Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fwd: Free Gold on the Test Realm

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look for Benjamin the Leprechaun all over Wizard City in the TEST REALM. Talk to him to receive 50 000 gold!

Enjoy testing out the housing features with this free gold, and remember what happens on the Test Realm, stays on the Test Realm! :)


  1. Anonymous26/4/09 10:08

    Dear Thomas,
    I am a big fan of your website! I was able to find you out through West Karana and I found this awsome website. I was maybe wondeering if you would like to meet sometime. If you accept we can find out a time/realm/place thanks so much for all this info!
    -Amber StarGem level 41 myth

  2. hey its me isaiah, i was wondering if we could be friends in the game

  3. Hey ! I have another site! Check it out and tell me what you think!

  4. @Amber and Isaiah: sure! I'll make room on my friends' list for you guys. :-)

  5. Anonymous22/5/09 02:43

    can you mett me in the water a 2 50 please i want the gold please and i am a bi fan and i need help leveling

  6. Sorry anon, the free gold on the test realm has now gone away. It was fun while it lasted though!

  7. christopher Ironspear21/6/09 06:54

    hi i don't know how to get on the test realm because its always closed when i go on. please contact me.

    christopher ironspear lv. 26 storm

  8. Anonymous18/1/10 17:58

    where is the leprechaun? like what world and what place in that world.
