Sunday, August 8, 2021

Uber Wife plays SOLO -- #Blaugust2021 Day 8

About a month ago, my wife -- THEE uber wife -- began playing Sword of Legends Online, and she did this because her online friends started talking up the game to her, so she pre-ordered it. She was there on US launch day even when her online friends didn't finally jump in with her about a week later.

Look at that hat!  Look at that Pokemon pet!

The game was originally launched only in China under the name GuJian or Gu Jian Qi Tan back in 2011, and it is literally a Chinese MMO with an RPG that is based around a fictional China in an alternate universe full of fantasy.  It even spawned a Chinese Television Series back in 2014. Here we are 10 years later, and it's just barely hit the US back in July of this year.

The game has an interesting leveling system that feels a little like DCUO in that you can only level to 36 and then "the real" game begins and your level then reads "Student 1." That's as far as you can go currently in the US Version. In the Chinese version, you can take that all the way to Student 36. Here in the US, they just recently released their first raid boss, and from watching over her shoulder, it's a colorful confusing mess. 

Just imagine dozens of those telegraph markers on the ground.

Graphically, the game gives me some pretty intense Guild Wars 2 vibes, and that's a good thing. GW2 is an absolutely beautiful game, and so is this. I'm pretty sure the amazing graphics are part of what lured Uber Wife to its doorstep.

Look at this epic 9-tails mount she has!

Uber Wife plays the Summoner class, which is all about DPS and healing, but because raiding is a colorful confusing mess, she steers away from that. In fact, she mostly plays the DPS angle of the Summoner instead of healing. She hates being responsible for people living and dying. In fact, her favorite in-game activity is fishing and on the weekends, she's all about joining in on the fishing tournaments. 

It's the simple things in MMO life, right? I totally get it, I hate healing in DCUO on my Sorcerer. If a raid or a group wipes, all the fingers start flying . . . I'd much rather DPS -- especially if my CR is higher. Stress free is the life for me.

Uber Wife doing her favorite side activity :)

Of course, her buddies try to get her to "get gud" and raid with them, but she's very resistant, and that's perfectly ok. That's the beauty of MMOs, we all play the game how we want to. 

Anyway, yesterday I went on her account and made a new character for funsies, Stingite the Reaper.

Character creation was very in-depth, with a full range of modifications available to body type, face type, etc. You'd be hard pressed to find a way to make your character look European in this game, and my dude definitely looked like he was ready to break out as a C-pop artist at any minute.

I get a snake buddy?!

I chose to be a Reaper since that seemed the closest to a Necromancer (of course). My wife let me know over my shoulder that the Reaper is a healing class.  Interesting!

I was moving pretty fast through the tutorial but what I could gather from the story, which is very in depth, was that by the end of my play session, I had earned the trust of a sword -- and a fragment of it now resided inside of my body like a spirit, and it could talk to me. I love me some intelligent weapons!

I'm not sure how much of this game I'll end up playing, but if I play more, I'll write more. It is a beautiful game. Although, I'd probably want to buy the game on a separate account so we could actually play the game together.

Happy Dueling! 


  1. I played SOLO (and blogged about it) in the recent Open Beta. I liked it but not enough to pay the £35 asking fee. I will be buying it if they have a sale, though. It seemed like a solid mmorpg.

  2. Nice! I'll have to go read your blog post on it. Ever since posting this I've been thinking more about playing it. It's been a while since the wife and I gamed together in an MMO outside of Wizard101.
