Friday, December 28, 2012

The Surprisingly Awesome Holiday Food Raffle!

Thanks everyone for entering yesterday's Raffle and congrats to the winners! Today, let's run another Rafflecopter raffle!

The Surprisingly Awesome Holiday Food Raffle!

For me this year, the surprisingly awesome food I had was, believe it or not, a ham sandwich. I know that sounds boring and dumb, but usually the Christmas ham just isn't my favorite thing, but this year I've really been liking it. I've been using it (along with some honey mustard, mayonnaise, and some Famous Dave's spicy pickles) in leftovers to make sandwiches, and it just had this sweet and smokey taste to it that's mega good. That's what made it the surprisingly awesome holiday food of the year for me!

I'd say the Mega bundle is also surprisingly awesome! I still dig my flying carpet mount, and who doesn't love some free daily genie loot! :)

Use rafflecopter below to enter the raffle for a chance at a free Mega Bundle! Enter the raffle today (12/28/2012) and I'll chose the winners tomorrow (12/29/2012)!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The only thing I ask is that you leave a comment letting me know what surprisingly awesome holiday food you ate this year!

Best of luck and . . . .

Happy dueling!


Unknown said...

Christmas Pastelles :)

Anonymous said...

Turkey, turkey, turkey! Just plan oh turkey! It was so awesome based in its on juice.

Anonymous said...

I've have eaten lots of food this year, I can't decide but I like eating Spaghetti with Meatball, with the yummy cooked tomato sauce on top, it's so delicious. You should eat it if you haven't. Thanks for the Great Contest, Have a Great Day!

Happy New Years,
DragonKeeper or Austin Vue(Facebook)

Adam Redhaven said...

Personally, I don't think there is anything surprisingly awesome about Holiday food. So much work and preparation goes into it that there is no way it couldn't be good! In my experience mothers and mother-in-law's have some magical touch when it comes to food. (Makes me want to move back home) =D

Anonymous said...

The awesome holiday food i ate this year is chicken rice! :D

-Robert Shadowblade

keira deathwalker said...

i love chinese food. this christmas, my mom made me chinese! yum yum!

tatiana shadowflame said...

What holiday food did I enjoy this year? Well, I would have to say the sweet and tangy cocktail meatballs. lol. I could eat them all day :P

DreamFlower said...

The best holiday food I had...hmm, do desserts count? ;) The best food I has was stuffed seafood mushrooms.

Anonymous said...

I had... Ihop Pancakes! :p

Awesome conest once again!

jewelshadowcast said...

My favorite dish was slice of baked ham with sweet dry plum and pumpkin "addons", it was wicked that sweet/salty combo, looove it :)

chamender3 said...

The surprisingly good holiday food this year, I would have to say Homemade Ice Cream that my Uncle made, SOO Deliciious!

James DC said...

I had some surprisingly good noodles soup. It was delicious and I would definitely make my aunt make some more of it :D

Michelle Mooncatcher said...

I had mash potatoes with gravy ^-^

Sophia EmeraldBlossom said...

Asparagus. :P I normally dislike but tolerate it, but at Christmas it was better than normal. Thanks for the contest, and merry belated Christmas! :)


I ate some salad ;)

Elizabeth GoldenThistle said...

Homemade cranberry relish! The secret ingredient? Sugar!

IonProductionz said...
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IonProductionz said...

Rice, Curry, and Chicken. The triple combo threat of Yumminess. You try it once and you're hooked. Thanks for the contest! :)

~Nathan Ashthistle/IonProductionz

Andrew Anvilcloud said...

My favorite food was the desert. We have crushed-up Oreos with some cream cheese mixed in, then dipped in chocolate. They are really good

Anonymous said...

I love to eat turkey! its the best holiday food i have ever eaten.

Thank you,
Nicole Skyheart (level 8)

Ryan Winterstone said...

I surprisingly loved the dressing, because I have never really liked stuffing or dressing, but the one I had this year was really good.

David1822 said...

The surprisingly awesome holiday food I ate this year? I know it'll sound cliché, but definitely turkey!

My mom always finds a way to surpass herself every year, when cooking turkey for Christmas. I usually eat so much that I end up being more stuffed than the turkey itself! lol

Thanks for the contest and Happy New Year everyone :)

Swordroll said...

We had a variety of people drop off goodies at our home this year that were quite enjoyable.

One that was really creative was a Nutterbutter cookie covered in white chocolate, with candy decorations to make it look like a Snowman. It was awfully interesting, and tasted pretty good, too.

Gotta get away from these holiday sweets. :)

stacy5838 said...

I remember eating Pumpkin Pie, it tasted so good especially with whip cream,it made it more fun to eat.

Emma Starblood said...

My mom made these awesome homemade donuts. You'd think only store-bought like krispy kreme would be good, but these were fantastic!

Unknown said...

Surprisingly awesome, you say? Well, since I don't celebrate Christmas, my family normally stays put in the house, either because no shops are open, or it's too cold. However, we visited friends in the nearby city this year, and our tradition was changed top to bottom.
Because there were no spices or even a kitchen in the hotel room, my family decided to go out for food, which was new to me on Christmas. However, we got to stop at our favorite Vietnamese place, where we ordered noodle soup. On Christmas, it was surprisingly...satisfying!

Javier A Lopez said...

The turkey. It was way awesome. i did love it xD

Anonymous said...

Lisa here - my surprisingly awesome Christmas food was country ham! I'm not usually a fan of any ham but especially country ham. I find it hard, tough and salty - but this year mom sliced and cooked it with brown sugar and water. it was tender and delicious.

The Golden Dragon said...

Mostly Sea food :D

Peter20002 said...

The best haliday food i had was an Apple Pie

tabitha said...

the best holiday food i had would have to be the santa bread with spinach dip yum yum!

Anonymous said...

My neighborhood was having a little feast before Christmas and one family brought tamales and had tried it for the first time and it was soooo good!

Cody E said...

Hmm I ate alot of things This christmas Like homemade Ice cream, apple pie and Lastly A Big fat Turkey.

Patrick Dreamfinder said...

Egg Casserole. I don't know what it was about it, but it was really delicious which surprised me.

Anonymous said...

I ate Christmas Turkey and Pork! I really loved our traditional food banica with a little honey!

Anonymous said...

I had a great turkey.

Destiny StormStone said...


Destiny StormStone said...


Aedan Morgan/Aaron Starheart said...

Cannoli! Always a favorite

Al Neuu said...

My awesome holiday food you had this year is ice cream.

Unknown said...

I ate a lot of cake... it looks like a log so it's called a log cake. Yummy!

WizardClaus said...

Turkey and Sweet Potatoes Yummy!

Unknown said...

I had a Roast this year with carrots and potatoes. With my personal favorite, Hawaiian Rolls. Ohh so delicious.

cameron dragonbreath said...


Unknown said...

Christmas is in my country for 11 days. I hope that we have something sweet, a lot of beautiful cakes.

Elijah Light Thief said...

THe Best Holiday fod i have had were LAtkahs and Jelly Doughnuts!

Eric Windhunter said...

My surprisingly good Christmas food this year was*drum roll* CEREAL. Yup, that boring old cereal from Costco. After two days of partying, you wake up kind of tired and deflated, and cereal really helps you get that breakfast boost we all need.

Anonymous said...

I've had so much food it's hard to chose but I'll just say one :P


Joshua Lionbane said...


Unknown said...

I ate Rotisserie Chicken, and BBQ Chicken Chrismas day.

Unknown said...


eric legendrider said...

I had some Waldorf...
AND my Grandmas special:
Mac and cheese
crybaby socks (cranberry sauce, i called it that when i was young)
sweet potatoes
apple pie!

eric legendrider said...

Waldorf !!!!

Unknown said...

I'd have to say our mashed potatoes. I'm from Idaho, so the potatoes are always surprisingly awesome!

Anonymous said...

I recently had lamb and rice for the holidays. Sort of an Indian meal, but no spices.

Heather said...

It wasn't our main dish that was "surprisingly awesome", but our desert was. We had caramelized bananas, which was absolutely delicious.

Anonymous said...

Ate some yummy chicken and dressing, rolls, ham, pecan pie, lemon icebox pie, lemon cake, and chocolate caramel cake.

Anonymous said...

I love you Friendly!

Anonymous said...

Well what I had for christmas was a yumy Turkey, I also had a bit of salad with some more turkey, finally we had ice cream, and also after the ice cream we had the most awesome tasty cookies my grandma made. I thank god for all of this. :)

Alric Thunderflame said...

I ate A load of bacon! Like 4 packs haha

Unknown said...

I ate A load of bacon! Like 4 packs haha

Unknown said...

Well, I'm just gonna say the best food was this Meatloaf wrapped with Bacon. It was delicous. Not healthy but DELISH!

Harrytiger said...

Hmm a Pop Tart :)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We played with our pool and ping pong table, we connect by being competitive :p

Joshua Jaderunner said...

spaghetti carbonara

Jack said...

Chicken Jalfrezi!

YUM! :p

Anonymous said...

Oh I had dried figs from my grandmother, they where awesome! I was eating them all day with some nuts etc. Healthy food I guess but favorite was butter and honey toast with hot milk in the morning, so awesome cause i didnt had to prepare it :D

Llewella Life

Anonymous said...

Oh I had dried figs from my grandmother, they where awesome! I was eating them all day with some nuts etc. Healthy food I guess but favorite was butter and honey toast with hot milk in the morning, so awesome cause i didnt had to prepare it :D

Llewella Life

Fire85 said...

Cheese Pizza!

YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM XD Had that for christmas eve and christmas! :P

Anonymous said...

Suprisingly awesome food was not the dinner but the desserts.sooo many of them. best was the cheese cake pieces dipped in chocolate, rolled in taffy pieces and put on a stick to enjoy Mmmmm !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

From the chocolate fountain we take to my grandparents house we take the left overs and make homemade chocolate kiss's. And from the leftover jars of peanut butter from the sandwiches we make for the way to my grandparents house, we make our own--homemade Peanut Butter Blossom cookies. YUM!

Dylan SunThief said...

I had an amazing huge feast with my family! Definitely lots of turkey, and definitely lots of amazing appetizers... UHMM. CHICKEN! Chicken, I love chicken, man! Chicken's the best. Especially the one from Costco, haha :D
But most importantly, it's this foreign thing that we eat that I have no idea what is called but it's AMAZING. Well, that was very descriptive. XD

Unknown said...

Didn't you Yankees eat enough turkey at Thanksgiving?

Unknown said...

I ate lots of Sushi, for no apparent reason.