Monday, April 12, 2010

Pet of the Day--Spiders

Let's kick this episode off with some wicked concept art from KI. Check it out.

See that? Even the spiders are smiling in Wizard101! It's a good time!

So we have basically 4 major types of spiders we can own as pets:
1- The brown spider. The brown spider is your most common form of spider out of the bunch. You can buy yourself a brown spider for 5050 gold in the Mooshu pet shop. Sometimes people will buy and sell those at the bazaar, but it's not terribly common to see a brown spider at the bazaar I don't think.

2- The black spider. That's the bad boy pictured in the concept art there. You can pick your black spider up at the Knight's Court in Marleybone by defeating the Black Widow.

3- Lava Spider/Ash Spider. This is the crowns spider you can pick up in Wizard City. The Ash Spider has no stats, but it is the all black look. It runs 1490 crowns. The Lava Spider has +50 life and +50 mana, so it's a good choice for a newbie character for sure. That +50 mana goes a long way. It runs 2440 crowns.

4- Spider Golem. This is the rare one of the bunch, and is probably the most rare pet in the game currently. You can only get this in Kensington Park from Stoker OR from defeating the end boss in the master tower during the Halloween events. And to make matters worse, there is no second chance chest for Stoker (but you do get to fight him twice during the Kensington Instance).

I managed to get my friend Tipa to join my conga line this morning so we could get a picture of all the spiders together, YAY! Tipa is the only one I know with the Spider Golem pet. She rocks.

So get your little scurriers out of the backpack today and let 'em creep your friends out! Now if only we could ride on a spider!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Spider Riders...hey, that was a cartoon! And one with a really good little theme song as well :)

  2. Oh, here's a better link for that theme! You don't get all the opening animation, but the music is much more

  3. i haven a black spider.
    but my friend says he got his mechanical one from smogger


    PS, I got mine from the end boss at the halloween celebration thingy maubob

  5. The black spider is my favorite of the bunch...

  6. Anonymous12/4/10 17:46

    i think spiders are nasty

  7. I LOVE all of the spiders. Their so CUTE!!

  8. I forgot to say, you were on my friends list but i think you deleted me so i was just wondering if i could arrange a wizard101 meeting, i am cody shadowstrider former author of the duo of death, we actually met once in nightside, i was wondering if we could do the same thing again, please reply either on this post or on the latest post of the duo of death you have my sister on your friends list, im not gonna force you to do anything though. second manner, me and some other blogger are having a competition to see who is the biggest fan of you, me or him. i think its marlorn willowsmith i just wanted to let you know that because i thought it was cool. anyway, PLEASE reply ASAP.

  9. @Heather: weird, never heard of that one before! Would be awesome to have a spider mount.

    @Alex: I thought Smogger gave out the Fairy pet? Hmm. interesting.

    @Deathraven: Yup, Halloween event. Nice find. GRATZ! Sorry about taking you off my friends list. I seriously wish KI would give me a friends list with an unlimited amount of friends. The 50 limit is just way too restrictive for me especially since every time I go to an event, I get at least 10 people wanting to be on there. Sure, I can get you back on there. Just let me know when you want to meet up.

    @Jessica: They do have cool look to them don't they?

  10. I just want to know, who pulled legs off all of the spiders? They all have only six legs left. Whoever did it has done the same thing to the beetles, so now they have four legs instead of six. even the wyverns are missing limbs, although for them it's their wings. Look at the poor crab people from the Celestia art: they are supposed to have 10 legs, including the ones that end in claws. I hope that whoever is responsible for pulling pairs of legs off of things doesn't decide to target humans next!

  11. I think you made a mistake on the crown pricing for the lava/magma spider. The lava spider actually costs 1490 crowns and the magma spider costs 2440 crowns.
