Friday, October 28, 2022

Finishing Path of Fire -- Onward to . . . Legendary?

 And just like that, I finished up the story quests for Path of Fire in Guild Wars 2!

No need for praise, just throw money . . . thank you thank you

That's right! Five years after its release date, I'm here to save the day! Praise me, commoners! 

It's a fun story that all starts with you encountering the Herald of the God Balthazar. Balthazar is one of the six gods in the Guild Wars 2 pantheon and looks over the affairs of war . . . um, and fire . . . and uh, challenge. So I guess he's the god of PvP and Gene Simmons basically.

No need for forgiveness, just throw money . . . thank you thank you

I skipped Living World Season 3. As I understand it, if I hadn't done that I'd have more of a reason to hate Balthazar since that's where he's first introduced as an antagonist in your story. Jumping to Path of Fire wasn't too bad though as I was caught up to speed pretty quickly with what's going on. Old Balthy has been pretty busy turning the souls of the dead into a kind of automaton known as The Forged . . . basically his own personal army.

Since your journey is all about bringing balance back to Tyria, you ain't having none of Balthazar's nonsense and take down his herald . . . and then get the smack down by the god himself. OUCH.

No need for my destruction, just throw money . . . thank you thank you

It's cool though . . . he doesn't outright kill you . . . yet.  That's reserved for your second encounter with Balthazar. Instead Vlast, one of Glint's good guy dragon kids, jumps between you and Balthazar and sacrifices itself for you.  Old Balthy is super hyped about that cruel twist of fate.

When Vlast sacrifices itself for you, it explodes into a bunch of crystals that contain its memory, and you go on a pretty neat quest following all the clues and hearing all about Vlast's history and thoughts.  It's a lot like reading Vlast's personal diary, but instead of pages, they're crystals that talk.  

No need for warnings, just throw money . . . thank you thank you

Balthazar's end goal here is to create a Warbeast and power it up by using Aurene, the other good guy dragon kid of Glint, as a kind of Double A battery. As he sees it, once he's got the Warbeast, then he can lay the smack down on Kralkatorrick! Who's Kralkatorrick (Is it just me or does that name sound like a halitosis condition for a kraken)? It's ANOTHER Elder Dragon that's, I don't know, also pretty bad? (More to come in some follow on post in a few weeks I'm sure)

Anyway . . . Balthazar kills you to draw out Aurene. In fact, he kills you so badly that you completely forget who the heck you even are.  

What's money?

After undergoing a couple quests in the underworld, you finally figure out who you are and what you're doing.  It's a pretty cool sequence where you run into Palawa Joko, who's a legit proper necromancer that commands an army of undead and is basically the King of a little rectangle of Tyria known as the Domain of Vabbi. He's . . . not a nice person . . . which makes it feel even better when you steal his army of undead soldiers.

Can I have these guys follow me around all the time?

Legit jealous of this army of undead as a necromancer player in Guild Wars 2.  I WISH I could command my army of summons as good as this crew. 

At the end of Path of Fire, you find yourself commanding Palawa Joko's army of undead, and your old charr buddy Rytlock Brimstone hands over his uber weapon for you to take on Balthazar a third time . . . and hopefully not die a miserable death this time. 

Whoops . . . Um . . . wonder what consequences that's going to have *big wink*

Spoilers . . . you win.

That final battle with Balthazar and his Warbeast was pretty epic. I had a lot of fun with that, and overall I might even say this was my favorite story arc in Guild Wars 2 yet!

. . . and that leaves the question, what's next?


Spoilers . . . I bought the precursor Dawn at the auction house.

So until next time I'll be gathering the billion things you need to craft the legendary sword Sunrise and finally check off "get a legendary weapon in Guild Wars 2" from my MMO list of things to do.

Happy Dueling!

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