Monday, January 3, 2022

Ding 100 -- Runes of Magic 3x EXP event Redux

This morning at 2am Central, the amazing 3x experience week wrapped up in Runes of Magic, and let me tell you . . . it is HARD to go back to regular experience gains now. It feels slow . . . tedious . . . and all the other adjectives that make you think negative thoughts. BAD! TERRIBAD!

But let's stick to the positive thoughts! 

I ended up as a 100 Mage / 95 Rogue, and holy frickin' crap, I WORKED during that week of exp to get that far. You know how I mentioned the 3x experience ended at 2am Central? I was there.  I was there with 4 other addicts from our guild and a slew of other people talking in world chat. In fact, I earned all of level 95 on my rogue in the last 30 minutes of the event. Saturday I spent well over 12 hours in my chair just busting through quests as fast as humanly possible so I could get my mage side up to level 100. The only thing that stopped me was family, food, cats, holidays, and the new season of Cobra Kai.

You remember how I was following the Morrok line of quests?  All of that went totally out of the window somewhere in Syrbal Pass. I might have been able to tell you how it all eventually wrapped up, but I was too concerned with gaining as much exp as humanly possible before all the goodness ended, so I stopped and jumped ahead to zones the would give more exp bang for the buck.

Jill and Morrok have some serious relationship problems . . . *popcorn*

It's actually left me in a really strange state in the game where I feel a bit . . . exhausted, lost, and under-geared? So here's my plan . . .

1- Chill.

Seriously. I was not chill last week.  Now I need to just log on, do my dailies, work on random stuff like my level 70 elite skill . . . you know . . . minor stuff.  Re-center myself a bit.

Here's a nice Avatar-Esque bodo village to find your zen.

2- Get Back on Track.

Quests back in Syrbal Pass are giving around a million xp each. (Just for frame of reference, some high level quests were giving me 15-20 million xp during the 3x exp event.) It's not bad, but at level 95 it's also not great.  You have to complete 5-6 quests to get a 20th of a level. That said, I really wouldn't mind completing ALL the quests in the game.  It's a good challenge. 

3- Get "Decent" Geared. 

I was asking in guild chat tonight the easiest way to get geared at level 100, and the response was use a credit card.  yeah.  People trade premium currency for gold and then spend the gold in the auction house.  Outside of this though, it does seem you can get decent level 100 gear that doesn't have perfect stats for around (rough guess) 5 million a piece. It'll take some doing to get to that point, but it doesn't seem out of reach.

I could also run minigames to convert Phirius Coins into Phirius Shells and buy gear through a vendor.  It's a slow process, but doable.

I could also run level 100 content with a full group . . . maybe someday!

I'm sure there are other options, but those are the ones offered up in guild chat . . . and mind you, all these solutions don't even involve the tier'ing and stat'ing of items that happens once you have a piece of equipment.  It's a long arduous process that could take a long time to get yourself in a pretty good spot.


Of course, rumor has it that another 150% event will happen this weekend!  I may be at it again!  

A Vampire's Job is Never Done in Runes of Magic

It really would be nice to get to 100 Mage / 100 Rogue.  At that point I could start earning "peak" levels. That's right.  You aren't truly max level at 100.  There are many more Peak levels you earn when you have two classes at level 100. 

Happy Dueling!

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