Monday, August 9, 2021

7D2D: Long hikes are not fun -- #Blaugust2021 Day 9

I started up a new game of 7 Days to Die after getting my new computer. I'm sure I could have dug up the save file for my old game and played it, but "new computer/new game" seemed to be appropriate . . . especially when RNG was handing me guns and ammo like candy at the first of the game!

I've been playing more 7D2D than I should, and I'm now past the point I was at in my previous save game. In fact, I'm just about to the 14th day and prepping for the start of my 2nd blood moon.  I know this Blood Moon is going to have "leapers" to contend with. Ugh, now I have to start thinking about how to handle dudes that jump?!

Ahh, Home sweet home . . . nothing like a porch full of traps and an entrance through the attic.

My second set of 7 days has been filled with mostly running back and forth between 3 spots: My home base, one of two traders, and the quest points they've been directing me to run to, which has led me to truly hate running. I gotta say, it's the worst part of the early game here, and that probably means I'm relying too much on questing instead of house searching alone, but I love having an objective, fulfilling that objective, and getting bonus rewards because I did it. That feels really satisfying.

That said, there is nothing worse than looking on the screen and seeing a two kilometer hike in front of you and knowing that it's going to be another two kilometers back or more over depending on how you want to snake your way there. 

368 Miles to Roswell? No thanks.

Eventually I'll be crafting a bike and then a motorbike to travel around, but this early part of the game is rough with the hikes. At least in Valheim making portals to locations was easy enough. In fact, I searched making portals in 7 Days to Die and was served with a huge spoiler image that seems to be about the end of the game. (I closed my browser and did that thing where you pretend it didn't happen.)

Ahh well, I think after this next 7 days I may just need to move my base of operations a bit closer to the snow and the trader there; although cougars and grizzlies seem to be my largest cause of death these days, and there's ample cougars and grizzlies out in the snow. Honestly, I'm not looking forward to moving my base, but if it stops these long hikes, it'll be worth it.

Happy Dueling!

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