and then . . . whoops. No trade. huh?

It appears that you can't trade the crown pets, but you can the crown clothes. Well that's interesting. I wonder why that decision was made? Maybe they were trying to avoid overpowering players with higher level cards than they should have . . . then again, I could trade Mister Amber the orthrus pet just fine. hmmm.

Then again, there are only a handful of these in game.
I don't know.
Let me ask Professor Greyrose if they have an official statement as to why certain items are no trade and others are not.
*sends e-mail*
(time passes)
*starts the scavenger hunt*
*gets 4 of the 20 screenshots and crashes out*
(time passes)
*hair dries monitor*
*checks e-mail*
Ok, here's what I got from Professor Greyrose:
"Making certain items restricted to one character makes them more rare and valuable. The number of items in the game that are restricted is a tiny percentage of items. We are constantly assessing which items to mark as No Trade and are listening to the community feedback on this and other matters."
Interesting, see I was thinking it was about pvp . . . like it had something to do with "balance." nope.
Oh well, it was good to get those Santa clothes off of the level 2 life wizard and put them into the shared bank. Now I just have to wait to see if the pets are reconsidered . . . or I may just call it a wash and delete that life wizard and make the fire wizard I want to make. ;-)
Happy Dueling!
The reason they don't let you trade crown items is because they want you to spend more money. Although kingsile has made a great game, they are HUNGRY for money. It's true. I'd bet my life on it.
Hmm... in my experience, no trade items aren't more valuable, they are worthless. A school-limited no trade item that doesn't match my school is just vendor trash to me.
Your theory isnt true with all crowns pets. And I find it odd that you cant put a Christmas pet in the shared bank, but my Halloween pet has been bouncing around from character to character for months now
yeah, this post is old, anon. They've changed a lot of the rules since when this was first written.
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