Friday, June 23, 2023

Me and All my Earthen Devastation in Diablo IV

So, with A LOT of help from a friend, I was able to get passed the capstone dungeon in Tier III, and my druid is now in Tier IV . . . aka THE TORMENT. Whew. It felt a bit like cheating since I didn't solo the boss, but, hey, at least I soloed everything up to the boss! hehe.

That said, now that I'm in Tier IV, I'm finding myself bouncing back to Tier III here and there at level 65. Tree of Whispers and World Boss events? I'm on Tier IV getting the good drops.  Dungeons? I'm on Tier III. 

Love my whole bird-man aesthetic.

Doing that method I was able to secure a few ancestral gear drops out in the Tier IV world, which really helped amp my DPS.  I am a bit discouraged however since I had to drop my favorite one-handed weapon/Totem set up that worked wonders for me up until this point. On the other hand, I now have a sick 2-hander Staff that's working pretty great once I found a way to speed up my basic attack speed. 

Currently it feels like I can knock out a Tier 18/19 Nightmare dungeon in about 15-20 minutes, which feels pretty great to me. Eventually the hope is that I can just sprint through stuff and clean it up in 10 minutes or less. I need more health if I'm going to do that though.

I'm sticking it out with my Earth/Companion combo playstyle, but I have to admit, there isn't really a lot that's sexy about this build. I had a glimmer of sexy hope when I found the Boulder core skill aspect that I had found way back in beta, but I discovered that, while it's fun to push stuff around constantly, it really just feels kind of awful with the build I'm running.  Why would I want to push stuff away from me like that instead of bringing it all in for a bit of crushing/poisoning goodness?

Behold the Earthen Devastation!

I am trying my best with the build though! I managed to make it up to the legendary node on the Earth Skill paragon board and get some extra chunky goodness. The paragon point boards are totally working great for my player motivation by the way.  I want to finish out all my region renown so I can snag those extra 20 paragon points for doing so. I NEED MORE PARAGON POINTS!

Fractured Peaks Progress . . . DONE! Now for the other four

Hope y'all who are playing Diablo IV are having as much fun with the game as I am! Drop me a message and let me know how things are going for you in game. I'd love to hear what classes and combos you've found to be fun. Happy to see the Syp is representing the Necromancers for me. I'm waiting until Team Spode shows more of an interest in the game to play my beloved necro class personally.

Happy Dueling!  

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