haha! If I had more time I'd do a YouTube video swapping out Peanut Butter Jelly with Evil Magma Harvest and have one Thomas Lionblood dancing around, because yes! I woke up this morning to this awesome site in my garden!

Evil Magma Harvest time! Man I love Evil Magma Peas. I'm not sure if a lot of people know about how awesome they are as a plant. Surround those with a Boom Shroom, a Garden Gnome, a Jimbe Drum, and an Egg Basket and you'll be harvesting an elder crop of Magma Peas in just a few days. The regular harvest is fantastic by itself with its rare reagents like Sunstone, Pearl, and Scrap Iron, but it's the final harvest where this plant's awesomeness just goes over the top.

Do you see all those Mega-Snack packs? That's just such an awesome reward for a limited amount of effort. It's like getting a free mega snack pack every few days and especially since (as per normal) the peas always return their seed in the final harvest as well.
It does take quite a bit of energy to tend to this plant, but they never get more than rank 2 pests, so it could be worse; although, I'm pretty sure most people use one character to train pets and another character to garden and then just switch things between characters with the shared bank when needed. Know what I'm saying? "Yeah we do, Friendly!"
Happy dueling!