Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Project Gorgon: The New Povus Playground

Yesterday the new high level zone of Povus was released in Project Gorgon and it's a swampland full of terror and ratkin.

A trio of Hexapi waiting in the distance

I started out my adventure mapping out the edges of the zone, by doing so I ran into plenty of things to fight: Ratkin, Hexapus, Tentakillers, Swamp Vipers, Kuvou, Mushrooms, Skeletal Triceratops, some other dinosaur skeleton, and (my favorite) ORCS! The only way I can really explain the skeleton dinosaurs is that I believe Paleontology is new skill here. Yup, it's Project Gorgon.

Of that plethora of monsters, my only death of the night was handed to me by a Kuvou, which statistically seems to be like a cousin to the troll in that it has high regeneration and reacts to Poison and Acid like a troll would to fire. 

Enjoying my well-deserved vengeance moment on a Kuvuo

Oddly enough, though the Kuvou is vulnerable to Acid, it also sprays it out when you're fighting it. Lucky me, that also gave me some new death experience since I had never died by being melted by Acid before.

Woot! 50 XP in Dying!

I also found an elusive Yellow Perch swimming inside the swamp waters! There were some cooking reciepes that were supposed to use Yellow Perch, but I could never find any before . . . now I know where to look!

I also managed to pick up a couple fleas and ticks while hunting around in Povus. It appears the zone had a mechanic where you can pick up parasites and then have to buy a curative from one of the NPCs to remove them (or use the First Aid skill).

Truly though, the centerpiece of the zone is the town of Povus itself.

Sitting on the walls of Povus as the sun rises could be my new thing!

During the daytime, Povus is pretty chill. It'll also be relatively empty UNLESS the Town is leveled up. That's right, Povus is basically an event town. As it levels up, more shops, amenities, and NPCs appear for you to talk to.  You level it up by protecting it from invasion during the nighttime starting at 7pm in gametime. When you do, you receive rewards for helping -- just check the town board and it'll tell you what level the town is and reward you if you have rewards coming to you.

. . . and you're additionally motivated to help level Povus and protect it because you can earn the central currency of Povus: Xognite Chunks.  Yes, Xognite Chunks are what all the high level trainers that can be found here are going to want in exchange for their knowledge they'd like to pass down to you.

Since day one of playing Project Gorgon, I knew I wanted to use Animal Handling as one of my main skills. Once I found out I could tame a rat and make it fight for me, it was game over for the rest of the skills. This particular update had bundled with it a brand new twist to Animal Handling since "Animal Husbandry" is now a thing. Yes, as long as you can make cages to hold your new pets in and have spots available in your stable, you too can become a pet breeder! OH, and just realize you'll need 20 Xognite/Xogrite (I saw two different spellings -- I don't know if they're different items or if it was a typo) Chunks to start your Animal Husbandry business.

. . . and yes, I did say "business" because that's right, you can sell your pets to other players. If you manage to get a really great pet with amazing stats, it'll be super attractive to those of us interested in Animal Handling.

Currently only bee and wasp pets in game have the ability to be bred, but eventually the devs promise that there will be a whole lot more on the way. Before the update hit, I actually had 3 bees in my stable: Buzz Tightrear, Wasabee, and Frosty the Buzzman. 

Visually my bees didn't change a lot. I think Buzz Tightrear has a bit more blue in his wings than he used to, but it's hard to tell the differences. Apparently I have two more bees waiting for me to claim!  The devs gave EVERYONE two new bees to put in their stables. 

Once I get 20 pieces of Xognite, I'll be sure to let you know how my adventures in Animal Husbandry go. Until then . . .

Happy Dueling!

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