Thursday, August 29, 2024

Still The Friendly Necromancer in 2024?

So, I don’t think I’m exactly winning any popularity contests in the blogging world these days. I mean, back in my quote-unquote heyday circa 2011 when I was a Wizard101 official fansite and scored a job off my blog, yeah, that was life-changing, to say the least. Let's just say that here in 2024, well, things have changed, or have they?

To be honest, I don't even know if I was notable in the blogosphere even back then! It's not like I was ever overwhelmingly popular with the general gaming crowd or anything. I was niche, and I certainly wasn't winning accolades for my writing. In that regard, I guess I've always been a bit of an outsider. Anyway, in the name of introspection and Blaugust (it is Lessons Learned week), let's take a look at where I'm sitting these days.

I guess this is where I'm sitting these days?

First off, I haven’t really been able to dive into the whole blogging community thing with many other bloggers. Sorry! I’ve tried to keep up on the Blaugust Discord and read more posts from others, but let’s be real—life happened, and I just haven’t made it a top priority. Not participating means, no tit-for-tat commenting. It means, not being part of the larger discourse. Instead, I'm over here talking about Spongebob in Brawl Stars on a Blogspot blog instead of Wordpress site (I don't think I'm winning accolades for my content choices or blog design either.)

Secondly, I used to be all about MMOs back in the day. Why, finding myself noted on the Global Chat Community Roundup for Massively OP was fuel for my soul! Now? Well, it'd be food for my soul, but I don't even have the time to log in to an MMO, let alone write about them. Truth, I almost logged into DCUO the other day just to snag my 50th anniversary D&D gift, but… meh. (Side note: Man, I really should log into DCUO for my free D&D gift!!!)

Thirdly, let’s not forget my hot takes, which are about as mild as they come. When I joined KingsIsle, I got a friendly reminder from my boss at the time to not go too wild on my personal blog, so my posts ended up being more like gaming journals than anything else. Uh, I don't think I've had a hot take in years. I don't even think I'm UP to the drama of a hot take. Probably the only reason my blog hasn't died is that I've been dragging it along like a ball and chain for the past decade or so. (Wait, was that a hot take?)

Finally, I’ve been deep into VR, which seems to be as out of place as using a typewriter for coding here among the other Blaugustians. And not only have I been deep in VR, but I've been deep in weird VR . . . match-3 VR even. You haven't read the things I've seen, but that’s okay. I’m here, still diving into Blaugust, and having fun along the way. (mmm . . . diving . . .)

Of course, it’s not just about recognition and accolades and all that. Has it ever been? Nay, I say. It’s about finding satisfaction in what I do and keeping that ball and chain tightly locked to my left leg, right? (or is it my right leg, left?) I'm my own special kind of weird, and I'm guessing since you made it this far down into the blog post, you fit in that category as well! So, raise your water bottles from Walmart, I guess here’s to sticking with what we enjoy and making the most of the journey, even if the spotlight is broken?

Uhhh ... look, I don't even know if I know my own true intentions and motivations with all this blogging. Maybe it's just boredom? Maybe it's tradition? Maybe it's the fact that my TikToks rack up even less views than my blog does? 

Why do I even keep this tagline at the end of my posts?

Happy dueling?

(I'm sure I'll figure it out -- yeah, I'm still the Friendly Necromancer. Even after all these years. How's that for a hot take? Maybe I should bring back my Pet of the Day series . . . the thrill is real!)


  1. I always give up VR in the summer because NC is so danged hot. By the time I get in from walking the dog all I want to do is plop down in front of a fan with a cold beer; the idea of putting on my visor is just not appealing at all.

    But OTHERWISE I'd be cheering on your VR posts!!!

    Also the first post on my blog is from 2002 and I've never developed an audience aside from a few friends that come by now and then so... yeah I read down to the end cuz I'm weird too! :)

    1. Thanks, Nim! I can only imagine the humidity in NC. Yeah, that'd discourage me from VRing too. :) good to hear from you! Thanks for being weird with me.

  2. I read all your posts with enthusiasm regardless of topic. There are bloggers who write in detail about things I'm not interested in and make them seem even more uninteresting than I thought they were. You do the opposite. I don't often have much of value to say about it though, hence the lack of comments.

    As for using Blogger, I can't speak for how the various platforms pan out from the pov of the writer since I only use Blogger myself but I read blogs on every major platform, many of the minor ones and plenty of diy versions too and Blogger is ** by far ** the best platform for the reader. It's always a relief to encounter a new blog and find it's on Blogger because I know immediately it will be clear, legible, and comfortable to read. Also, unless the blogger has gone out of their way to prevent it, it will also have an accessible comments section.

    1. Great points as always! It's so nice to hear from you when you do post. I really appreciate the words of support.

      Honestly, I just hope Blogger doesn't get shut off by Google at some point. I'd like to believe it'll be here for years to come.

  3. I've enjoyed the posts of yours that I read during #blaugust2024. My own blogs are not populated with 'typical' Blaugust content- barely any gaming these days on my main blog, and my 'second' blog is about my motorcycling hobby!

    I don't think anyone is judging anyone these days for what blogging platform they use, except maybe some of the 'purists' who built their own sites using JavaScript and raw HTML. Use the tool that makes you happiest is what I say, although sites that make it 'easy' to comment, search, an syndicate (RSS) are going to make *me* happier when I read them.

    As for not commenting/reading other blogs... well, you get out of Blaugust what you are able to put into it. I found I gained a lot by reading and commenting on other blogs, but I fully understand that time is precious.

    So hopefully you keep on dragging that ball and chain around so we all have more to read ;)

    1. Hey! Thank you so much for the encouragement. Don't think your thumb up to our posts in Discord goes unnoticed BTW. I've been appreciating that simple act. I'll keep at it!
