Monday, September 9, 2019

Quirky like a Gorgon

So I decided to sit down and really give Project Gorgon another go after my first foray since posting about it during Blaugust and discovered more of its strange quirks, and there are plenty!

Initially I just wanted to make it to the quirky looking giant hand sticking out of the ground. spoilers . . . I made it there, and then I just didn't stop playing.

Yup! I got sucked into the world and I was running around town doing quests getting completely lost when the best thing happened. I somehow unlocked a button that worked like a quest arrow. You click it, and it spins you around in the direction of your next main quest objective. GAME CHANGING!

. . . and this is Project Gorgon . . . quirky . . . any normal game would just give you a quest arrow, but in this MMO, you have to stumble around enough until the game says . . . yeah, ok . . .you have no clue what you're doing so . . . here you go. Amazing.

Eventually I found a quest that took me deep into a quirky brain bug dungeon where I immediately got into trouble by pulling too many enemies at one time. I dove into my backpack mid-battle looking for any possible health potion. I clicked on a big red potion . . . and . . . bam. I'm suddenly a pig. At full health mind you, but I still manage to die. And when I come back to life, I'm still a pig.

Come to find out I drank a potion that permanently turns you into a pig.

. . . and this is Project Gorgon . . . quirky . . . digging deeper into what exactly happened there, apparently you can just play the game as a pig or a cow or a deer or probably other mundane things. To turn myself back into a regular player character I'd need to farm pigs for a long time to gain a rare drop that is an "un-pig potion." Crazy! 

Even crazier was that every NPC in the town was simply talking to me as if I was some crazy pig. I had to earn faction with them. When I talked in "Demo" chat, it came out in pig language.

. . . and this is Project Gorgon . . . quirky! So I embraced my inner pig and ran to a random dungeon. When I tried to enter it said the entrance was blocked and that I should find another way in, so I ran behind the portal and clicked on the doorway . . . and immediately got stuck inside geometry. I could have filed a ticket, but instead I just deleted the character and started over. Why not?

This time I hit newbie island LIKE A BOSS! I did the hidden objectives of blowing up the training dummy. I went into the lower levels of the dungeon there. I even fought a giant headed skeleton that permanently changes your head into giant size unless you kill him . . .and yes . . . for awhile I had a ginormous head on my character and had to find someone to help me kill him.

. . . and this is Project Gorgon . . . super quirky. There's an NPC in the town who seems to give interesting "hourly" quests (not daily . . .hourly), and that jerk had me doing things like using only the kick button to kill enemies, jumping off of cliffs to hurt myself, and all manner of quirky nonsense.

So now I'm headed to another dungeon to gather up spider legs. I'm sure the experience will be equally as quirky as the time I talked to the blacksmith who said the dwarf who runs the stable wasn't very good in bed. At least I hope the experience is quirky. Because as I'm quickly finding out: it wouldn't be Project Gorgon if it wasn't quirky.

I'm talking praying mantises that wear purple hats type of quirky . . . keep it up and I may put down the money to buy this game!

Happy Dueling


  1. Hehe.

    I mucked around with Gorgon back in the past before it went on sale and I think quirky is the best descriptor by far.

    I've been meaning to take another look, but never quite got around to it. The dev behind it used to work on Asheron's Call so it has always interested me. But I don't think its quite going after the same style. lol

  2. I've been playing P:G occasionally for years and I've never opened that button that points you at quests. That would be so useful.

    I've also been extremely wary of getting turned into an animal. It's all very well if it hapenes when you're so new you can delete and start over but imagine if you'd put a few hundred hours into your character and had them set up just as you wanted them.

    I do think that "quirky" and "whimsical" are good descriptors for P:G but sometimes I wonder if "self-indulgent" and even "annoying" don't come into it a little, too.

  3. @Naithin -- Good to know I'm not alone in this thinking!

    @Bhagpuss -- Yeah. I'm going to have to look that skill up because I've yet to unlock it on my second character. It was super helpful. You make a good point about annoying. I guess it really comes down to if you're having fun or not. If not, I could easily see how it would be annoying.
