Happy Valentine's Day, readers! I'm so excited for all that the day will bring to you today. LOVE! Love is in the air!
So I have a lot of multi-person Wizard101 mounts to give away including a Blood Raven, Great Hornocerous, Hydra, Malorian Dragon, Scarydactyl, Winter Treant, Phoenix, and the mighty Trex! If you'd like a shot at winning one, all I need you to do is send me a conversation heart from The Spiral!
What's a conversation heart from The Spiral? Basically conversation hearts are those little candy hearts with text written on them . . . like this!
Here's a link to the website I used to create that, BUT you definitely don't have to only use that program when you make your heart . . . feel free to be as creative as you'd like! Heck, make a cookie heart and snap a picture of it if you'd like! (um, please, no real hearts /shudder) However you make your graphic, package it up and send it to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com (if you're under 13, get your parent or guardian's assistance) by 20 February 2013, and your conversation heart from The Spiral will be judged AND entered into a raffle. That's right, there's a raffle portion to this as well, so don't worry if you're not particularly feeling creative today. :) Just try to make your heart Wizard101 or Pirate101 themed.
We'll announce winners by 25 February (earlier if possible). :) NOTE: Only one entry per person!
Best of luck and happy dueling!