Thursday, October 3, 2019

Monsters and Mantids, More than Malliteration

I talked briefly about the Match-3 game that can be found inside Project Gorgon a couple posts ago, but I didn't mention much about the other games that can be found in the Red Wing Casino. Namely Gladiator Pit Fight Betting and Monsters and Mantids.

Pit Fight Betting is pretty standard other than you can go around to the NPCs around the Casino and have them give you "insights" into who is the better fighter before you place your bets. Every 10-15 minutes or so there's a new fight that breaks out in the gladiator pit and you win money if your gladiator wins.

Monsters and Mantids is (as you can probably tell) is a play off of Dungeons and Dragons. To start, you sally up to a table like the true nerd you are and pay the Mantid running the game a cool 500 gold (erm, rather 500 councils as it's called in Project Gorgon). At that point you enter a text-based adventure where you take on the role of Praying Mantis Warrior descending a dungeon.

Throughout your adventure you'll battle everything from Giant Maggots to Dragons and stumble into encounters like Sheep that can talk and Giant Eerie Mushrooms (where you'll make saving throws to see the outcome).  You'll find special hats you can where that will give you bonuses to your combat because as we know in Project Gorgon, Giant Praying Mantis love to wear hats.

Every time you initially enter a game of Monsters and Mantids you're given a randomized set of three skills, some better than others. You'll then use those same skills in every battle that follows, i.e., when you encounter a monster, you use those skills to lower their hitpoints to zero.

After a combat you're given the option to level up your skills or eat the enemy you just defeated. As much as I wish I could both level my skills and eat the enemy . . . that's the game, that's the gamble, and that's what makes it fun! Do I play it safe and heal up or do I power up my praying mantis warrior for the battles to come?

The skill behind the game is knowing when to call it quits. If you are defeated in Monsters and Mantids, you lose everything and will be out the 500 councils you paid for entry.  To win the game, you simply back out of the dungeon and cash out. That seems easy at first, but I've had games where I'm just slaying everything left and right only to get a series of bad rolls on the dice and blow it.

It seems to be an art that can be fairly profitable if you do it correctly -- especially since you can win free Cashfall Match-3 tickets during your game of Monsters and Mantids for "acts of bravery" when the gamble is high on a particular encounter.  Then you can earn even more money in Match 3.

I was able to earn enough money between winning in Monsters and Mantids to buy my level 45 and 50 fire magic training manuals, which aren't exactly cheap. Then again, I've also spun my wheels for an hour basically making no ground financially.

I was just happy to place 13th for the week. (Edit: wow! After looking at the screenshot again, looks like I actually had an 8th place game as well!)

This is yet another fun quirky game inside the already quirky Project Gorgon MMO. If you actually play the game and have any tips to share, please do so in the comments! I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Dueling

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