep with me all through the holidays. That is how I beat the post holiday blues.

Oh and playing with my family on Wizard101 also helps :)

Steven Y. said...

You just have to play Wizard101 and help some more people to continue the Christmas spirit!

The Golden Dragon said...

I beat the Blues by haveing a snow ball fight outside :D

Chris DrakeFlame said...

One way is to read this blog! :D

The Golden Dragon said...

I beat the Blues by haveing a snow ball fight :D

Peter20002 said...

Post Christmas Shoppinh ^.^
And Opening Presents

Anonymous said...

playing in the snow

Anonymous said...

playing in snow :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the raffle

Tara Windwalker said...

I think the best way to beat the Christmas blues is to go to the Wizard101 Pond and say "hi, does anyone need any help?" Or, go help wizards in areas where you clearly remember having a tough time with some of the quests (for me, those Gear-head quests in Marleybone seemed to be never-ending).