Hey friendly, if you ever have too many questions you can just forward me some of them, though I probably won't be able to pictures for all of them.
I've been getting a lot of people offering to help with the workload around here at the Friendly Necromancer. It is appreciated, y'all. I am swamped.
So, what the heck . . . if you want to pitch in and answer a question or two, leave a comment, and I'll try to contact you with a question for you to answer. I do have some guidelines though:
1- Treat the question with respect . . . even if it seems ridiculous.
2- Don't give answers like Diapermancer. One word or paragraph answers usually don't cut it. I want you to really stretch yourself and try to approach it from many angles. This is hopefully what separates a question being answered by a blogger vs. something like yahoo answers.
3- Pictures do help. Sometimes I do pictures, sometimes I don't.
4- Spellcheck, grammar check, and everything check your response. I'm not perfect, but I do strive to deliver some readable content.
I'm hesitant because some people send me questions because they want ME to answer . . . not so much to just get an answer. They want the Friendly spin on it. But, I'm willing to try it out, and I know some people on my bloggers list would love the traffic. So, let's see how the bloggers club can do here. I'll be more than happy to forward traffic to your site if you want to answer the question there.
Let's see how this goes.
Happy Dueling!
I'll answer questions
I'll be happy to answer any question for you Friendly.
I will anwser any questions FN just send them to austinlv@cox.net
sounds fun! I'll reply back the answer to ya and include some pictures.
I still offer friendly lol
Hey hey Friendly, I do believe I was one of those commenters offering help :D I'm definitely willing to take on some of the work load if you's like! Drop me a line.
throughthespiralgate @ gmail . com
I'd love to help you out Friendly. Anything for you! :D
Anything at all just send me an e-mail. ;D
Well, I'll try and help pitch in by answering a few queries you're overloaded with.
I help you, I always am looking for questions to answer on The Necromancer Story.
If you want to send a few, send them to
I would like to help out as well :)
I'll take some now that I'm official.
Loremaster Johnist here, gathering as much information as I can possibly about this game. Feel free to tap into this resource.
The Loremaster says Knowledge is worthless if not shared :)
I can answer any questions as much as I can and I know lots about pets so any questions about them I can answer. My central username is Deathshard and my email is 7doublee7@gmail.com
If you'd like some help, I'd be happy to try it out. :)
If it has something like new world, new pets, or anything mysterious in the spiral, I'M IN FOR THE QUESTIONS!
-Just contact me at the central, username, Mythstone.
I would be very excited if you would like to have me answer a question.
i will answer questions about spells
my email is tdeathgem@gmail.com
oo or storm school
I'd be happy to help, not much going on over on my blog. I'm a little too boring sometimes. :)
I'd appreciate it if you didn't send me any questions regarding DragonSpyre or the high level areas of MooShu, as I have no experience in those areas.
Come check out my blog, I'll be happy to help answer questions.
Ask me a question through twitter @Mythological101
Check out my blog @ http://myrnamalorn.blogspot.com/
I'll answer questions!
I would be happy to answer any housing questions.
Feel free to send me any questions(Anyone) to diaryofjourneyingwizards@live.com or stopping by and commenting at http://wizard101diary.blogspot.com/.
Ill be more than happy to answer questions to help friendly out.
My blog E-mail is:
And my blog address where I will post answers is:
You can also request for me to email the answer to you instead of posting it.
ME! ME! ME! I'LL HELP! just send to Jacklemandude@gmail.com and site is helpfull mander! :D
i'll do it! thehelpfullmander.com
Sign meh up! Reneverianhex.blogspot.com
Oh almost forgot, it's on my website but, my e-mail for answering questions is reneverianhex@hotmail.com
sarai willowtail here.
contact me at klpw42843@bellsouth.net
I'll answer questions too!
just email me at gdeni007@gmail.com
and go to myrnamalorn.blogspot.com to see the question answered!!
O forgot to mention contact me at adhaffarnan@live.com
Hey if you need any help I'm also here to help! Roguesorcerer@yahoo.com
I guess if you'd want help, you could always e-mail me and I could ask my super-smart brother Timothy Hawkbane xD
Hey friendly!!! I don't know if you remember me or not but I own the Wizard101 fansite
please check it out and become a member and tell my what you think!!!
Blaze Shadowhorn
P.S. please talk about my website so more people will go to it.
Thanks again :)
Love to help any time friendly!
I would love to Friendly+need folloerers for alexander battleflames adventures
Hey Friendly Necromancer, I noticed I hatched my regular Jade Oni with a Grimtooth and got a Grimtooth for me WITH purple/pink symbols, is there any history or legend behind those symbols???
I can answer some questions too! (besides, it will help the "Ask Whiskers" page on my blog)
If you want I can answer some of the questions you get.
Just send them to either seth.vint@gmail.com, or just send them to my wizard101central page via pm.
Thanks in advance.
I'd like to ask you a question friendly i make youtube videos and since your popular like very very popular it would be great to have you featured in a video from one necromancer to another please come on my youtube account
Brandon moonthorn
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