Thursday, September 30, 2021

Ding 22 Champions Online -- New look, new 'kick, and . . . Canada?!

I dinged 22 today in Champions Online! Hooray!  Now that I'm in my 20's I decided it was time for alternate look for The Friendly Necromancer.  The "Season One" look is out and the "Season Two" look is IN!

It's all about the spikes this season!

Spikey mohawk, spikey back, spikey legs, spikey arms . . . The Friendly Necromancer is lookin spikey spicy! I have to be honest, I really didn't even look much past the head area when I was making my first look. I didn't even plan on playing the game this deep! But if there's something that really bothers me about this game, it's the fluttering capes. It looks like an epileptic seizure waiting to happen. Capes are OUT!

Also of note, I finally banked up 100 UNTIL currency which meant I could purchase a super cool sidekick, and I took waaaaay longer than I should picking out my sidekick.  At first I thought about going with a fire type because in Wizard101, the Friendly Necromancer can always be found side by side with one Baily Skystaff, a fire wizard.  But, in the end, my time spent in Champions Online is a solo endeavor and let's be honest, I'm Bailey's sidekick, not the other way around.

So I landed on a sidekick named the Chaos Imp, and I was thinking that it'd be a cute little imp that follows me around and does a little damage now and then. No, the Chaos Imp is taller than me and absolutely wrecks face.

That's no imp! It's a scary, blue-slashing monster!

The Chaos Imp makes my difficult fights an absolute breeze. The only catch, he's not permanent. He only lasts for one hour of game time and then that's it.  He's gone, and I have to buy him again. So, luckily that hour of game time isn't "one hour from the time of purchase."  The game time only counts down when you have your sidekick out and actively helping.  Because of this, I only call out the Chaos Imp for boss duty and when fights are looking hairy. Gotta conserve until I build up another 100 UNTIL currency so I can buy another.

The other UNTIL purchased option that seemed to blend well with my "necromancer" style was a 1-time use zombie swarm summon, but doing the math I could only get 20 summons for the same price as I get the chaos imp for a TON of summons, as long as I use him conservatively. Maybe at some point I'll have enough currency to do both!  That'd be amazing.

Anyway, when I went back to Millennium City to purchase my Chaos Imp sidekick, I of course got side tracked by several new quests and ended up in another totally new zone . . . Canada.  I kid you not. The cold North had a super crazy alien mishap, and all of a sudden I found myself working through an epic comic-book style series of quests with cut scenes and comic cutouts, and it was AWESOME!

Aliens invade Canada! What?!

Here's the thing, it made me think, wait . . . did I miss this presentation and quest line in the Burning Sands? It was really really well produced, but I had to leave after playing through the third "issue."  That's right, the quest chain played out in issues like a comic where you were the star.  It was so well done, y'all.

I had to log out for the day, but when I came back, expecting to do more of the Canada comic book series of quests, now I was in a Canada zone full of quests just like the Burning Sands zone. I really shouldn't be this confused, but there's something in the execution of how these quests present themselves to me that's causing me to get a little lost in where I am and how I get back to the comic quests, because YES PLEASE, I want more of that!

Canada, the zone, has been great so far. I've done everything from helping wolves to unburying people from snow piles. I've fought on ice and gone deep into bunkers. One of my favorite instances I ran pitted the Friendly Necromancer against Mr. Zombie. Well, I think you know how the story goes, the necromancer will always win in that scenario.

The Friendly Necromancer vs. Mr. Zombie

So far I continue to be surprised by how deep Champions Online is. I'm enjoying myself and ready to keep questing further. Thanks for reading, and as always . . .

Happy Dueling!

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