Saturday, December 28, 2024

Recent Brawl Pass Updates and the impossibility of Mythic rank

GAHHH! I'm so frustrated right now!  I don't think I'll ever hit Mythic rank in Brawl Stars. I'm not that good at the game and don't have a good, solid PvP team to play with. I went on the worst losing streak today from mid-Diamond 2 all the way down to the bottom of Diamond 1. So frustrating.


The highest I've ever reached is Diamond 3 and the creep up the ladder to Mythic seems like an impossibility for me. It's that same level of rage I used to get when I was playing competitive Overwatch and not being able to get out of the Gold ranks.

Ok, now that my rage is out of the way . . . a lot has happened in Brawl Stars since the last time I posted about it. Let's take a couple deep breaths and talk about it.

(calmly breathing -- a zen beach scene emerges in the distance -- ok, let's talk)

First up, we had the whole Angels vs. Demons Brawl Pass season. It was a really cool and well-done season that involved a lot of really great skins, some neat game modes, and, yes, the angel and demon books played a part in it all. Basically, you'd fill out your power books and select which power you wanted to bring into a match. There were some interesting powers you could choose from like siphoning life off your enemies, resurrecting after defeat, and even spawning enemies when you killed another player.  Great stuff.

EMZ's skin was my favorite from the event.

Next, I finished maxing out Squeak, Bull, and Angelo with all of their hypercharge powers and everything. It was a lot of work, but I got it done. I'm now sitting on 19 Max-level characters -- 11 of which also have their hypercharge powers. (Just to put that in perspective, there are a total of 87 characters and I only own 67 of those . . . it's an infinite grind)

Next up to max will be Pearl thanks to this hypercharge acquisition

After Angels vs. Demons, the new season that happened involved a cadre of cartoon styles mashed into one Brawl Pass Season named "Starr Toon Studios 2." There are some super great skins involved in this season. I've actually been tempted to buy this pass a few times, but I'm staying strong. I kind of feel like I've already spent enough on this stupid game . . . ESPECIALLY WHEN I CAN'T RANK UP TO MYTHIC RAWR!

(calmly breathing -- a zen forest scene envelops me -- ok, let's continue talking)

Also, the holidays happened and clubs everywhere were cracking open a ton of presents for the season. The club I'm in managed to get 14 presents, and on Christmas Day they gave every player a few more. It was a present opening extravaganza in Brawl Stars! Two of the gifts I received were hypercharges: One for Colt (who I already had at max) and also for Jackie. Yay! Free hypercharges are the best gift of them all!

Legendary Christmas presents are the best presents!

Finally, you may have thought the Spongebob Crossover was crazy, but get this . . . Brawl Stars is crossing over with Toy Story right now! That's right, you can play as a super overpowered Buzz Lightyear in regular game modes (not competitive thank goodness). He's a temporary character, but really fun to play. In addition to Buzz, you can unlock new Toy Story-themed skins for Colt (Woody skin), Bibi (Bo Peep skin), and Jessie (Jessie Jessie skin lol).

So cool you can play Buzz three different ways!

Brawl Stars continues to be an incredibly fascinating mobile game for me with a ton of adrenaline-inducing fun . . . even if it makes me rage a bit when I'm playing the competitive ranked games. In my eyes, Brawl Stars is now officially the Fortnight of competitive mobile gaming.

I don't know if I have the patience and skill to move the needle on ranked games until it all comes to an end. This current season will end in a little over 5 days from now and Ranked will do the same in 4 days.  Oh well. The good news is that new fun will be here to ring in the new year of Brawl Stars soon!

Happy Dueling!

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