Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another MASSIVE hit courtesy of Ronan Jadeheart

First, it was Alex Pearlrider/Jaderider with a 5.5 million damage hit with a Wild Bolt spell. Now, Ronan Jadeheart is reaching to beat that score. This attempt? 4.4 million with Wild Bolt as well.

Gratz on the huge hit! Keep reaching for the stars and getting those amazing numbers!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Five and a half MILLION DAMAGE? You're kidding me, right? These people are insane! But cool. :)

  2. yeah . . . it's pretty sick. He says he's trying for 20 million. It's like the Guiness Book of World records for wizards. :-)

  3. that's crazy man! woah!

    ~Isaiah Spelldust

  4. Maybe we can get a celebration in Wizard City like a massive ''easter egg hunt'' or something.

  5. Hey i got part 4 of my story done! here it is! :

    The Awakening (Part 4) Chapter Five Baxter's Discovery. Coming through the sifting and dying down sandstorm was Baxter running, sword drawn. 'I need to get to Zah'nul now!' Thoughts were racing through his mind as fast as he was running. At the step's of the ferry all was quiet. Baxter stopped. "Zah'nul!" He shouted. All was quiet... He screamed this time. "Zah'nul! ! !" Nothing. A noise. Like muffling and muttering. Baxter looked around and found out that the sound came from an old sandy cupboard. He made a gulp. Sword at the ready, he swung the cupboard door open. To his surprise it wasn't Zah'nul. But it was Zeke, all chained up and stuffed inside the corner of the cupboard. "Zeke! ?" Baxter Exclaimed. "Aye it be me." Zeke frowned. There was a bold gash on his forehead. It was bleeding vigorously, and bruises upon his cheeks. Baxter carefully took Zeke out and cleaned him up with a pixie spell. "Who did this to you?" Said Baxter. "Kahibi." Zeke said. Baxter gasped. "How did he get to you?" "Well, that be jus' da thing." Zeke continued. "At first it was Zah' nul, but Kahibi put on a cloaking spell. Baxter, he be carrying precious cargo. The last Fire Shard ta unlock da awakening of Isaiah Spelldust." Baxter gasped again. "Oh dear, that is why I am here for this expedition; I was searching for it. How could I have been so unaware! Call me a fool." "I must send da word ta Ambrose now." Zeke said. "I'm sorry Zeke." Said Baxter. "But the weather condtions have gotten worse. And I might say that you are'nt in good condition either." "Aye, ye be right." Grunted Zeke. He sat upright and took a sip of coconut cordial from his canteen. (Which happened to be the only thing that did'nt blow out of his hands.) Baxter sat upright on a nearby bench and thought. "I'll send a mander to Ambrose. Could you manage staying here while I do that and find out how to get Kahibi?" "Ok." Frowned Zeke and took another sip of his bitter beverage. Baxter ran out fast, putting his scabbard back into his sheath... Chapter Six (Part 1) Kahibi's Palace. ... Meanwhile General Kahibi was trying to figure out how to send the shard to Ash Gorblood. "Kirshen!" He shouted. And a mander slave popped out of another room and scurried to Kahibi's throne. "Yes sir?" It asked "I have an errand for you. I need you to go to Dragonspyre and tell my most trusted ally, Valken TimeBreaker, to assemble his troops for a delivery mission." Kirshen nodded, wrote the request on a piece of parchment, and scurried of again. "Now that I have the last shard, I can take it to Ash and get my final payment." Kahibi said to himself. "In the meantime, I have a surprise for the visitor that's coming my way. Hehe..." Chapter Six (Part 2) Baxter's Encounter. Baxter ran back to the library, and told one of the most trusted mander's he knew, Kuken Mak, to send message to Ambrose about Zeke and the Fire Shard. Then he summoned a minion of Balance, a Scorpion. "Why have you sssummoned meeeee." The Scorpion hissed. "I need to location of Kahibi, the Spiral is in grave danger." Baxter said to the Scorpion. "I sssseeeeeee.!" The Scorpion said. "You sshall find him in his palace; here is the sssspell to open up the portal there." The Scorpion gave Baxter the card for it and went away. Baxter read the instruction's to himself. 'Go in the middle of the oasis and wave your wand two circle's left, one downward swoop, and one circle right. The portal will open up and last for 30 seconds.' The instruction's seemed simple enough, Baxter thought. He closed his spellbook and ran off to the portal's position. He waved his wand the way the spell said and sure enough, the portal quickly opened up. After he had jumped in, he appeared in front of a large palace made of bronze and gold. It stood about two stories high and flame torches were lined across every wall. 'Wow.' Baxter thought to himself as he was walking up the stairs, scabbard in hand. When he walked up into the first room, a figure emerged from the black. "Hello Baxter." The figure said. "We've been expecting you." "Who goes there?" Baxter Shouted. As the figure emerged, Baxter noticed him as Al' Habeen, Kahibi's trusted servant. "Time to die!" Al' Habeen shouted. Baxter drew his sword. "Bring it on." To be continued...

    ~Isaiah Spelldust

    it's on my site too!
