In case you haven't heard, Isaiah over at Defenders of the Spiral is holding a Comic Contest for Wizard101 related comics.
Here's the link
This is a really cool idea . . . and right on the heels of the 2009 Comic Con convention as well!
It's sounding like you have until 13 August to get your entries in to him at Isaiahspelldust *at* gmail *dot* com. Sounds like fun!
Hmmmm, Evil Twin, what do you have to say about it?

(click to enlarge)
Who out there thinks they have a good idea? Who's going to play along? Huh? HUH? I'm TOTALLY CALLING YOU OUT FOR THIS!
Happy Dueling!
I do love comics!
I don't know what to make it about.
That requires some thinking......
I think your might be in the thicket thomas!
Umm I'd do a comic but I would need to do alot of Photo shoping to do the one I was thinking of and I don't have that kinda time.
Comic contest? easy pickins'
this contest goes to me!
Wrong account. lol But, I said:
Friendly! You've gotta update the Evil Twin Chat's look to show your awesome new boots and that totally owning umbra blade! :D
guess what? my birthday is the 13 of august! wow.
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