Monday, May 4, 2009

Fwd: Name Those Turtles - Winners!

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Subject: Name Those Turtles - Winners!

Well let me start by saying, we have some very popular turtles! Thousands upon thousands of you submitted your name suggestions for the new Castles & Lands Turtle representatives, and here are the results:

Wizard101 Winning Name for the Wizard City Turtle: Buxley Turtleton
Wizard101Central Winning Name for the Krokotopia Turtle: Digby Hammershell

West Karana Winning Name for the Marleybone Turtle: Tortimer T. Shellington

Friendly Necromancer Winning Name for the MooShu Turtle: Kame

Wizard101 Twitter Winning Name for the Dragonspyre Turtle: Ivan Ironshell


We've contacted the winners and the runners up, and we tried to reach all of you, however many players did not submit a valid account name.

Thank you to all our fansites who helped us in this contest endeavor.

Congratulations to everyone!

See you in Wizard City.

~Professor Greyrose


  1. Aww. I dont think I won. I don't even remember any of the other names I came up with other than my MB one. Hehe
    Congratz to the winners tho

  2. I didn't win either, but gratz to the person that "came" to my site and named the turtle "kame." (That's japanese for tortoise if you didn't guess)

  3. Anonymous5/5/09 14:31

    Darn! I did Kamenosuke, which means helper turtle! Oh, well. congrats winners!

  4. Anonymous5/5/09 15:12

    I was going to submit that name because it's Japanese for "turtle". But I didn't get a chance.
