Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

That's the day Celestia will be released "if all goes well." Read about it in the October Update Notes.

You can also go read about that on The Sea Cucumber.

Hiiiiiii Kevin!

Oh yeah, and a bunch of other places too:
Deathly Diviner
Diary of a Wizard
The Pyromancer's Digest
Fin and Quinn
The Two-Headed Wizard

. . . and I'm sure many more that I missed. :-)

Celestia is finally on its way! Almost seven months ago to the day we first learned that Celestia would be the next world. Remember how much fun we had dissecting this picture to try to get clues?

It was shortly after that, that I became aware of Kevin.

Hiiiiiii Kevin!

And then a month later we got our very first glimpse at the shadows of the Celestia Wallpaper.

Haha, so I'm thinking we'll finally get to see the rest of those characters here in the next couple of days. Here's what we have of the wallpaper currently:

The timing of those being revealed didn't quite work out how we thought it would be, did we? Pfffft, leave us fans to try and rely on such wacky things as math. No the date didn't turn out to be August 14th. It was a valiant effort though!

Remember when we first got a glimpse of this guy right here?

Yup, that prequest had us all spinning our heads for a while. Remember when Kevin beat the Warehouse on his first try?

Hiiiiiii Kevin!

That prequest had me singing too. It was awesome when the prequest finally went live three and a half months ago. It wasn't too much longer after that when the Ravenwood Radio Death Team had their fun with the warehouse.

I think one of my favorite theorycrafting posts to write up while waiting for Celestia to be released was this one involving theories about new Astral Magic spells. I got close on a couple of those! Especially Morph!

And at the end of it all, Celestia was on the test realm for 19 days! Dragonspyre spent only nine days on the test realm in total. Grizzleheim spent 13 days on the test realm.

Why did Celestia take so much longer? Well, this was a huge update as we all know ... Three new spell classes PLUS level 58 spells AS WELL AS a brand new world. Level 48 spells didn't go live with Dragonspyre. Could you imagine if level 58 spells weren't going live with Celestia? *shivers*

Well, that's enough looking back for me. What can I say, as a fan of the game, it's been a long time coming, and I'm super excited to see it released. It makes me wonder what world we'll see next. Any guesses? (sign me up for Shadow Weaver hive! Although I bet you we get a more 1-50 level world like Grizzleheim . . . Candyland anyone?)

Happy Dueling!


  1. Benjamin nightfist26/10/10 08:34

    I cant wait to explore it with you buddy!

  2. i did the same thing as kevin

    PS Hiiii kevin

  3. LIKE!!!

    Now I gotta earn more crowns through contests/raffles/cash.. So far I currently have enough crowns to finish off Marleybone and unlock the first two areas in MooShu! I'm SO excited! I'm life, BTW.. :)

    I don't know if anyone else felt like this or not, but.. When I created my life wizard for the first time, I got it through the free areas, then got crowns for the rest of wizard city and part of Krok, then finally got crowns again, and so on... (He was Life with secondary Storm) I started to notice that I used Life more and more and used Storm less and less.. So I decided to start a new Life wizard and used Fire as secondary instead.. Transferred everything into the new account.. Went all the way to the near end of Marleybone, but ran out of crowns.. Then later on I got more crowns, but didn't finish MB, instead I realized I might not use fire at all when I'm a grandmaster.. So AGAIN I created a THIRD character.. This time I'm almost done with Krokotpia right now.. And I DON'T have a secondary, just trained for tower shield and feint.. So far I have tower shield, and I need to be level 35 and finished MB then I'll have feint! So far I'm happy with THIS account.. LOL

    Uh.. I think I should stop talking.. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

    'nuff said.. :D

  4. Smogger Smasher26/10/10 14:18

    *sigh* I'm progressing through the game solely using gift cards. I'm stuck in a weird spot though. I beat counterweight east, but I don't have enough for counterweight west. It's like eating an enchilada, and stopping halfway through. Man, I never should have bought Kensington Park. WAY too tough for me. A 1-50 world would be nice...*end of rant*

  5. I would be happy, but I havn't beaten DS yet.


  6. Your link to our site goes to the Pyromancer's Digest, not to us.

    Luke Goldhorn: Yay! Free publicity!

    Me: :(

    Luke Goldhorn: :P


  7. Destiny Stormstone26/10/10 16:06

    it would be cool if they had a greek mythology world with all the gods and stuff :D
    ( yes, i am a storm wizard who loves mythology)

  8. lolz! That is the best day ever!
    _Amber Rosepetal

  9. @Fin&Quinn: sorry! Got that all fixed for you now. :-)

  10. Haven't you beaten the final boss yet? Slacker!

  11. So we are not getting our mounts back that were "stolen" in the begining of summer?!
