Wednesday, September 8, 2010

That Beckett Freelance Writing Gig

So you probably heard that I'm writing for Beckett now since I talked about it on a Ravenwood Radio podcast a month or so ago, but if you haven't: I'M WRITING FOR BECKETT'S MASSIVE ONLINE GAMER AND FUN ONLINE GAMES MAGAZINES NOW WOOTAGE! It's made me . . . busier-er. I've had to let a couple things slide as a result of it, but I'm very happy about it. SO happy that I've even decided to snap pictures of myself holding the magazine and plunk it on the Internet. (That's a scary thought.)

Here's me holding the Free-ing Wizard101 Article from the latest FOG.

I'm saying "whatchutalkinboutwillis?" in my mind. You can tell that by the lip.

It's been an interesting evolution for me and this magazine. Back when Wizard101 was first released I was quoted by Stephanie Morrow in her article "A Look at Wizard101: Gaming as a Family." I got pretty excited. Now that magazine is actually in a shadowbox above our family computer along with a signed picture of Malistaire.

Next I was interviewed for the magazine alongside Mythspent Youth and the Ravenwood Radio gang. We chatted about the community. It was awesome. I should probably shadowbox that magazine because being a part of the community is probably the most memorable thing to come out of this insane journey down Wizard101 land.

Finally I was contacted by the infamous Doug Kale. You may know him as Ironsplinter in game. Doug is over many many Beckett publications and is a player of Wizard101 himself. Doug asked me to freelance write a few articles on Wizard101 for them (props to those who recommended me, you know who you all are). I accepted!

And that is what has led me up to this point in life where I publish an embarrassing photo of me riding on a stuffed animal horse, showing my pride for this here Bella Sara article I wrote back to back with that Free-ing Wizard101 article up above.


That was actually a very cool review to write on the Bella Sara site. My daughter's eyes jumping out of their sockets when I brought home a few packs of Bella Sara cards for the sake of research makes the sting of that embarrasing photo go away. :-)

Shout out to the PR peeps at Bella Sara. They were easy going when I contacted them. I wish them the best of luck. They've got a cool product full of positive vibes.

Yesterday we received our most recent MOG in the mail! WOOT!

It's a two-year anniversary Q&A with Leah Ruben . . . you know . . . Professor Falmea from those infamous producers letters? There's a really cool FULL PAGE picture of her that accompanies that article. Not many people will ever get a full page picture of themselves in a national magazine like that. It's well deserved. Congrats, Leah! Keep directing Wizard101 toward awesomeness!

I hope you guys are liking what you've been reading in Beckett's FOG and MOG. Of course, the big draw to those magazines for players isn't the words within, it's those free in-game item codes. ;-) Not to worry, within the pages of this most recent magazine you'll find a code for a Birthday Snack Pack! It's a pack of rank 8 and 9 snacks for your pet. YES!

Today I'm going to be talking to Ben, the PR guru for Kingsisle, about our next article. I have a feeling it's going to be one that you all will really enjoy reading!!

So thanks for putting up with my ugly mug today and as always . . .

Happy Dueling!


  1. Anonymous8/9/10 09:31


  2. Congrats Tom! You deserve this for all your hard work and passion, keep it up and more will come your way!

  3. dang you look like jack black a lot!!

  4. Anonymous8/9/10 12:41

    Look at our Friendly all grown up riding a Unicorn, HAHAH!!
    Congratz Bro :)
    *Cant wait to see your full Picture in one of our great MOG and FOG!

  5. Gabriel Deathwielder8/9/10 14:08

    Dude!!! Awesome! Congratulations. :-D

  6. Anonymous8/9/10 15:35

    Next up on Celebrety Game Fusions:
    Hannah of Warcraft:Wrath of the Record Company
    Club Penguin on Deck
    Beyonce's new song:Halo Reach!

    P.S. The Gladiator Bird is Ra! An egyptian god, probually a fire spell


  7. The crew at WitchWarroir101 applauds you!

  8. Natalie Lotustheif8/9/10 16:12

    Awww freidnly your mugs not ugly at all!

    Good job with the magazine!

    -Jacob Soulshard

  9. Seth Titan(Thunder)Whisper8/9/10 20:39

    Just watched the Selena Gomez vid I think the genie is for fire(seems to have helephant sword looks like) and the egyptain god thing(didnt get a good look)is balance(of course connect krok and egypt)also got to see underwater sharks WOOT and wonder if my cat will grow gills or something to adapt O.O and a glimspe of the celestian random walking peope.

  10. ASDFSDFASD?AS?~?!?!?!?! SELENA GOMEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous9/9/10 05:38

    Congratulations! =)

  12. OMG LIONBLOOD CONGRATZ :D THAT IS AWESOME lol It must be REALLY fun and lol knowing that your writing is right there at some shelf at Borders or something.Seriously, congratz that is really awesome

  13. Dude i know this is like a long time ago but i have to say this. L.U.C.K.Y! So lucky. I wish i could do something like that. I was so great a writing. ANYWAYS!!! Congrats and the new time taker.
