Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Diablo IV Ding 60 -- By Hope's Light!

I had a nice, long weekend that allowed me to get all kinds of stuff done. I got the lawn mowed, watched a couple movies with the family (The new Flash movie was pretty great), received some Father's Day love from the crew, and . . . yes . . . played a really good amount of Diablo IV. 

By the way, the fam gave me a 24x36 canvas print of me, as a friendly necromancer. I laughed for several minutes. Its' epic. Reminds me of a self-portrait that would be commissioned by one of the Vampires from What We Do in the Shadows.

Come, Friends! Let us enjoy some death together!

Sometime yesterday I hit 60th level on my eternal druid while undertaking the hunt for all the Lilith statues in the game. I did indeed track down all 160 of them! Some of them were pretty well hidden too! You really had to be listening for the Lilith statue hum and small glow of red light to find a few of these. The guides are great, but sometimes a little grey icon on a map just isn't enough.

The Alter of Lilith near Hope's Light

I also finished off all the strongholds and discovered one particular stronghold that I will now proudly proclaim is my favorite of the 15 you can conquer on the world map. Up at the tip top of the map in the area of Scosglen is a series of shipwrecks and islands known at Hope's Light. 

It's a lot of ducking, jumping, sliding, and scooching your way to victory

By the end of Hope's Light you will have lowered the mast on two different ships, killed a bunch of elites and maneuvered your way to a lighthouse guarded by a terrifying sea hag. The graphics are doing that rainy coastal thing and the lighting is sparking up light a lightning storm.

Beware the greasy bubbles from the Tidewitch!

Truly my favorite stronghold in the game. I'd love a full dungeon experience of Hope's Light, and who knows, there may be one and I just haven't done it yet. I've only done a small portion of the 120 dungeons available to me.

Speaking of dungeons, Nightmare dungeons are the big challenges I'm facing lately. I've tried all the way up to Tier 20 so far, and that particular Tier 20 was just too much for me. You only get 12 revives in a Nightmare Dungeon, and I failed that at the final boss. I kept hoping to see amazing gear dropping in the Tier 20 dungeon, but I didn't get anything astounding for my gear repair bill. 

I've got a theory going that part of the gear drop equation must also be based on your character level.  If that's the case, leveling would be king.

Anyway, just this morning I finished up a Tier 17 without much difficulty, so I'm getting closer to Tier 20 completion. I think once I'm there at Tier 20, and feeling good about my performance, then perhaps it will once again be time to try the nightmare capstone dungeon.

Shouldn't Tier 17 give some epic loot? Nada.

Oh yeah, I tried the nightmare capstone at level 58, and got my butt handed to me by the boss, so I'm not quite there yet. Per instructions on the world statue, really Nightmare mode should last you to level 70, but I'm getting antsy after a few levels of no gear upgrades. It's not for trying, mind you. My inventory is stuffed with legendary gear and salvaged aspects.

It's a lot . . .

I've started to salvage or grab aspects from any gear that's lower than 600 gear rating currently.  I'm going to bump that rule up by 10 gear points every time my gear holding chest slot hits max.  It's good to have self-imposed rules like that when you're a hoarder by nature. hehe.

All-in-all, I'm still having a great time with Diablo IV. Hopefully I'll have a new update for you soon where I've finally entered Tier IV difficulty on my Druid and I can report back his awesomeness.

Happy Dueling!

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