Today my FireTV suggested that I might like a campy B-film on Amazon Prime. It did this because it sensed I had watched a lot of campy B-films in the past and "The Velocipastor" might be right up my alley. I gave it 20 minutes and noped out and said, "Ok, I get it. I'm done."
Today, I feel the exact same way about Champions Online. Here I am 12 levels from max, and I feel like "Ok, I get it. I'm done."
By all means, I should be happy. So far I've played this game entirely free up to this point and just barely opened up a brand new location called Monster Island, which indeed had a super campy opening cut scene.
I also just finished up a romp through Millennium City and partook in a weird quest where I helped escort Bigfoot's girlfriend back to him. Sounds amazing, right? But the truth is that, I'm just bored of it.
You know what I think it really is? I just don't have anyone playing this MMO with me, and as a solo player game, this experience is so so. Totally doable, but I'd rather grind these world quests at least with the hope that once or twice a week I'd have some friends logging on that I could play the big instances with -- at least I hope that would be the cure for the current boredom I'm feeling when I log on to Champions Online.
So, Champions Online, I'm glad I gave you a go! I salute you, and thank you for letting me remake the Friendly Necromancer as a super hero. I was genuinely intrigued by you for the first 26-27 levels, but it's time for me to move on to other games.
For now, I bid you Adieu and as always . . .
Happy Dueling!
I'd have gladly played this :-) I just have so many games to play. And we chose D2 for Team Spode :-/
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your adventures!! I've enjoyed following along, even if I have yet to go back to CO.