Well, right when I got there I met Elijah StormDust. Talked a little bit, he caught up in a fight and did the esc trick to get out. Hope I can friend him sometime in the real server.
oh thanks for the info 12 nightmare plus does anybody know since I just saw the video here of grizzlheim if it's best to start grizzlheim as you end dragonspyre or you can start it it as you travel through the spiral? lIke is the mission to grizzleheim only avaliable in wizard city or all the other worlds as well.
From what I understand, Grizzleheim runs parallel to the entire Wizard 101 'timeline'. As you move through the Spiral, the furry folk of Grizzleheim will have new quests and areas for you to visit.
i'm exctied about crafting you get to improve your items which is awesome to bad i'm not subscriber I'm a access pass player so I still have to wait.
Jesse: if you've bought crowns from KI within the last 30 days you get access to the Test Realm. It says so on their Sneak Peek page.
Very nice! Keep us posted!
Well, right when I got there I met Elijah StormDust. Talked a little bit, he caught up in a fight and did the esc trick to get out. Hope I can friend him sometime in the real server.
-Alex SandStone
oh thanks for the info 12 nightmare plus does anybody know since I just saw the video here of grizzlheim if it's best to start grizzlheim as you end dragonspyre or you can start it it as you travel through the spiral? lIke is the mission to grizzleheim only avaliable in wizard city or all the other worlds as well.
From what I understand, Grizzleheim runs parallel to the entire Wizard 101 'timeline'. As you move through the Spiral, the furry folk of Grizzleheim will have new quests and areas for you to visit.
Looks like 12th is on the money here, Jesse. Keep up the good communication! Love it.
where is the mist wood?????????? i can't find it
where is the mist wood?????????? i cant find it
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