Hopefully I can get some pictures and thoughts up here soon!
I'm about to log in and check it out myself! XD
Check out the patch notes!
Happy Dueling!
MMO and Gaming Blog from Tom Purdue. Its origins began in a journey through Wizard101 and grew to be much much more.
HI friendly while Kieran and I working on my Power Nova, I noticed the dialog of Jared Banks talking about someone from Kent.Ahh Kent. Well, I know that in the real world it's the little area that looks like an alien reaching out to take a bite out of France.
Any ideas about Kent???? Pic attached
Hey Friendly!!!!!! Nathan D. here!!
I was just strolling around and I saw some pets I didn't know, could you tell me what they are??
Nathan D.
-Barkingham Palace
-Death Door in Haunted Cave
-Fifth island in Krokotopia
-Doors in Nidavellir
-Unruined school doors in DS Acadamy
-lower door in path of scales in Malistaire's Lair
-Elik's Edge
-Crypt in Northgaurd
-Restricted sections of Wizard City Library
-Door behind Lazlo in Plaza of Conquests
-Various unaccessible dojos in Mooshu
-house doors in every land outside of Celestia
-door to the left of Trial of Spheres
-blocked doorway in the Pyramid of the Sun--Alter of kings-
-Crab Alley
-ocean beyond Floating Land
-caved in doorway in Well of Spirits
I've heard rumors that Phantom Zone will be the next world. Do you know anything about it?
Thanks and I'd love to meet you on w101 some time.
"It's the 'zone' you're in while you play minigames. Because your character is not physically in the game and visible to others while you play minigames, you're in the Phantom zone :)"
Hi again Friendly!
I was playing with my MuShu (or however it's spelled) wizard earlier today and I found a couple weird things:
1) I got a pink dandelion drop from Taskmaster Djal in Krokotopia. I know that's a crown item, so is it normal?
2) I went in and this was the Taskmaster's speech:
Whada you think?
I was watching a video and someone had a phoenix statue I'm guessing this is a drop from dragonsyre where is it?
Hiya, this is Evan Shadow, with my first post/question on this blog.
So, what's up with your new clothes, although I've gotta admit that there are now a LOT more lvl58+ so lots more people have them.
Now, my real question is- I've just started Dragonspyre. I'm in Mirkholm Keep (GH), and not really a side quest person (although I'm savior of wiz city) Should I have my lvl42 spell by now? If so, how will I get to lvl42?! I'm only lvl39 :-(
Ps- I'm school of ice.
Snack Packs:
Snack Packs related to schools examples being,
Storm Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Myth Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Life Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Death Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Fire Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Ice Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Balance Snack Pack - 120 Crowns.
Mount Derby:
Mount derby would be like pet derby, but without set paths. This idea is meant to be interactive and test the players' motor skills and overall control of their Mounts. This idea in my opinion would help Crowns Buyers and Wizard101. More people wanna Race and more people are gonna want better looking Mounts--all in all more Crowns are going to be bought. There would be a Ranking System so its not all for show, something related in not only Ranking Badge, but also Rewards, Rewards being special Saddles or one day Color Changes all the way up to 7 Day - Permanent Mounts.
Hatching Ranks:
This idea would be one of my most favorites considering we all wanna hatch more than once a day. My idea comes in a few parts and differences, so its up to you guys to decide which idea goes the farthest. The ideas basically are either hatching ranks or hatching quests.
Hatching Ranks would be Hatching and getting better pets either school or other wise anything with improved stats, you would also gain Rank for Training your Pets. So say Lord Sparky had parents with not so good stats, like Crafty and Careful, but Sparky got lucky and got Health Gift you would get some Hatching XP, for each Hatching Rank earned you would gain another Hatching Slot.
Hatching quests would come in two parts or combined as the choice of Wizard101's Fantastic Team of Admin Wizards: this would be either combining it with the Crafters' quests out there to craft say 12 Frosted Drakes Cereals or maybe a farming quest to get a drop of a Lightning Bat and Cat Thug in order to get a new hatching Slot.
Pet Arena:
This idea is still in its infancy stage in my mind, but this idea would bring the biggest change cause the stats of the pets would triple and bring in a stage of Arena Stats related to yet its own fighting skills, and of course for you Rankers out there, yet again more Ranking, but guess what? You're not the ones wearing the Badges this time, its Sparky's turn, the Ranks would be the same as any other Ranking System, Private - Warlord. As for rewards, I don't have much to say its your choice there, maybe booster cards for your pets like an extra attack boost or defense? Maybe rewards like my Mounts idea: a on-day color changer? Maybe (with the consent of Wizard101 of course), a reward to set your pet's name personally? Maybe even a item to boost your pet one level? Maybe even lowered hatching prices for one time or maybe sets of Gold 100 - 50,000? Not many ideas for Rewards here, you Wizards can help me out?
Well first off let me say that your blog is the best!!!! Second I wanted to ask how is your progress with translating the tunnel in celestia. It has been some time since you first posted about it. I forgot about it too but I remembered about it when I was flipping through some of your older posts and if you forgot, well now you remember.
Sincerely, Blaze Firesword.
A huge fan of your blog. (and not the kind that blows air).
Hey friendly, i am Cole Moontamer lvl 31 fire. i have to ask about a strange spell that a life minion cast that I saw in MB. It is death, called Life bane and costs 3 pips. (sorry, no screens.) It looks like a death trap with the leaf symbol on it. i'm not sure but i think that the effect was something about dispelling, but why would a life minion want to dispell its own spells? Maybe it comes from a hidden trainer in mooshu...
Hey this is Jack Firesword (life) and I was over in the library when i saw Boris TallStaff. It reminded me of what you said about the other student wizards in Wizard City. So i was wondering if you could help me out because i have never seen that wand before. Any ideas?
-Jack Firesword
Will you have any contests soon??
Jason: My name is Jason Durall. I'm the Creative Design Lead on Wizard101, a position that covers creative oversight of all aspects of the game: devising the plots; planning quests; coming up with new characters; writing dialogue; naming everything; and describing environments, creatures, and equipment for the art team, etc. In my day-to-day task load, I deal with every group: programmers, art, design, and even marketing. I do some of that work alone, though much of it is in collaboration with the rest of our awesome team.
Jason: That's a loaded question! I started at KingsIsle a few months before launch, and one of my first tasks was to punch up dialogue, clean up the storyline as best as I could, and to add some bridging content that helped explain things better during the more complex sequences. For scheduling reasons, art sometimes has to be started before story is locked down, so it can occasionally create situations when it made sense to change an idea, but we had to proceed with our past decision.
As far as sacrifices, Grizzleheim ended with some unresolved plot threads, but I suspect that the door hasn't closed on that world yet. Usually though, it's the smaller stuff that gets cut in favor of the core story. There are a few quest lines that we haven't revisited, such as Penny Dreadful's whole story. We have a whole quest line with Sir Reginald Baxby that's always simmering on a back-burner. For various reasons, those stories just haven't made it into the game as of yet.
On the other hand, there's almost no sense of surprise about what's in the game. It takes so much effort to get content created and implemented, nothing sneaks up on you. The only time I've been simply amazed at what went into the game was the Hallowe'en content, where they actually let me do an entire quest chain in rhyming verse!
Jason: I came in after the first four worlds (Wizard City, Krokotopia, Marleybone, and MooShu) were developed, so much of the hard work had been done for me when it came up with developing core personalities of faculty and monsters. However, I've been directly responsible for the characters in Dragonspyre, Grizzleheim, and Celestia, as well as any who have come after release, such as new vendors and trainers or seasonal content. Regardless, the process is the same: figure out what role they will play in the quests and the story, and develop a voice for them that helps convey the spirit of what we're trying to do. In some cases, the concept for the character helps suggest the voice and personality, and at other times the character idea (personality and voice) comes before any artwork is done.
Jason: It's always a challenge writing dialogue and story when there's the very real chance your audience is pressing fast-forward. The most you can do is make your dialogue fun enough to read, keep it direct enough that it's easy to understand, allow for some redundancy in describing what's going on, and present clear and regular goals for the players.
Jason: It's easy because I've spent the last couple of years with all of the lore of Wizard101 in my head, but I use a lot of notes, and frequently find myself searching through old quest dialogue documents, or replaying quests I've completed just to remember bits of setting information. Sometimes I have to ask Kiersten to help me remember things.
Jason: I absolutely loved writing dialogue for the crabs. We had done their look long before any development on their personalities and voices, and I tentatively suggested to our sound developers that I'd like to give them outrageous Italian accents. Once we worked out what they'd sound like, it became a joy to write them. Everything they say is larger-than-life and they are incredibly touchy about how terrible their culture is. The other thing I liked most about Celestia's character development were the three epic "school bosses," imagining how these ancient beings would sound and what they would have to say after centuries of exile.
Jason: Keep it up! Write, write, write! It's incredibly flattering to see that Wizard101 inspires creativity in the players, and there's no better way fuel your imagination than creating new stories and fiction for a setting as rich as the Spiral. Have fun filling your version of the Spiral with your own stories and characters, and feel free to share them with your friends and with KingsIsle. Walls here are covered with creativity from our dedicated fans. It's a wonderful compliment to know that what we do is so inspirational!
Jason's Question to Friendly: Now that we're starting to move into a big new story arc with the mystery of Morganthe and her designs on the Spiral, where do you think it's going to go?
"I have ben trying to make a blog on wiz101. but formatting i really dont understand. i noticed that your is well formatted. how do you do it?"
1. Do you have any hints on getting the gear that I want for my characters? Whether it's Bazaar sniping or farming.1. I guess it all depends on what gear you want! Most of the level 58 gear can be purchased at the Bazaar, and when you hit that level, you most likely have plenty of money to buy it.
2. There is a building(sorry, no pictures) in the Shopping District in Wizard City that has it's lights on but you can't enter it. It's right across from the deck shop and the castle shop and next to the ring shop. Any idea why it's there and inaccessible?
Thanks a lot for answering and even thanks having a blog!
Where is Angus now? I would like to know. I am sorry your busy :( busy isn't fun. Sit down and have yourself Ice Cream Brownies and Hot CHocolate! After all, why not? Good luck to you Angus!
Hello friendly! This is Mackenzie Lifebreeze and I have a question about blogging. Blogging. I have been trying to blog but I always FAIL. My goal is to be some type of famous wizard of the spiral like you. So my question is how do I get started out with a good blog? I will look forward to your reply.
What gear do Duncan GrimWater and Malorn AshThorn have?
Well I just noticed something- Angus is casting Storm SHarks and Krakens... is he WAYYY over level for where he is? I dont remember my side character storm getting kraken until MB, Centainly not KT. WHat level is Angus now? one more thing- I think MS DS because thats where you will start to take more and more pips to kill something. Goodluck with a low power pip chance!
how can I get a sheep pet? I seen small little sheep everywhere on mooshu I did not know it was a pet. I seen the other day this girl with a sheep pet her name was olivia i did not take a snapshot of it. I never seen the pet before I look all over central too see it what boss drops it or if it was holiday pet or something. I even ask a question on central on the pet guide and someone responded by saying only VIP wizards can get the sheep pet. I am not sure if he was lying or not which is why I came to ask you directly How or when is it possible for me to get a sheep pet? Does a boss drop it? am I missing something? please answer
Thanks so much for adding me to your mmo blogger club!!! I owe you one!! I needed someone to finally get my blog out so I could be popular! Thanks friendly and one quick question in Celestia where do you get the water mole statue?
Hi, this is Neela Dreamglen!
Aaaand i've got a question regarding furniture. So, you know when you walk into the jade palace into MS and you turn to your left a little and there's this bamboo well with a bucket and a crank? Well, I bought the imperial palace and have been trying to find where I can either buy this well for my house, or craft it, or even if it drops from a boss! BTW, your blog is awesome and I read it a few times a week! Thanks friendly!
Hey Friendly! First off, thanks for pointing me towards that Celestia quest guide! :)
Anyways, I was walking around Dragonspyre Acadamy and I noticed that there were different doors with each of the school symbols on them. I thought this was cool and I also figured out that Dragonspyre Academy also has its own School trees. The only trees surviving are the Fire Tree, and the Death Tree(Who isn't very chatty). I also saw that there is no Life school or Balance School(Which makes sense since Balance is a "New" type of magic) in Dragonspyre Academy. So, I kinda have 2 questions that you may not be able to answer:
1) How did Dragonspyre Academy get those trees?
2) What happened to the Life School there?
i believe the next area will be SPACEYou didn't hear, Seth? They already did that, it's called Star Trek Online, the pre-quest was called Anarchy Online, and the pre-pre quest is called Eve Online. What really hurt was when they cancelled the Tabula Rasa expansion on us. GAH!
i got a question why havent they expanded the briskbreeze thing?
Hey Friendly,
So, I have a question. And I thought, "Who better to ask than the all-knowing Necromancer himself?" So, here it is:
When you "neglect" your garden, your plants will start to wilt, and eventually die. I've had a few wilting plants that I saved, an they went back to the sapling stage (I believe that is the teen stage of gardening). I can't remember what stage it was before exactly, but would you mind checking this out? If this is true, it'd seem like an awfully big flaw in the system, since people could just buy the crowns plants and keep reusing them. I would conduct a test myself, but I am currently on break. Thanks so much for your help!
From your's truly,
Luke GoldHorn
P.S: You're blog isn't covered in awesomesauce. IT'S BURIED IN EPICSAUCE!
Elder plant harvests for crown plants should also guarantee a seed drop to players so essentially a crowns plant will never completely vanish on you.
Hopefully, we made the rewards high enough at the elder stage such that players are encouraged to keep growing through the whole plant life cycle as opposed to just bouncing plants around between life and death.
Now, the one exception to this is The Giving Tree. The Giving Tree doesn’t give off a seed at Elder. The only way to keep it alive is to juggle it at the lower stages, but in doing that you’re missing out on its elder stage rewards which are really really awesome!
1. So i asked this question to the wizard101 support " In the mb commons thaere are two dogs that look like buckingham palace gaurds, there is a building inbetween them, but you cant get into it, what is that building supposed to be?" And guess what they answered! " I'm sorry, but we're not able to answer this type of question. We consider that information a Spoiler, and we're not permitted to reveal the Spoilers to anyone. They're common for all students at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, so you can ask your friends and in the forums, but the Faculty is strictly forbidden from revealing them." Hump, that wasnt mugh help... but it did do something, it made me think! Do you think that will me a new tower or something? Hummm... interesting right! What do you think.
2. Have you ever noticed that in the wizardcity commons by zeak and the sticing lady there is a cart. the cart has like school spcific outfits. Were thoes the old crowns gear, can you farm them from a boss. They look really cool and i would loke some...Thx
I need help with crafting! I need to find the regrident scrap iron in Marely Bone if i find this this will save all my problems!!!! P.S: Love you blogs im a lvl 56 Death wizard hope to meet you in wizard 101 some time!Thanks for reading! You should definitely go check out the maps over at Central. Remember to run a path that will get you the most reagents in a minute and then realm jump. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.