Thursday, January 6, 2022

Playing Hoops! Level 70 Elite in Runes of Magic

Seems sometimes all we do in MMOs is jump through hoops, doesn't it? Collect 10 of this, kill 12 of that, run over here, escort this dude over there . . . yada yada yada. It's quests like the level 70 elite skill quest in Runes of Magic that push it over the top though. There's "quests" and then there's "QUESTS!" in all caps and with an exclamation point at the end.

Here's the deets:


Hoop 1: Get both classes to 70.  Not just one class . . . both classes. Got it.

Hoop 2: Head back to Varanas and talk to my man Daris. You remember him?  He's the guy eternally standing in the middle of the ring of class trainers in Varanas.  That dude. Why's he standing in the middle like that with everyone staring at him? I don't know. Seems like that would get old after a few decades. Anyway . . .

Daris . . . forever the center of attention . . .

Hoop 3: Daris sends you to talk to Votakai. Here's the problem though . . . Votakai sits behind a huge army of pixies in the Sanctuary of Balance deep in the zone Chrysalia. Those pixies will agro and kill you dead unless you've progressed far enough in the quest line that they ignore you.  So, not only do you need to be level 70, but you also need to be far enough along in your quest storyline so the fairies don't kill you.

Tread carefully friends . . . pixies . . . yuck

That Sanctuary of Balance is where all the dragons hang out in their human forms when they're doing that dragon astral projection thing they call Sleepwalking, so they need to guard the sanctuary and who knows why pixies were the best choice, but there you go. That's Runes of Magic for you!

Hoops 4-33: So, I didn't get the full gist of why this is happening, but back in a desolate corner of the Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan, Votakai is in his dragon form and is doing his Sleepwalking thing, and you need to protect him from an army of elementals. Somehow you got tangled up in this mess and Votakai is being punished by his elder dragon teacher named Norhonsar?

Unfortunately you can only take the residual heat from 10 of these particular elementals at one time. When you've killed 10, you get a blessing from Norhonsar to protect you and a little trinket called a Proof of Protection that proves you helped out 1 time . . . now do this 29 more times . . . OH!  Did I forget to mention that you can only defeat 10 elementals per hour?  30 hours later . . 

Forever locked in battle!

Hoop 33: You did it!  Now witness your great failure as Votakai dies because he was Sleepwalking for too long thanks to Norhonsar being an overzealous teacher. 

Hoops 34-35: Well, that sucked . . . Norhonsar tells you to take Votakai's soul to 2 random locations all the way out in Tergothen Bay because  . . . and get this . . . Votakai always wanted to see the human realm. Why in the world would you take his soul to Tergothen Bay of all places . . . it's like . . . let's go visit that dingy looking weird zone where bandits are always attacking you out of nowhere for no good reason. That sounds like a nice place! YEAH!

Hoop 36: OK, so now what . . . quest is complete . . . who the heck do I turn it in to?  You'd think you'd go back to Norhonsar in the Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan since he was the one that told you to take Votakai's soul on a field trip to Tergothen Bay, but he does nothing for you. He just sits there looking guilty and depressed. 

No no no . . . listen . . . you need to go all the way back to where you first talked to Votakai and click on a pedestal there. I know, it's strange, and you may not even remember the Sanctuary of Balance after the past few days of jumping through hoops, but YOU GOT THIS!

Hoop 37: Votakai then turns into a dragon ghost, you click on him, and request the level 70 elite. It's a small hoop, but an important one.  I don't know why you get rewarded for failing to keep him alive, but as long as I get my skill, you do you, Votakai. Anyway, yeah, you don't want to waltz away from the Sanctuary thinking you did your quest turn in and now you have your elite skills. Make sure you do that last step or you'll just have to trudge back there a day later when you realize you missed a final step.

Sleep well, Ghost of Votakai. Thanks for the elites!

And there you go!  Level 70 Elites for both of your classes! It's a crazy involved quest just to get a skill that they should have probably just given to you as a reward for your hard work of reaching level 70 in both classes. What'd be the fun in that though, right?!


Personally For my mage / rogue side, I got the Pride of the Baron skill. It encourages me to crit a lot so I can health drain a lot. Time to build a crit monster set of gear?

Pride of the Baron!

For my rogue / mage side, it gives me a nice AOE skill that consumes 10 knives and makes my dps jump while doing aoe damage every tick for 30 seconds.

Got be real . . . this sounds way cooler than my vampire skill . . .

And that, my friends, was an amazing MMO quest. I liked it. Next up . . . the epic weapon?! yeesh I don't know. I have a couple pieces and parts already . . . I just don't know if it's really worth it at this point.

Happy Dueling!

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