Friday, August 30, 2024

To combine or not combine, that is my question!

So, I've been thinking about pulling all my archives under one roof. This roof specifically being The Friendly Necromancer blog . . . But I'm not sure. What do you, my readers, think?

For context, I have several other blogs that are out there collecting dust that I'm not sure what I should do with them. Specially these:

I could easily port these blog posts into this blog and insert them into my timeline and be done with the subject separation.

Or, perhaps I only pull over a few Greatest hits? We're talking bangers like:

... or maybe I do nothing at all. Which is what I've been choosing to do for the past decade.

The benefit of pulling these all over is that I can search them up on this blog at any time. If I ever made a book out of my top posts, they'd possibly be included. It would add weight to those early years of blogging to show just how much writing I did back then. 

Some detriments include breaking up the flow of all those Wizard101 posts back in the day. There's also some maintenence of old posts that would need to be done. And, well, it's easier to just do nothing.

I don't know. I guess that's why I'm asking for advice.

I suppose I could also just link more directly to those old blogs on a sidebar? Or maybe I make a blogpost about each one of my old blogs and link list / summarize the greatest hits?

Not sure.

Happy Dueling!


  1. My gut says move them over, but I'm not sure why. All your eggs in one basket is supposed to be a bad thing but on the other hand, ONE BASKET!

    If you don't decide to do that I'd at least link them all. Or maybe even do a siderail feed from them with a title and excerpt of the most recent posts from each one?

  2. It is interesting that you are thinking about combining your multiple blogs together, whereas I am splitting what was a single blog into three ;)

    I really don't know whether there is a 'right' answer here. For my situation, my single blog was a weird mashup of personal life stories, technical writing, motorcycle posts, and gaming topics. So far I've 'spun off' my motorcycle content, with a plan to split gaming into its own blog soon.

    I agree with Nimigimli, though: if you keep them separate I'd definitely look at some way to 'link' them together e.g.: prominent navigation links on each blog to the others.
