Our family likes the Youtubez . . . probably a bit too much in the kids' case. In a different time and dimension, I was probably a YouTube vlogger or a Let's Play video dude. (Side note: The kids have been watching a ton of Chuggaconroy videos this year. He rarely swears--the kids hear much worse at school--which is why we like him so much, jus' sayin'.)
Anyway, usually our favorite YouTube videos are those that just are a bit more off the beaten path, a little strange and always cater to our unique sense of funny. Our sense of funny isn't everyone's cup of tea, but . . . whatever.
Here's five of those videos we dug this year:
1- Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.
I saw this one linked to on Facebook, and we've been singing combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell for the past month.
2- Bone Daddy
This one is on absolutely no one's radar. LOL. I somehow stumbled upon this gem when I was searching for a video about the Nightmare before Christmas, and pretty soon we were watching all of Mr. Oz's strangeness. The music is beautifully painful, and now every once in a while we'll just randomly say, "It's like one bone, two head, three bone." We use it to torture the kids.
3- PeaTea64 gets sand in her vidjas
I don't know exactly what led my daughter to these videos . . . if it was Megaman, Pokemon, or . . . what, but what I do know is that we've listened to this particular song about 100 times. My daughter just simply loves it, and because of that alone it's part of our top 2012 youtube discoveries. If I had to list a second video from PeaTea64 it would be "Earthbound/MOTHER Vocal - PTanna" That little tune filled our house a ton of times. /shrug
4- Wizard101 for the Family
Duh . . . I was in it! ;P
5- Pirate101 - Pirate Style (Live Video)
Because this happened! All the thumbs up go to Tristan Anvilcaster! (As a side note, I just found this high school's Pirate video while surfing for Tristan's video. Any school with a pirate for a mascot rocks.)
I could go on and on, but you get the point! LOL.
So here's the raffle part of the post! Please post about your randomly awesome YouTube discovery from this year! (Nothing "NSFW" or inappropriate--Keep it clean!) Use rafflecopter below to enter the raffle for a chance at a free Hawkrider Bundle! Enter the raffle today (12/29/2012) and I'll chose the winners tomorrow (12/30/2012)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks and Happy Dueling!
MMO and Gaming Blog from Tom Purdue. Its origins began in a journey through Wizard101 and grew to be much much more.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
The Surprisingly Awesome Holiday Food Raffle!
Thanks everyone for entering yesterday's Raffle and congrats to the winners! Today, let's run another Rafflecopter raffle!
The Surprisingly Awesome Holiday Food Raffle!
For me this year, the surprisingly awesome food I had was, believe it or not, a ham sandwich. I know that sounds boring and dumb, but usually the Christmas ham just isn't my favorite thing, but this year I've really been liking it. I've been using it (along with some honey mustard, mayonnaise, and some Famous Dave's spicy pickles) in leftovers to make sandwiches, and it just had this sweet and smokey taste to it that's mega good. That's what made it the surprisingly awesome holiday food of the year for me!
I'd say the Mega bundle is also surprisingly awesome! I still dig my flying carpet mount, and who doesn't love some free daily genie loot! :)
Use rafflecopter below to enter the raffle for a chance at a free Mega Bundle! Enter the raffle today (12/28/2012) and I'll chose the winners tomorrow (12/29/2012)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The only thing I ask is that you leave a comment letting me know what surprisingly awesome holiday food you ate this year!
Best of luck and . . . .
Happy dueling!
The Surprisingly Awesome Holiday Food Raffle!
For me this year, the surprisingly awesome food I had was, believe it or not, a ham sandwich. I know that sounds boring and dumb, but usually the Christmas ham just isn't my favorite thing, but this year I've really been liking it. I've been using it (along with some honey mustard, mayonnaise, and some Famous Dave's spicy pickles) in leftovers to make sandwiches, and it just had this sweet and smokey taste to it that's mega good. That's what made it the surprisingly awesome holiday food of the year for me!
I'd say the Mega bundle is also surprisingly awesome! I still dig my flying carpet mount, and who doesn't love some free daily genie loot! :)
Use rafflecopter below to enter the raffle for a chance at a free Mega Bundle! Enter the raffle today (12/28/2012) and I'll chose the winners tomorrow (12/29/2012)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The only thing I ask is that you leave a comment letting me know what surprisingly awesome holiday food you ate this year!
Best of luck and . . . .
Happy dueling!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Beating the Post-Christmas Blues Raffle!
Heya! It's easy to slump into some post-Christmas blues my friends. When you think about it, the holidays are pretty emotional events where you're seeing family, giving and receiving gifts, and basically eating more comfort food than you should. It's a time when you're extending yourself beyond your normal reaches, and well, sometimes that just lends itself to "deflating" after the holidays.
No worries though! BUCK UP MY COOL RANCH COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS! You can definitely beat the post-Christmas blues! Get out there and exercise, clean your house, take a vacation, WORK, finish a big project . . . there are lots of awesome things you can do to get motivated.
So here's the deal . . . I have five codes for Wizard101 Epic Bundles that I'd love to give away Rafflecopter style. You remember epic bundles don't you? No? It's a retired card that's no longer available! It's the bundle that started bundles! Check it out!
Enter today (12/27/2012) and I'll choose winners tomorrow (12/28/2012)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The only thing I'm asking is that you leave me a comment below with an idea on how someone might beat the post-Christmas blues! Thanks! Have fun, and . . . .
Happy Dueling!
No worries though! BUCK UP MY COOL RANCH COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS! You can definitely beat the post-Christmas blues! Get out there and exercise, clean your house, take a vacation, WORK, finish a big project . . . there are lots of awesome things you can do to get motivated.
So here's the deal . . . I have five codes for Wizard101 Epic Bundles that I'd love to give away Rafflecopter style. You remember epic bundles don't you? No? It's a retired card that's no longer available! It's the bundle that started bundles! Check it out!
Enter today (12/27/2012) and I'll choose winners tomorrow (12/28/2012)!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The only thing I'm asking is that you leave me a comment below with an idea on how someone might beat the post-Christmas blues! Thanks! Have fun, and . . . .
Happy Dueling!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Ugly Sweater Contest Winners!
BEHOLD! Many have entered and . . . well . . . it was a hard contest to judge, but our family finally decided on three tiers of winners that truly take the fruit cake when it comes to ugly Christmas attire!
Thank you everyone for entering the TFN Wizard101 Ugly Sweater Contest and thanks to KingsIsle for these wonderful prizes! All of these winners received a free bundle and a bunch of crowns! Congratulations! You have mastered the art of Ugly Wizard101 Christmas attire.
Tatiana Shadowflame
Ok. So. You said ugly? That's harsh. Poor little elf Tatiana Shadowflame, only wanted to ride Santa's sleigh, but he said if the children woke, she would scare them. She has been called ugly her whole life. She tries to dye her gear red and green, but it doesn't make her any more Christmas like, due to the fact you cant dye all of it. Her feet, poor thing, were pure phoenix bred (marvelous avenging boots) bright yellow and she cant hide them. No dye at all. That face, (sweet kiss of death mask) so horrific, and not even good stats. That's what she gets for being born post waterworks gear. She tries with the robe (High chaos guarded armor), but it still doesn't work, because her waterworks predecessors stomp all over her. She fell into a deep depression. Santa, kind soul he is, came up with a scheme for those bad little children. Tatiana could ride his sleigh, and visit the naughty children to place coal in there stockings instead of treats. If they woke, the sight of her would traumatize them enough to behave the next year. She finally was able to ride Santa's sleigh and feel a contributing part of the elf community and Tatiana finally earned her candy cane staff, and snowman pet. Even if he was a grumpy snowman.
Victoria Thunderheart
Looking . . . dashing . . . in her Greenwarden's Energetic Mask, Santa Robe, Delectable Hooves, and a Sweet Staff.
Jason Ashstone
Sporting a designer robe - the Flowering Mantle, with matching hat - Proactive Cowl and alluring pair of shoes - Blazing Boots. To complete the ensemble, Jason is holding a delicate Candle Wand, courtesy of Lord Nightshade, and is accompanied by his equally dashing (through the snow) and charming Evil Snowman, Otis.
Madison IceGem
Santa contacted me to let me know that Rudolph was going to need some extra help this year, so of course I volunteered. I have on my Wrath of the Wild hat to fit in with the rest of the reindeer group. It is colored bright red so that I can match Rudolph's nose. I also have on my Whispering Raiment robe or what I like to call the "Michelin Man Attire." It is inflatable and filled with helium, just in case I fall from the night sky it will bounce me back up. Then I have on my comfy teddy bear slippers, the Beastmaster's Footwraps, to keep me warm during that freezing Christmas Eve journey. And last but not least I equipped my Mint Staff, which doubles as a lollipop so that I can have a sweet treat during my trip.
Lauren Storm
Yup, she's having a blue blue Christmas in her Silent Nightcap, Wildranger Coat, Oyoroi Sandals, Candle Wand, and topping it off with a Wintery Elf pet. Yikes.
Edward Lifegem
Edward is wearing a Yuletide gift from a boss in Celestia, a thunder cloud cloak, it arrived in Red and Green for the holidays. He is wearing the Santa Hat and Santa Boots to try to make it look better! Edwards Reaction: I love it??! I think its a little big though. x shrugs x I guess its good if its cold! Then again.. Who knows.
Tasha Pearl
What I am wearing this Christmas in Wizard101 is a violet hood of bitter truth lvl 70(hat), Santa robe, royal slippers (stitched to boots of esprit), mint staff(stitched to sword of kinds life), and baby snowball pet.
Cody SunDreamer
My ugly outfit consists of a hat I won from a Hoard Pack, a Mooshu robe that I had to beat up the Jade Oni for, and the good ol' Santa Boots. Everyone laughs at me when they see me with my outfit, but my mom still compliments me! (I think)
Tabitha Darksword
My hat is the grinning death mask (to always have a smile of good Christmas cheer), and to stay in the Christmas spirit I am wearing the Santa robe. My shoes are the marvelous avenging boots in case I run into some snow to keep my feet nice and dry. I have my snowball pet who at the moment looks a little scared of me lol. And to finish it out I have my handy dandy mint staff. Never know when I will need a snack.
Jacob Raingem aka The Dark Diviner
His outfit consists of the silent night cap, rockin' outfit, krok sandals (can't remember the name), a pillar of ice staff, and his storm helephant pet.
It is an ugly combination of colors and patterns, and looks horrible with this cheesy Christmas display. I paired a holiday themed bonnet with a red and green checkered sweater (with faux fur) and skirt, along with elf shoes. Enjoy!...Or turn away in disgust.
Robert Winterbreeze
My ugly sweatshirt turned into an ugly dress, a design made for men so they could dress to impress. My feet are covered in the skin of a pig, with the claws that extend outward. The crown upon my head says one thing - I'm definitely not the king of anything. All I know is that when I head to the movies I'm going to get complaints from those who can't see over my amazing hat. Of course, where would we be without my chicken head wand? It definitely scared the entire coop when I trudged into my castle with this frightening scepter. Duke Kitty isn't scared of the wand, though. He floats in the air with his tiny pair of wings, looking almost...clueless.
Scarlet Winterwielder
Wearing a red Canvas Cover, the Tunic of Broken Spear (green with gold trim and a red sash) with a matching pair of Frostborn Sidhe Boots (yellow with red accent). Scarlet is wielding a Nutcracker Wand. And with her is Bandit, her one and only Christmas Elf pet.
James DragonCatcher
This outfit is like the Christmas grim reaper. It the Darkwraith's Atonement Cowl, Santa Robe and the Hallowe'en Shoes with the candle wand and Christmas elf X:
This is what Grandmother Raven gave me for Christmas. Oh gee what am I going to do, I can't be seen in this get-up, what was she thinking! The beard of the hat does not even fit my face, the robe light green (it's not even blue), Grandmotherrrrrrrr, why oh why would you do this to me. But I got to say I'm loving the look of my elf boots, they're the bomb. But it is the season to be jolly so along with my reindeer looking Ivory Shenlong Dragon we will sing you a song and wish all a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you all for participating! Truly truly we have some horrible holiday combinations here, but it's not hard to tell that you all are celebrating yuletide in your very own Wizard101 style!
Happy holidays and we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Happy dueling!
Thank you everyone for entering the TFN Wizard101 Ugly Sweater Contest and thanks to KingsIsle for these wonderful prizes! All of these winners received a free bundle and a bunch of crowns! Congratulations! You have mastered the art of Ugly Wizard101 Christmas attire.
Tatiana Shadowflame
Ok. So. You said ugly? That's harsh. Poor little elf Tatiana Shadowflame, only wanted to ride Santa's sleigh, but he said if the children woke, she would scare them. She has been called ugly her whole life. She tries to dye her gear red and green, but it doesn't make her any more Christmas like, due to the fact you cant dye all of it. Her feet, poor thing, were pure phoenix bred (marvelous avenging boots) bright yellow and she cant hide them. No dye at all. That face, (sweet kiss of death mask) so horrific, and not even good stats. That's what she gets for being born post waterworks gear. She tries with the robe (High chaos guarded armor), but it still doesn't work, because her waterworks predecessors stomp all over her. She fell into a deep depression. Santa, kind soul he is, came up with a scheme for those bad little children. Tatiana could ride his sleigh, and visit the naughty children to place coal in there stockings instead of treats. If they woke, the sight of her would traumatize them enough to behave the next year. She finally was able to ride Santa's sleigh and feel a contributing part of the elf community and Tatiana finally earned her candy cane staff, and snowman pet. Even if he was a grumpy snowman.
Victoria Thunderheart
Looking . . . dashing . . . in her Greenwarden's Energetic Mask, Santa Robe, Delectable Hooves, and a Sweet Staff.
Jason Ashstone
Sporting a designer robe - the Flowering Mantle, with matching hat - Proactive Cowl and alluring pair of shoes - Blazing Boots. To complete the ensemble, Jason is holding a delicate Candle Wand, courtesy of Lord Nightshade, and is accompanied by his equally dashing (through the snow) and charming Evil Snowman, Otis.
Madison IceGem
Santa contacted me to let me know that Rudolph was going to need some extra help this year, so of course I volunteered. I have on my Wrath of the Wild hat to fit in with the rest of the reindeer group. It is colored bright red so that I can match Rudolph's nose. I also have on my Whispering Raiment robe or what I like to call the "Michelin Man Attire." It is inflatable and filled with helium, just in case I fall from the night sky it will bounce me back up. Then I have on my comfy teddy bear slippers, the Beastmaster's Footwraps, to keep me warm during that freezing Christmas Eve journey. And last but not least I equipped my Mint Staff, which doubles as a lollipop so that I can have a sweet treat during my trip.
Lauren Storm
Yup, she's having a blue blue Christmas in her Silent Nightcap, Wildranger Coat, Oyoroi Sandals, Candle Wand, and topping it off with a Wintery Elf pet. Yikes.
Edward Lifegem
Edward is wearing a Yuletide gift from a boss in Celestia, a thunder cloud cloak, it arrived in Red and Green for the holidays. He is wearing the Santa Hat and Santa Boots to try to make it look better! Edwards Reaction: I love it??! I think its a little big though. x shrugs x I guess its good if its cold! Then again.. Who knows.
Tasha Pearl
What I am wearing this Christmas in Wizard101 is a violet hood of bitter truth lvl 70(hat), Santa robe, royal slippers (stitched to boots of esprit), mint staff(stitched to sword of kinds life), and baby snowball pet.
Cody SunDreamer
My ugly outfit consists of a hat I won from a Hoard Pack, a Mooshu robe that I had to beat up the Jade Oni for, and the good ol' Santa Boots. Everyone laughs at me when they see me with my outfit, but my mom still compliments me! (I think)
Tabitha Darksword
My hat is the grinning death mask (to always have a smile of good Christmas cheer), and to stay in the Christmas spirit I am wearing the Santa robe. My shoes are the marvelous avenging boots in case I run into some snow to keep my feet nice and dry. I have my snowball pet who at the moment looks a little scared of me lol. And to finish it out I have my handy dandy mint staff. Never know when I will need a snack.
Jacob Raingem aka The Dark Diviner
His outfit consists of the silent night cap, rockin' outfit, krok sandals (can't remember the name), a pillar of ice staff, and his storm helephant pet.
It is an ugly combination of colors and patterns, and looks horrible with this cheesy Christmas display. I paired a holiday themed bonnet with a red and green checkered sweater (with faux fur) and skirt, along with elf shoes. Enjoy!...Or turn away in disgust.
Robert Winterbreeze
My ugly sweatshirt turned into an ugly dress, a design made for men so they could dress to impress. My feet are covered in the skin of a pig, with the claws that extend outward. The crown upon my head says one thing - I'm definitely not the king of anything. All I know is that when I head to the movies I'm going to get complaints from those who can't see over my amazing hat. Of course, where would we be without my chicken head wand? It definitely scared the entire coop when I trudged into my castle with this frightening scepter. Duke Kitty isn't scared of the wand, though. He floats in the air with his tiny pair of wings, looking almost...clueless.
Scarlet Winterwielder
Wearing a red Canvas Cover, the Tunic of Broken Spear (green with gold trim and a red sash) with a matching pair of Frostborn Sidhe Boots (yellow with red accent). Scarlet is wielding a Nutcracker Wand. And with her is Bandit, her one and only Christmas Elf pet.
James DragonCatcher
This outfit is like the Christmas grim reaper. It the Darkwraith's Atonement Cowl, Santa Robe and the Hallowe'en Shoes with the candle wand and Christmas elf X:
This is what Grandmother Raven gave me for Christmas. Oh gee what am I going to do, I can't be seen in this get-up, what was she thinking! The beard of the hat does not even fit my face, the robe light green (it's not even blue), Grandmotherrrrrrrr, why oh why would you do this to me. But I got to say I'm loving the look of my elf boots, they're the bomb. But it is the season to be jolly so along with my reindeer looking Ivory Shenlong Dragon we will sing you a song and wish all a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you all for participating! Truly truly we have some horrible holiday combinations here, but it's not hard to tell that you all are celebrating yuletide in your very own Wizard101 style!
Happy holidays and we hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Happy dueling!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Go Vote for Pirate101!
I just wanted to take a second here and just let everyone know how awesome it is to even see Pirate101 listed on MMORPG.com's list of games that rocked in 2012. For myself, it's definitely been a journey . . . MORE than just a game. I really hope everyone gets a chance to log into the MMORPG.com website tonight and just give a vote for Pirate101 for 2012 Game of the Year and 2012 Most Innovative if you haven't already.
At the time of this posting, Pirate101 has finally grown to where it is just one small percentage point away from stealing a Game of the Year award away from Guild Wars 2. It would be simply awesome if we could pull this off.
This is definitely a fan poll. Win or lose, we've already "won" not only because of the amazing showing in the poll, but also because of something we already know . . . and that's Pirate101 and Wizard101 fans are simply amazing. It would just be icing on the cake to actually take home Game of the Year.
If you haven't voted yet and love KingsIsle games, please, take a second and vote for Pirate101. Tonight is your last chance! Go now! :)
Happy Dueling!
At the time of this posting, Pirate101 has finally grown to where it is just one small percentage point away from stealing a Game of the Year award away from Guild Wars 2. It would be simply awesome if we could pull this off.
This is definitely a fan poll. Win or lose, we've already "won" not only because of the amazing showing in the poll, but also because of something we already know . . . and that's Pirate101 and Wizard101 fans are simply amazing. It would just be icing on the cake to actually take home Game of the Year.
If you haven't voted yet and love KingsIsle games, please, take a second and vote for Pirate101. Tonight is your last chance! Go now! :)
Happy Dueling!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friendly Lunchbreak Azteca Adventures!
That's right . . . we're getting this new Azteca world done one lunchbreak at a time!
So, here's my thoughts so far . . . Morganthe has been in Azteca causing all kinds of evil mischief. MISCHIEF MAKER! It seems as though Morganthe's subtle ways of causing grief the past few expansions are no more as the Aztecasaurs know exactly who's trolling them! Tsk tsk Morganthe. She's seems to be a bolder and more sinister Morganthe to me. Anyone else with me on that? In fact, the story seems to have taken more of a darker Dragonspyre-esque turn in my mind, and it now feels more like Morganthe is truly an equal to Malistaire's bad self. I like how I'm one step behind Morganthe, and in heavy pursuit!
Anyway, Morganthe's plot so far has been to raid the Pyramid of the Black Sun. Yup, Morganthe got all grungy and Soundgarden Black Hole Sun on us. Why? I think I know why . . . but let's just say there are a lot of undead running around in Azteca!
But it hasn't been all darkness, doom and dispair. The world itself is very lush and we also ran into this trickster, who totally made us take a bath to wash off the grunge we've had on us since Firecat Alley.
OH! And I ran into another bug . . . that I'm sure is fixed on the test realm . . . so I'll be completing that quest to defeat Skurkis Screaming Moon all over again probably this afternoon. Not a big deal as the conversations I have with Uber Wife while we play are top notch! Example:
OF OTHER NEWS! Yes, the 12 Days of The Spiral are again in full swing, and I hope everyone is enjoying all the coolness around that! :)
What did you guys think about the Yuletide Pack? I ended up with a couple cool pets (not the lump of coal pet mind you) and some great holiday housing decorations. Anybody get the Treant mount? I'm hungry for that. :)
That's all the time I've got for today!
Happy dueling!
So, here's my thoughts so far . . . Morganthe has been in Azteca causing all kinds of evil mischief. MISCHIEF MAKER! It seems as though Morganthe's subtle ways of causing grief the past few expansions are no more as the Aztecasaurs know exactly who's trolling them! Tsk tsk Morganthe. She's seems to be a bolder and more sinister Morganthe to me. Anyone else with me on that? In fact, the story seems to have taken more of a darker Dragonspyre-esque turn in my mind, and it now feels more like Morganthe is truly an equal to Malistaire's bad self. I like how I'm one step behind Morganthe, and in heavy pursuit!
Anyway, Morganthe's plot so far has been to raid the Pyramid of the Black Sun. Yup, Morganthe got all grungy and Soundgarden Black Hole Sun on us. Why? I think I know why . . . but let's just say there are a lot of undead running around in Azteca!
But it hasn't been all darkness, doom and dispair. The world itself is very lush and we also ran into this trickster, who totally made us take a bath to wash off the grunge we've had on us since Firecat Alley.
OH! And I ran into another bug . . . that I'm sure is fixed on the test realm . . . so I'll be completing that quest to defeat Skurkis Screaming Moon all over again probably this afternoon. Not a big deal as the conversations I have with Uber Wife while we play are top notch! Example:
OF OTHER NEWS! Yes, the 12 Days of The Spiral are again in full swing, and I hope everyone is enjoying all the coolness around that! :)
What did you guys think about the Yuletide Pack? I ended up with a couple cool pets (not the lump of coal pet mind you) and some great holiday housing decorations. Anybody get the Treant mount? I'm hungry for that. :)
That's all the time I've got for today!
Happy dueling!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Metzi Burning Water vs The Friendlies
Remember that whole, A PLAN! post back a couple posts? Yeah, SO . . . uber wife and I finally get some time to play together over my lunch break last week, and a lunch break apparently equals like four fights and two quests. :)
As we were playing she says to me, "want me to take screenshots?" I'm thinking, "YES, DEFINITELY!" I mean, I gotta talk about the awesome Azteca while I'm playing through it, right?
Come to find out, she took a total of two screenshots.
1- My damage
2- Her damage
LOL! Uber wife's super crit gear spec'd Storm Wizzie is a thing of beauty. I think I've figured out my job here . . . buff her character and ride the wave of Tempest every few rounds. ;)
We again played yesterday during my lunch break at work and this time we did a short little instance where you run up against Metzi Burning Water, which is a Rank 12 Storm Boss with a good amount of health. We again had no difficulty downing this boss, but we ran into a bug that makes it so only one player gets credit for completing the instance. I hadn't heard of this, and I turned to my co-worker Professor Greyrose and was like, "ugh, bug." She looked back at me and said, "um, it's fixed on Test Realm!" LOL. That seems to be the standard answer for those Community Manager types. ;) Definitely karma.
So, I'll be completing this instance again. No worries, with Bailey by my side, things are defeated quickly and the company is great!
Storm wizzies ftw!
Happy Dueling!
As we were playing she says to me, "want me to take screenshots?" I'm thinking, "YES, DEFINITELY!" I mean, I gotta talk about the awesome Azteca while I'm playing through it, right?
Come to find out, she took a total of two screenshots.
1- My damage
2- Her damage
LOL! Uber wife's super crit gear spec'd Storm Wizzie is a thing of beauty. I think I've figured out my job here . . . buff her character and ride the wave of Tempest every few rounds. ;)
We again played yesterday during my lunch break at work and this time we did a short little instance where you run up against Metzi Burning Water, which is a Rank 12 Storm Boss with a good amount of health. We again had no difficulty downing this boss, but we ran into a bug that makes it so only one player gets credit for completing the instance. I hadn't heard of this, and I turned to my co-worker Professor Greyrose and was like, "ugh, bug." She looked back at me and said, "um, it's fixed on Test Realm!" LOL. That seems to be the standard answer for those Community Manager types. ;) Definitely karma.
So, I'll be completing this instance again. No worries, with Bailey by my side, things are defeated quickly and the company is great!
Storm wizzies ftw!
Happy Dueling!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Test Realm! Food Fight!!
The Wizard101 Test Realm is back online and a brand new housing game is up for testing . . . FOOD FIGHT!
No no no, silly Friendly Necromancer. Not the classic 1980's game involving twitch skills and 8-bit graphics! (How much of my parent's money did I spend on that game at the local arcade? wow!) This food fight seems to be more like a race to grab as much food as you can and also steal food from your friends ala Capture the Flag. Actually, there seems to be four modes to the game:
Chef's Special
Within a limited time, find and return with as much food as possible.
On a Diet
Find and return with as much food as possible, but the amount of hidden food is limited.
Buffet 25
The first team to find 25 points worth of food and return it to the kiosk wins.
Pizza Party
Find and return with as much pizza as possible.
Nice! Skeletal Pirates and Pizza! Two of my favorite things in one!
On the test realm the game goes for 2,500 crowns or you can head to Abbey Road in Avalon to pick up the Crafting Recipe from Padraig. The crafting recipe looks a bit steep. You need to craft a Carousel as part of the ingredient list! O.O Eep!
Along with the Food Fight minigame is also a nice handful of updates. Be sure you check the update page for more information: click.
On a personal note, I've been so busy at work with my Pirate101 duties that I missed my opportunity to play this game when it was in development. I was slipped an invitation to play against the devs, but unfortunately I was occupied at the time. :(
Let me know what you all think!
Happy dueling!
No no no, silly Friendly Necromancer. Not the classic 1980's game involving twitch skills and 8-bit graphics! (How much of my parent's money did I spend on that game at the local arcade? wow!) This food fight seems to be more like a race to grab as much food as you can and also steal food from your friends ala Capture the Flag. Actually, there seems to be four modes to the game:
Chef's Special
Within a limited time, find and return with as much food as possible.
On a Diet
Find and return with as much food as possible, but the amount of hidden food is limited.
Buffet 25
The first team to find 25 points worth of food and return it to the kiosk wins.
Pizza Party
Find and return with as much pizza as possible.
Nice! Skeletal Pirates and Pizza! Two of my favorite things in one!
On the test realm the game goes for 2,500 crowns or you can head to Abbey Road in Avalon to pick up the Crafting Recipe from Padraig. The crafting recipe looks a bit steep. You need to craft a Carousel as part of the ingredient list! O.O Eep!
Along with the Food Fight minigame is also a nice handful of updates. Be sure you check the update page for more information: click.
On a personal note, I've been so busy at work with my Pirate101 duties that I missed my opportunity to play this game when it was in development. I was slipped an invitation to play against the devs, but unfortunately I was occupied at the time. :(
Let me know what you all think!
Happy dueling!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest!
For many party go'ers over the holidays, Christmas joy is manifested in one of the most horrifically snuggly pieces of wonder known as the Ugly Christmas Sweater. Check out this number that comes from Rustyzipper.com's collection of Ugly Christmas Sweaters!
EEK! Ugly and epic! That's the true spirit of an ugly Christmas sweater!
This contest pays homage to the Ugly Christmas Sweater because with Wizard101's hundreds of clothing options, it is absolutely possible to come up with a magnificently gaudy Christmas combination all your own! Behold!
That's Thomas showing off his Santa Hat, Faerie Court Steel Leaf Robe, Mysterious Jade Boots, Ice Elf pet, and Sweet Staff. Whew . . . ugly and epic!
So let's see what ugly and epic Yuletide combinations you can throw together yourself! To enter, please send an email to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com by 20 December 2012 with the following:
1- Your Wizard Name
2- A screenshot of your character wearing the ugliest Wizard101 Christmas costume you can throw together. (Remember, it's gotta look at least a little Christmas'y!)
3- A description of your ugly outfit.
* No group photos please
* Only one entry per person
* If you're under 13, please get Mom and Dad's permission and assistance.
We've got a lot of fantastic prizes to give away including random Wizard101 Bundles and Crowns, so get out there and get creative!
We'll be choosing our top pics on 21-22 December and posting up our winners before Christmas Day! We'll also be raffling off a few random winners as well, so don't worry if your outfit is just so-so . . . everyone has a chance to win!
Happy Dueling!
EEK! Ugly and epic! That's the true spirit of an ugly Christmas sweater!
This contest pays homage to the Ugly Christmas Sweater because with Wizard101's hundreds of clothing options, it is absolutely possible to come up with a magnificently gaudy Christmas combination all your own! Behold!
That's Thomas showing off his Santa Hat, Faerie Court Steel Leaf Robe, Mysterious Jade Boots, Ice Elf pet, and Sweet Staff. Whew . . . ugly and epic!
So let's see what ugly and epic Yuletide combinations you can throw together yourself! To enter, please send an email to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com by 20 December 2012 with the following:
1- Your Wizard Name
2- A screenshot of your character wearing the ugliest Wizard101 Christmas costume you can throw together. (Remember, it's gotta look at least a little Christmas'y!)
3- A description of your ugly outfit.
* No group photos please
* Only one entry per person
* If you're under 13, please get Mom and Dad's permission and assistance.
We've got a lot of fantastic prizes to give away including random Wizard101 Bundles and Crowns, so get out there and get creative!
We'll be choosing our top pics on 21-22 December and posting up our winners before Christmas Day! We'll also be raffling off a few random winners as well, so don't worry if your outfit is just so-so . . . everyone has a chance to win!
Happy Dueling!
Monday, December 3, 2012
A plan!
So uber wife and I have been on a hiatus from Wizard101 play for a while. I've been playing a lot of Diablo III and Pirate101 (even made a quick pitstop over at Dinostorm now that it's opened its doors), and Uber Wife has been being an uber wife. Nanamancer is staying with us here in Texas over the holidays, and let's just say that's kind of prohibitive to playing Wizard101.
Anyway! We now have . . . A PLAN! Plans are good. The plan was to get started in Azteca together, so this morning I spent a little time playing and catching up to where her character is, which isn't very far in, but it was still a bit farther than where I had left off.
She let me in on a little secret that you have to finish the first quest against these three-horned crazies before the Zeke quest opened up for you. So, that's what I did this morning.
I have my PvP deck loaded, and I'm noticing that it's not a bad deck for Azteca. These mobs don't seem like easy farming whatsoever. The first rounds are spent much like you would in a PvP match, i.e., defensively.
I'm used to playing this way anyway since Angus has forced me into that mode from day one. But these Crazed Thunder Horns are casting as many as four damage spells in a row out of the gate. Without some good resists, I could see how soloing Azteca could be a bit painful if you're not ready for it. There's at least one thread that debates it. From reading that thread it sounds like Alto Alto is going to be a blast! I'm not one to look away from a challenge. and with Uber Wife by my side, it's sure to be an awesome time!
Looks like Zeke will be having us hunting down UFO's this time. Perhaps this comet is just Too Hot to Handle, so they've shown up.
(Yeesh . . . I don't know about hot, but he certainly looks too sweaty to handle.)
Happy Dueling
Anyway! We now have . . . A PLAN! Plans are good. The plan was to get started in Azteca together, so this morning I spent a little time playing and catching up to where her character is, which isn't very far in, but it was still a bit farther than where I had left off.
She let me in on a little secret that you have to finish the first quest against these three-horned crazies before the Zeke quest opened up for you. So, that's what I did this morning.
I have my PvP deck loaded, and I'm noticing that it's not a bad deck for Azteca. These mobs don't seem like easy farming whatsoever. The first rounds are spent much like you would in a PvP match, i.e., defensively.
I'm used to playing this way anyway since Angus has forced me into that mode from day one. But these Crazed Thunder Horns are casting as many as four damage spells in a row out of the gate. Without some good resists, I could see how soloing Azteca could be a bit painful if you're not ready for it. There's at least one thread that debates it. From reading that thread it sounds like Alto Alto is going to be a blast! I'm not one to look away from a challenge. and with Uber Wife by my side, it's sure to be an awesome time!
Looks like Zeke will be having us hunting down UFO's this time. Perhaps this comet is just Too Hot to Handle, so they've shown up.
(Yeesh . . . I don't know about hot, but he certainly looks too sweaty to handle.)
Happy Dueling
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Woo! Check-a this out! It's Azteca!
Give a shout!
There I am . . . running in my new weirdness over to talk to Cyrus Drake! HAHA! I'm all decked out and ready to hit the dueling circles with a crazy eyecarumba pet and the new Keeper's Lore Pack outfit and staff. If I'm hitting Azteca, I'm going with style. I'm so tired of wearing my Waterworks gear, stitched or not. I don't even care if the stats on the new gear don't have *exactly* what I need. I'm going in pure crazy!
Besides, that outfit looks really color coordinated with my flying carpet mount, no? yes!
Style points.
And with that short trip to Marleybone and a visit to Edward Halley's house to play bug exterminator . . .
. . . I'm in Azteca on the live realm! WOO HOO!
Caroline wanted to do a little bit of Azteca together (random strangers ftw), but I gotta be honest. My heart right now is over in Mooshu in Pirate101. I'm not quite done going through Pirate101 with my first character, so that's really where my focus is right now. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to report my Azteca journey here and see what insights I can provide where I can.
I just wanted to make sure you knew Azteca was live and that I will definitely be talking about it here on TFN!
Thanks all!
Happy dueling!
There I am . . . running in my new weirdness over to talk to Cyrus Drake! HAHA! I'm all decked out and ready to hit the dueling circles with a crazy eyecarumba pet and the new Keeper's Lore Pack outfit and staff. If I'm hitting Azteca, I'm going with style. I'm so tired of wearing my Waterworks gear, stitched or not. I don't even care if the stats on the new gear don't have *exactly* what I need. I'm going in pure crazy!
Besides, that outfit looks really color coordinated with my flying carpet mount, no? yes!
Style points.
And with that short trip to Marleybone and a visit to Edward Halley's house to play bug exterminator . . .
. . . I'm in Azteca on the live realm! WOO HOO!
Caroline wanted to do a little bit of Azteca together (random strangers ftw), but I gotta be honest. My heart right now is over in Mooshu in Pirate101. I'm not quite done going through Pirate101 with my first character, so that's really where my focus is right now. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to report my Azteca journey here and see what insights I can provide where I can.
I just wanted to make sure you knew Azteca was live and that I will definitely be talking about it here on TFN!
Thanks all!
Happy dueling!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Catching up since Celestia? What'd Cole miss?
Got a question from a name I haven't heard in a while:
Wow! Cole Moontamer! Long time no see! I remember your Four Questions you sent a while back. :)
I hear you about Minecraft. It's amazingly fun and addictive. Great game. My kids and I play it together every once in a while . . . lately though they've been on a retro gaming kick and have been asking me to break out my Sega to play Sonic and Sonic 2. My son is hilarious, he's like, I've never seen Chuggaaconroy do a Let's Play on Sonic! If he did, that would be AMAZING!
Very cool that you've got an itch to play some Wizard101! As far as what you've missed since Celestia? Ummmm . . . let's see . . . without putting a ton of thought into it, the main two worlds you've missed would be Zafaria and Avalon. You're behind 20 levels, giddyup! (. . . and when I say giddyup, I mean HURRY because Azteca is going to be here soon and then you'll be 30 levels behind LOL!)
I'm not sure exactly when you cut out, but there have been around three side worlds that also came out:
1- Remember Selena Gomez in Wizard101? They took Crab Alley and added a new zone called Deep Warrens, and they made it kind of a playable side world (you can get a cool outfit by completing it . . . great little side world.)
2- Wintertusk. This was definitely a fun side world that kind of closed out the Grizzleheim story and tied in a lot of lore. The end fight is still one of the most fun in the game.
3- Wysteria. I totally dug finding out all about the rival Pigswick academy and unraveling that little side story. Fun times. For high level players, they added the Tower of the Helephant and it's not to be missed just for fun factor. One of my best memories would have been taking on Chester and his friends with Angus.
And then of course, there's always some little miscellaneous stuff:
- Housing games was a blast, and, uh, you've missed a lot of new lore packs. Just open up the crown shop window and you're caught up there LOL! ;)
- You've also missed out on two new pet games and Mega levels with pets! If you haven't been to the Pet Pavilion in a while, go forth and check out the new games!
- And of course, Pirate101 and me being hired by KingsIsle. WHEW! Come say hi in Pirate101!
Other than that . . . I don't know . . . I'm sure I've missed some stuff. Readers, if I've left out some important details, leave them in the comments below! :)
Thanks for the question and good to see you back!
Happy dueling
Hi Friendly,
Back in the day, I used to play Wizard101 a lot. Believe it or not, but I played since before the million player mark was hit. I was in the community, listening to Ravenwood Radio...And then minecraft ate my life.
Yesterday, I finally got Wizard101 to work on my new computer (a Mac, which doesn't normally play the game without some super-technical wizardry). So, I'm wondering what has changed? The last update I played was Celestia...
Anyways, thanks for your help!
-Cole Moontamer-
Wow! Cole Moontamer! Long time no see! I remember your Four Questions you sent a while back. :)
I hear you about Minecraft. It's amazingly fun and addictive. Great game. My kids and I play it together every once in a while . . . lately though they've been on a retro gaming kick and have been asking me to break out my Sega to play Sonic and Sonic 2. My son is hilarious, he's like, I've never seen Chuggaaconroy do a Let's Play on Sonic! If he did, that would be AMAZING!
Very cool that you've got an itch to play some Wizard101! As far as what you've missed since Celestia? Ummmm . . . let's see . . . without putting a ton of thought into it, the main two worlds you've missed would be Zafaria and Avalon. You're behind 20 levels, giddyup! (. . . and when I say giddyup, I mean HURRY because Azteca is going to be here soon and then you'll be 30 levels behind LOL!)
I'm not sure exactly when you cut out, but there have been around three side worlds that also came out:
1- Remember Selena Gomez in Wizard101? They took Crab Alley and added a new zone called Deep Warrens, and they made it kind of a playable side world (you can get a cool outfit by completing it . . . great little side world.)
2- Wintertusk. This was definitely a fun side world that kind of closed out the Grizzleheim story and tied in a lot of lore. The end fight is still one of the most fun in the game.
3- Wysteria. I totally dug finding out all about the rival Pigswick academy and unraveling that little side story. Fun times. For high level players, they added the Tower of the Helephant and it's not to be missed just for fun factor. One of my best memories would have been taking on Chester and his friends with Angus.
And then of course, there's always some little miscellaneous stuff:
- Housing games was a blast, and, uh, you've missed a lot of new lore packs. Just open up the crown shop window and you're caught up there LOL! ;)
- You've also missed out on two new pet games and Mega levels with pets! If you haven't been to the Pet Pavilion in a while, go forth and check out the new games!
- And of course, Pirate101 and me being hired by KingsIsle. WHEW! Come say hi in Pirate101!
Other than that . . . I don't know . . . I'm sure I've missed some stuff. Readers, if I've left out some important details, leave them in the comments below! :)
Thanks for the question and good to see you back!
Happy dueling
Friday, October 26, 2012
Halloween Raffle Explosion of Awesomeness!
Heya all,
We've run out of time for contests, but we'd love to raffle off these prizes (courtesy of KingsIsle Entertainment) to the readers of the Friendly Necromancer:
- 10 Death Houses (+ and additional castle elixir)
- 20 Decorating Packs full of Halloween stand-ups and pumpkins
- 20 5,000 Crown gifts
Wow, that's a lot of prizes! Best of luck, friends!
So here's how you enter . . . back in 2008, I asked a question to my much smaller audience and received no answers. Go see the post for yourself.
So here's the question again: Which is spookier, me with my Baby Abbey Krokomummy Pet or the ghoul stand-up, Mr. Slim Shady?

HERE! Use this Rafflecopter to enter. :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Prizes will be emailed out on Halloween, 31 October 2012!
Thanks and Happy Dueling
We've run out of time for contests, but we'd love to raffle off these prizes (courtesy of KingsIsle Entertainment) to the readers of the Friendly Necromancer:
- 10 Death Houses (+ and additional castle elixir)
- 20 Decorating Packs full of Halloween stand-ups and pumpkins
- 20 5,000 Crown gifts
Wow, that's a lot of prizes! Best of luck, friends!
So here's how you enter . . . back in 2008, I asked a question to my much smaller audience and received no answers. Go see the post for yourself.
So here's the question again: Which is spookier, me with my Baby Abbey Krokomummy Pet or the ghoul stand-up, Mr. Slim Shady?

HERE! Use this Rafflecopter to enter. :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Prizes will be emailed out on Halloween, 31 October 2012!
Thanks and Happy Dueling
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Test Realm is UP! Azteca Here we COME!
Time to get those test realm game launchers running!
That's right, Azteca was announced today to be KingsIsle's next big addition to Wizard101. Massively and MMORPG.com both had great articles today. You should read those ASAP! (You know . . . while you're downloading the test realm.)
HAHA! I remember when I first heard the word "Azteca" a few months ago, and I had to bite my lip the moment I heard about it. I wasn't even near a computer, and I was tying my fingers in knots. Finally I can at least type the word "Azteca." Whew. That's a load off my shoulders.
After you're done reading the Massively and MMORPG.com articles about Azteca, you should definitely head over to the Update Notes and check out all the changes incoming to the game. Just to give you a quick rundown of the highlights, here you go:
Happy Dueling!
That's right, Azteca was announced today to be KingsIsle's next big addition to Wizard101. Massively and MMORPG.com both had great articles today. You should read those ASAP! (You know . . . while you're downloading the test realm.)
HAHA! I remember when I first heard the word "Azteca" a few months ago, and I had to bite my lip the moment I heard about it. I wasn't even near a computer, and I was tying my fingers in knots. Finally I can at least type the word "Azteca." Whew. That's a load off my shoulders.
After you're done reading the Massively and MMORPG.com articles about Azteca, you should definitely head over to the Update Notes and check out all the changes incoming to the game. Just to give you a quick rundown of the highlights, here you go:
- Level 90.Well, looks like my test realm game launcher is ready to go! I'll see you in Azteca!
- Two more training points.
- Rank 10 damage spells.
- New Astral spells.
- New combat tutorials from everyone's favorite Valencian.
- Transcendent crafting levels.
- And a few other needed changes.
Happy Dueling!
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Winners of Halloween Contest #2!
Thanks everyone for entering! Here are the winners!
Ashely Wildstone:
Lord Darkwing
Lucas Dragonrider
Mackenzie Stormcaster
Rachel Windtalon
Roslyn Silvertalon
Seth Hunter
Tatiana Winterheart
Thanks everyone for your wonderful entries! Check your email for prizes!
Happy Halloween Dueling!
Ashely Wildstone:
Lord Darkwing
Lucas Dragonrider
Mackenzie Stormcaster
Rachel Windtalon
Roslyn Silvertalon
Seth Hunter
Tatiana Winterheart
Thanks everyone for your wonderful entries! Check your email for prizes!
Happy Halloween Dueling!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Halloween Contest #2--Costume-a-palooza!
Continuing with the Halloween fun, we have another contest to run. yay!
Here's what ya' gotta do. So there are three ways you can put on a cool costume in Wizard101: Polymorphs, Transformations, or use your imagination with a cool outfit or costume in game. Take a screenshot of yourself using one of these three methods to put on your Wizard101 Costume with a Halloween greeting to the readers of the Friendly Necromancer. We'll raffle all entries we receive and post the winners' greetings on the blog for all to enjoy!
Here's an example from the Friendlies to all of you!
It's that easy. Please send your entries to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com by Midnight US Central time on Thursday, October 18th 2012. We'll post the winners on Friday, Ocotober 19th. Entries in this contest have a chance to win a Graveyard Pack with cool Graveyard-themed housing items.
All entries will be deleted after the contest. If you're 13 or under, please get your parents to help you with your entry.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Happy dueling!
Here's what ya' gotta do. So there are three ways you can put on a cool costume in Wizard101: Polymorphs, Transformations, or use your imagination with a cool outfit or costume in game. Take a screenshot of yourself using one of these three methods to put on your Wizard101 Costume with a Halloween greeting to the readers of the Friendly Necromancer. We'll raffle all entries we receive and post the winners' greetings on the blog for all to enjoy!
Here's an example from the Friendlies to all of you!
It's that easy. Please send your entries to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com by Midnight US Central time on Thursday, October 18th 2012. We'll post the winners on Friday, Ocotober 19th. Entries in this contest have a chance to win a Graveyard Pack with cool Graveyard-themed housing items.
All entries will be deleted after the contest. If you're 13 or under, please get your parents to help you with your entry.
Can't wait to see what you all come up with!
Happy dueling!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Winners of Halloween Contest #1
Congratulations to the following readers of The Friendly Necromancer:
They all won a Spider Pack from KingsIsle!
This ooky spooky ooky pack comes with the following items:
Hope that helps with your Halloween decorating around your house! :)
Happy Dueling!
- Aaron StarHeart
- WolfNightcaller
- Alex StormRider
- Amber Firesword
- macewindu2
- Arlen Sanddust
- Tasha Sparkleheart
- spongegregsquarepants8
- Talon Thunderblade
- simplyagamer
- Jordan Seadreamer
- darthever
- Blaze Shadowhorn
- Alex NightFlame
- Neela Lifegiver
- Tabitha Darksword
- Megalus Doomslayer
- frisbeekiddo
- hannahG
- DantonaS
- itryforlife
- Cody SunDreamer
- rupeterson2000
- mstveyes
- Leesha Moonsust
They all won a Spider Pack from KingsIsle!
This ooky spooky ooky pack comes with the following items:
1 Spider Altar
1 Spider Porringer
1 Spider Table
1 Spider Egg Sac
1 Spider Chalice
1 Spider Vase
1 Spider Vessel
1 Webbed Haunted Imperial Shrine
1 Webbed Haunted Monk Shrine
1 Webbed Haunted Samoorai Shrine
Hope that helps with your Halloween decorating around your house! :)
Happy Dueling!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Halloween Contest #1 - Trick or Treating with Team Friendly!
Uber Wife, Friendly, Diaperzilla, Amber, and Kyle went trick or treating together. They each wore a different costume (Malistaire, a Pirate, Morganthe, a Stormzilla, and a Raven). At the end of the day, each of them counted the number of pieces of candy they collected. They each collected a different amount of candy (63, 77, 83, 54, and 84 pieces).
Using the hints below, figure out the costume worn by each member of Team Friendly and the amount of candy each person collected.
1. Uber Wife was not a Raven.
2. The girls' (Uber Wife and Amber) costumes included a Raven and Morganthe.
3. Friendly and Diaperzilla collected a total of 161 pieces of candy.
4. Malistaire collected 77 pieces of candy.
5. A Raven collected 83 pieces of candy.
6. Friendly and Kyle collected a total of 140 pieces of candy.
7. The Stormzilla collected the most pieces of candy.
Fill out the blanks below and send us an email (if you’re 13 or under, get help from an adult) with the answers to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com to be entered to win one of our exclusive Halloween party packs from KingsIsle!
Uber Wife was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Friendly was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Diaperzilla was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Amber was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Kyle was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
In one week, we will raffle off winners from all the correct entries received, and all email will be deleted after the contest.
Best of luck!
Happy Dueling!
Using the hints below, figure out the costume worn by each member of Team Friendly and the amount of candy each person collected.
1. Uber Wife was not a Raven.
2. The girls' (Uber Wife and Amber) costumes included a Raven and Morganthe.
3. Friendly and Diaperzilla collected a total of 161 pieces of candy.
4. Malistaire collected 77 pieces of candy.
5. A Raven collected 83 pieces of candy.
6. Friendly and Kyle collected a total of 140 pieces of candy.
7. The Stormzilla collected the most pieces of candy.
Fill out the blanks below and send us an email (if you’re 13 or under, get help from an adult) with the answers to thefriendlynecromancer@gmail.com to be entered to win one of our exclusive Halloween party packs from KingsIsle!
Uber Wife was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Friendly was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Diaperzilla was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Amber was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
Kyle was ___________ and collected _______ pieces of candy.
In one week, we will raffle off winners from all the correct entries received, and all email will be deleted after the contest.
Best of luck!
Happy Dueling!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
nvm . . . Dragonspyre, Yer Gearz Don't Matta None
Last weekend I had a pretty humiliating string of defeats against Malistaire with Angus. This weekend? *wipes hands clean* Here's your video proof:
This was Angus's winning deck against Malistaire:
Doesn't seem like much, does it? It's not. It made for a long drawn out hour and 20 minute long fight. (Much different than playing Kyle, my son's storm wizzie, in a full group where the whole thing wraps up in a few rounds LOL)
Here was the basic strategy I had to pull off to win against Malistaire with Angus:
1- The first thing that needed to happen was a lucky two strikes of Insane Bolt treasure cards to take care of two of Malistaire's minions. Why not three Friendly? Hey, it's hard enough getting two lucky strikes of Insane Bolt out in a row as it is! I probably could have pushed my luck and swapped out one of the minion cards for an Insane Bolt card, but knowing the way the Damage flies out of Malistaire, I kind of figured I'd need an extra minion card. And at 2,000 gold a piece, Insane Bolt cards could have made me run into a monetary wall pretty fast.
2- The next thing that NEEDED to happen was to get my storm minion up and taunting, then do my best to dance a line between protecting the minion and taking out Malistaire's final minion. As you can see from the video it was a difficult dance, and though I took out Malistaire's buddy, he also took out mine. Good thing I had a back up minion card, eh? SMARTZ!!1!
3- Treasure card of Darkwind was definitely the most economical way to get a boost to my damage for the entire fight. What you don't see from this video is . . . the failed attempt against Malistaire that happened right before where I made a lame decision to use Supercharge instead of Darkwind and a regular Stormblade and RAN OUT OF MANA! I definitely had to play more economically than say someone sporting 400 mana. Yup.
4- Shield, shield, shield, and shield some more. I cannot say how important it was to cast every single shield in my deck before Reshuffle. The easiest way to play these was to cast all of the 80% Death Shields on myself and all of the 70% death shields from Life School's Legend Shield card on my minion.
5- One more fizzle and a bad roll on the damage output of Triton, and I would have been toast. It was incredibly close and intense, and I liked that. :) It made the victory all the finer. I think Uber Wife was pretty done with me as I screamed at the top of my lungs a few times, NO I FIZZLED! or TAUNT ALREADY! or GET ME SOME CHICKEN! Ok, I never yelled get me some chicken.
So, there you have it. The big long drawn out story of Angus that started out in December of 2010 has finally (sort of) come to a conclusion. Quoting that original post, "He hopes to see you in Celestia . . . with nothing but the robe on his back, hopefully, soloing the majority of the way--no outside help from other characters or anything." For me that's mission accomplished, he's in Celestia.
I HIGHLY doubt Angus will survive too long in Celestia . . . the whole world is one giant gear check with crit gear and enemies beginning fights with a slew of power pips . . . and not to mention the cheating bosses, but HEY, how about those cheating bosses? Although I really was just aiming to beat Dragonspyre, my plan has always been to test out the limits of Moon Magic and Star Magic here since MOST of the Polymorphs have built in statistics like Crit Block and resistance and the Auras are helpful, but I guess time will tell!
Happy Dueling!
This was Angus's winning deck against Malistaire:
Doesn't seem like much, does it? It's not. It made for a long drawn out hour and 20 minute long fight. (Much different than playing Kyle, my son's storm wizzie, in a full group where the whole thing wraps up in a few rounds LOL)
Here was the basic strategy I had to pull off to win against Malistaire with Angus:
1- The first thing that needed to happen was a lucky two strikes of Insane Bolt treasure cards to take care of two of Malistaire's minions. Why not three Friendly? Hey, it's hard enough getting two lucky strikes of Insane Bolt out in a row as it is! I probably could have pushed my luck and swapped out one of the minion cards for an Insane Bolt card, but knowing the way the Damage flies out of Malistaire, I kind of figured I'd need an extra minion card. And at 2,000 gold a piece, Insane Bolt cards could have made me run into a monetary wall pretty fast.
2- The next thing that NEEDED to happen was to get my storm minion up and taunting, then do my best to dance a line between protecting the minion and taking out Malistaire's final minion. As you can see from the video it was a difficult dance, and though I took out Malistaire's buddy, he also took out mine. Good thing I had a back up minion card, eh? SMARTZ!!1!
3- Treasure card of Darkwind was definitely the most economical way to get a boost to my damage for the entire fight. What you don't see from this video is . . . the failed attempt against Malistaire that happened right before where I made a lame decision to use Supercharge instead of Darkwind and a regular Stormblade and RAN OUT OF MANA! I definitely had to play more economically than say someone sporting 400 mana. Yup.
4- Shield, shield, shield, and shield some more. I cannot say how important it was to cast every single shield in my deck before Reshuffle. The easiest way to play these was to cast all of the 80% Death Shields on myself and all of the 70% death shields from Life School's Legend Shield card on my minion.
5- One more fizzle and a bad roll on the damage output of Triton, and I would have been toast. It was incredibly close and intense, and I liked that. :) It made the victory all the finer. I think Uber Wife was pretty done with me as I screamed at the top of my lungs a few times, NO I FIZZLED! or TAUNT ALREADY! or GET ME SOME CHICKEN! Ok, I never yelled get me some chicken.
So, there you have it. The big long drawn out story of Angus that started out in December of 2010 has finally (sort of) come to a conclusion. Quoting that original post, "He hopes to see you in Celestia . . . with nothing but the robe on his back, hopefully, soloing the majority of the way--no outside help from other characters or anything." For me that's mission accomplished, he's in Celestia.
I HIGHLY doubt Angus will survive too long in Celestia . . . the whole world is one giant gear check with crit gear and enemies beginning fights with a slew of power pips . . . and not to mention the cheating bosses, but HEY, how about those cheating bosses? Although I really was just aiming to beat Dragonspyre, my plan has always been to test out the limits of Moon Magic and Star Magic here since MOST of the Polymorphs have built in statistics like Crit Block and resistance and the Auras are helpful, but I guess time will tell!
Happy Dueling!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Angus Says Ding 49 -- Welcome to the Wall
Welcome to the Wall . . .
This weekend I spent a lot of time on Angus. In fact, I dinged 49th and sailed through The Crystal Grove, The Secure House, and The Forum without hardly any problems. Chronius and Valeska gave me a little bit of trouble, but nothing else really provided this angry-looking no-clothes storm wizzy much of a challenge.
I gotta say though, standing in front of Malistaire's Lair felt pretty epic yesterday.
Opening the back dungeon door was difficult. These days you're up against two back to back 3 vs. 1 fights with tower shield-casting and weakness-casting ice wizard draconians. There's really no time limit like there used to be, now you just have to win both battles. I was defeated several times until a successful insane bolt treasure card at the very beginning of each fight made it a 2 vs. 1 encounter instead of a 3 vs. 1 encounter.
The door opened and there I was staring right at Malistaire.
The 4 vs. 1 evil spirit fight was next, and I was defeated many times there as well until a perfectly timed fortitude card coupled with a minion that quickly taunted the heat off me, and tripled with a lucky streak of power pips that allowed me to cast a bladed tempest took care of the four evil spirits.
Then there I was, and Malistaire was casting dark pixies at me like the mad man he is.
Actually if that's all he did that would be wonderful, but his dps is evil. I had hopes that if I took out one of Malistaire's minions that it wouldn't reappear as had been the case with Big Ben.
Nope. If you take out one of Malistaire's minions and are defeated, they just reappear next time you zone in.
Finally after bashing my head against Malistaire a number of times, I simply ran out of time . . . it was time for me to log off Wizard101 and join my Sunday Night Static group for our weekly Diablo 3 game.
Angus was soundly defeated by Malistaire.
This time.
If I've learned anything from Angus, it is this . . . determination, patience, dumb luck, and creative strategy are the keys to winning when the odds are stacked against you every time.
Eventually I think I could either get two insane bolts to fire off back to back to make the final Malistaire fight be a 2 vs. 1 affair instead of the 4 vs. 1 slaughter that it is solo. Or perhaps I could have Angus take up gardening and get some death ninja pig polymorph cards for the fight in the hopes that the death spell resistance on the death ninja pig polymorph is astounding. Those probably have a level restriction, so I'd have to go back through the game and finish all my side quests to pad my level, which would also help in surviving the fight (every 50 hitpoints counts). /shrug **EDIT: Apparently that Death Ninja Pig idea won't work due to the polymorph having no death resists . . . dang, thanks readers! **EDIT** Perhaps I could cast a vengance aura and somehow score a lucky critical on a tempest to wash away the three minions. There's lots I could still try.
For now . . . I defintely can't say the words "Dragonspyre your clothes don't matter none." I do believe If I was wearing a full set of awesome gear and had a deeper deck with a wand that gave me an extra power pip to start, I could take Malistaire solo as a level 49 storm wizard. Even though these fights are designed to be a group affair . . . I think I could solo him with that advantage . . . even just adding one more wizard to my party would do the trick . . . but that isn't what I'm trying to do here. I'm trying to see how far I can solo through the game with a Storm Wizard with no clothes on, a starter deck, a starter wand, no pet, and no nothin' but his treasure cards and strategy--so far that's level 49 and right up to Malistaire.
Happy Dueling!
This weekend I spent a lot of time on Angus. In fact, I dinged 49th and sailed through The Crystal Grove, The Secure House, and The Forum without hardly any problems. Chronius and Valeska gave me a little bit of trouble, but nothing else really provided this angry-looking no-clothes storm wizzy much of a challenge.
I gotta say though, standing in front of Malistaire's Lair felt pretty epic yesterday.
Opening the back dungeon door was difficult. These days you're up against two back to back 3 vs. 1 fights with tower shield-casting and weakness-casting ice wizard draconians. There's really no time limit like there used to be, now you just have to win both battles. I was defeated several times until a successful insane bolt treasure card at the very beginning of each fight made it a 2 vs. 1 encounter instead of a 3 vs. 1 encounter.
The door opened and there I was staring right at Malistaire.
The 4 vs. 1 evil spirit fight was next, and I was defeated many times there as well until a perfectly timed fortitude card coupled with a minion that quickly taunted the heat off me, and tripled with a lucky streak of power pips that allowed me to cast a bladed tempest took care of the four evil spirits.
Then there I was, and Malistaire was casting dark pixies at me like the mad man he is.
Actually if that's all he did that would be wonderful, but his dps is evil. I had hopes that if I took out one of Malistaire's minions that it wouldn't reappear as had been the case with Big Ben.
Nope. If you take out one of Malistaire's minions and are defeated, they just reappear next time you zone in.
Finally after bashing my head against Malistaire a number of times, I simply ran out of time . . . it was time for me to log off Wizard101 and join my Sunday Night Static group for our weekly Diablo 3 game.
Angus was soundly defeated by Malistaire.
This time.
If I've learned anything from Angus, it is this . . . determination, patience, dumb luck, and creative strategy are the keys to winning when the odds are stacked against you every time.
Eventually I think I could either get two insane bolts to fire off back to back to make the final Malistaire fight be a 2 vs. 1 affair instead of the 4 vs. 1 slaughter that it is solo. Or perhaps I could have Angus take up gardening and get some death ninja pig polymorph cards for the fight in the hopes that the death spell resistance on the death ninja pig polymorph is astounding. Those probably have a level restriction, so I'd have to go back through the game and finish all my side quests to pad my level, which would also help in surviving the fight (every 50 hitpoints counts). /shrug **EDIT: Apparently that Death Ninja Pig idea won't work due to the polymorph having no death resists . . . dang, thanks readers! **EDIT** Perhaps I could cast a vengance aura and somehow score a lucky critical on a tempest to wash away the three minions. There's lots I could still try.
For now . . . I defintely can't say the words "Dragonspyre your clothes don't matter none." I do believe If I was wearing a full set of awesome gear and had a deeper deck with a wand that gave me an extra power pip to start, I could take Malistaire solo as a level 49 storm wizard. Even though these fights are designed to be a group affair . . . I think I could solo him with that advantage . . . even just adding one more wizard to my party would do the trick . . . but that isn't what I'm trying to do here. I'm trying to see how far I can solo through the game with a Storm Wizard with no clothes on, a starter deck, a starter wand, no pet, and no nothin' but his treasure cards and strategy--so far that's level 49 and right up to Malistaire.
Happy Dueling!
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