Friday, February 7, 2025

Playing the BG3 Friendly Necromancer Character?

Ok, SORRY. I thought I was done with Baldur’s Gate 3. I really did, but then I remembered I also really would love to make a Friendly Necromancer in the game . . .  and . . . well . . . here we are: Thomas Lionblood from Wizard101 in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Medium Length Blue Hair -- check!  Elfish, Youthful good looks -- check!

Now, there’s really no way for me to actually simulate your standard Wizard101 necromancer in Baldur’s Gate 3. There just isn’t. There are no cards for spells, no power pips, no massive health drain spells, and certainly no traps, charms, and all that jazz – this isn’t a turn-based, family-friendly card game. That all said I CAN do non-lethal knock-out damage.

Non-lethal Necromancy for the win!

For now, I’ll just be going with your standard “Wizard” Necromancer.  I say that because there’s more than one way to skin a Necromancer in D&D. Death Domain clerics are actually going to be one of the latest and greatest things to hit Baldur’s Gate 3 with the release of Patch 8.  You could also do a Warlock with an Undead Patron (Although, I don't think that's a thing in BG3 . . . only D&D?), a Circle of Spores Druid, an Oathbreaker Paladin, or perhaps you could even do a kind of Bard Necro-dancer type build (I do love my bards).  Thomas Lionblood, however, is definitely a wizard from a wizard school type of Friendly Necromancer.

I'll mess around with a Necronomicon and be super friendly about it while I do.

Now I just need to figure out what his supporting cast will be. I’m currently leaning toward a fighter, cleric, and warlock combo to go with my necromancer. It definitely seems balanced, but I’m not sold on it yet. If my summons are good enough, perhaps I don’t really need the fighter and warlock . . . I don’t think I can replace the cleric though . . . I’m addicted to healing spells.

I tried running with a Monk hireling for a bit, but I don't know if I love it

Hmmm . . . if I could complete his major quest in Act 2, then maybe Halsin would be a good alternative or perhaps Alfira?  

Anyway, these are future me problems. For now, I’m just happy to be The Friendly Necromancer playing a friendly necromancer in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Happy Dueling!


Bhagpuss said...

I almost never mention spelling errors or inconsistencies on other people's blogs but after months of reading your posts on BG3, I have to ask if the way you choose to spell the name of the game is intentional. It's Baldur's Gate but you always, without exception, style it Baulder's Gate. Is it a joke or a pun I'm not getting?

Stingite said...

Oh MAN! That's funny. Sadly I did an Internet search and it looks like I'm not the only one. Even sadder, it took four pages to have my post even show up in the search. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll do a scrub. As for reasoning, I have none. Perhaps it's a subconcious phonetic choice? Dunno.