Friday, April 9, 2010

Pet of the Day--Ghost

Oh, so spooky! Just like Ray Parker Junior's tank top and popped collar!

The ghost is the first enemy you run into when you play Wizard101. Right there on Unicorn Way you'll first encounter said ghosts, of which you shall defeat 3. THREE! GASP!

After that non-spooky experience, we then take a break from ghosts, and I don't think you see another one with this same look clear until Foulgaze. I digress.

Here's the concept art!

It's spooky!

Ghosts are actually kind of like the skittles of Wizard101. We get to taste the rainbow of ghost colors! There's the Blue Ghost, which comes from General Akilies on Cyclops Lane. There's the Yellow Ghost, which comes from King Shamet Djeserit in the Djeserit Family Tomb. And, finally, there's the Green Ghost, which comes from Akuji (who himself is a red ghost) in the Tree of Life.

I think I'd have to say that the Green Ghost is by far the rarest of the three. I don't have any in my backpacks yet, and I have a whooooole lot of pets. So if you're looking for a fun and unusual farm, go hit Akuji in the Tree of Life today . . . not many do (they usually just go farm Youkai), but TODAY BE THE DAY Y'ALL!



Happy Dueling!



  2. Whenever you enter Akuji's room with 3 or 4 Wizards there are 3 or 4 Akuji because they 'accidentally' flagged Akuji as the 'Mob member' of the battle it seems.

    No matter the reason, it means a Triple dip into his Loot Chart!

  3. i have gotten the minotaur pet from youkai twice! i want that robe!

  4. I have been trying to get that yellow ghost for like forever on my grand. that stubborn King Shamet Djeserit wont give it up. i fought him about 25 times! and whats funny, i tried to get the blue ghost from that cyclops, like 5 times, and HE WOULD NOT GIVE ME IT EITHER! maybe i just got bad ghost luck. (shrug) idk. I an gonna keep fighting him until i get it though. i got to lvl fity after i beat the game at lvl 47! lvl up tree times just from side quests, the hardest lvl ups in the game! (for now anyway.)so i am gonna keep trying.

    VIVA WIZARD101!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i have ablue ghost and her name is missy.

  7. @ Mike -
    25 and 5 times are NOTHING. I have faced Yeva Spiderkeeper over 100 times and still no Spiderkeeper Charstriders (Level 50+ Fire Boots)!

    I have fought Jade Oni over 100 times and still no Jade Oni pet also...

    A member of Wizened Wizards on central faced Kagemoosha and Death Oni in Tree of Life 245 times without getting their swords.

    Talk about farming persistence...

  8. Wow...I haven't seen that video in about a million years! *Is so happy the 80's are long gone*

    Yeah, Akuji is a fun one just because not many people even realize he is there. I've gotten the green ghost three times, two are, for some reason, in my oldest Life Grand's bag.(Probably cause she is just lucky like that...she is like my Lucky Rabbit's Foot of all my wizards.)Myth has the other Green Ghost. Death has the Yellow Ghost. And I seem to be missing the Blue odd!Probably partly that I haven't done much farming in WC, save for Alicane who will never give me that Maybe I will take Death and go farm General Akilles, after all; Death should have all the ghosts, right? I think Life needs to give her one of those Green ones.
    And if Death can't get that ghost then Lucky Jadeblade will have to step in and get it for her ;)

    @Johnist: It always amazes me that anyone counts their farmings. I think if I did I would lose my mind. Whenever I tried to first farm for the Homonculus Sword it took me forever...I mean hours and hours a day. And then one day I walked in there, defeated him, and won it in one shot. Death won it, in fact, so she got to keep it, though I was going to give it to another at that time. It was so frustrating the entire time though. But after that "most" swords seemed to come pretty easily. Ever since then I try to limit myself on farming, and usually it just takes walking in there and being really lucky on the first or second try that day/time.

  9. My son, who was 8 at the time, was trying for the blue ghost from General Akilles. He went in over and over and got very frustrated. (I think it was only about 14 times, but at that level at his age, it was a LOT.) I told him I'd help to speed it up, and WHAM! he gets it on our first time in together. I've since gotten two blue ghosts from him on other characters without trying.

    I wish they would find a way to have the pets show up, running along side us if we are using mounts. It's sad that they can only be seen during battles now....

  10. Wolf Shadowheart9/4/10 18:29

    You don't have all the ghosts? I feel lucky! W00T!

  11. I resorted to buying my Yellow Ghost from the Bazaar.

  12. jar3d ShadowStone2/5/10 21:38

    i have all ghosts! in your face! jk. but i cheated...i bought mine at the bazaar as i did with 99% of my pets.
