There's a number of standard catch phrases that you can select for your sign, but I was floored by one in particular that I saw on the list. You know, there really is no greater compliment that could be given by KingsIsle to a member of our community than immortalizing her catch phrase.

I'm floored actually. That one's for you Autumn. :) We miss your fun influence in the community. That's gotta feel pretty darn good.
Happy Dueling!
Sign??!! YES!!
(Hopefully KI limits curse words... >_>)
....Word. (First comment :D)
@Witchwarrior: Nah, it's like menu chat. You only can choose a few standard phrases.
@Vanessa: :) Almost!
Hmm cool. Can you buy them with gold? Or is it oNly crowns?
That was so nice of you, Friendly!
*is on test realm, idling*
Words cannot express how touched I am by KI's gesture.
With the understanding that actually *giving* Dworgyn teunure would be problematic, the idea that the running joke is now in-game is truly, as stated, the greatest honor that a Developer can bestow. I am humbled.
Thank you, KingsIsle!
In the spirit of anti-drake-ishness, HOMEWORK FOR CYRUS. That man has way too many anger issues. He needs a taste of his own medicine.
Wow. That's amazing. Congratulations, Autumn! If anybody deserves it, she does!
Wow. GO KI!
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