As I'm typing this to you, my face is covered in sweat. Sec . . . need to go take care of this facial drench.
. . . and back. Whew. That's better. So today has been a crazy day. I woke up in the morning and just decided to go for it. I don't know why I was so blocked on starting back up on Asgard's Wrath, but I was. For the past few months, it's kind of like every time I'd turn on the computer, I'd look over at my Quest 2 headset and think, "Asgard's Wrath, maybe? Naaaaaah!" NOT TODAY!
At first it was definitely weird. My controllers wanted to continually walk in reverse like I had some kind of horrible controller drift. After fighting it for five minutes or so, the drift just kind of went away and I was back in the game.
The last I played, I had just unlocked Frodi and solved his first god puzzle. I had to learn how to use his staff weapon all over again, but eventually, I got it. I'm not sure I like it yet. It's kind of weird and I'm not quite sure how to use it correctly against enemies. Since parrying is such a huge part of combat, I just haven't figured out how to use it in that way. Instead, I've been opting to use Frodi's short sword.
Today's adventure took me deep inside The Great Column of Midgard. Frodi kept talking about how impressed he was that we had come this far, so I believe him.
Inside the tower, there was another God Puzzle that involved shooting a Bow at some swinging legs of a Bull and making my way through a complex puzzle around the edges of the tower.
Also, I unlocked a new companion. She's an owl lady with a crossbow. I like her.
If you point her at an owl totem, she will reveal hidden secret messages that tell you the order to press runes to open secret doors.
Anyway, when you take 5 months off like me, you forget how taxing the game can be. You're going to work up a sweat and probably die a few times to bosses while you figure it all out. I'm currently stuck on this dude in the Rotund of the tower.
He sucks.
Basically, you have to get up in his face and dodge his attacks until his eyes light up red, and then you have to parry his sword swing from above. It's not a perfect science for me yet, and I'm not exactly sure what to do now that I've got him low with his icy heart exposed.
Logic seems to dictate that I would shoot his heart with an arrow or perhaps use my handy dandy soul staff to strike him in the heart. It's just a sweaty arm-swinging fest to get him to that point, and then I usually forget what the heck I'm doing and die.
I'm thinking tomorrow I'll have him dead. If not, I'll be raging all the way to YouTube to see if there's a strat video to help me.
Happy Dueling!
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