Wednesday, August 18, 2021

To skyscraper or not, that is the quest in 7D2D -- #Blaugust2021 Day 18

Yesterday I got a great quest that popped up that made me incredibly happy, the game said . . . hey . . . you've done enough Tier IV quests, let's open up the Tier V trader for you then. Sound good? Thank you, game!  That does sound good!

So I took the quest to open up the Trade Routes, got on my minibike and rode the 3.2 kilometers to talk to Mister Fabulous Beard (aka Trader Joel). There I was sitting late in the day on Day 48 of 7 Days to Die where Day 49 (ye' old 7 x 7) was just about to happen. 

It's a precarious place to be honest, and it's one of the feelings that I love so much about this game: Judgement calls. It makes you teeter back and forth between the chaotic explorer side of your personality versus the cautious wise side of your personality. I love when games manage to conflict you like this.

So I took my first Tier V quest, which happened to also be in the direction of my house -- wise decision, right?  I believed so, but when I arrived at the Skyscraper, I realized that this looked hairy. 

Welcome to the corporate offices of Higashi Pharmaceutical

So I went in anyway to see if perhaps it was a bit of a façade, you know? I've seen hollowed out buildings before where you can manage it in a half an hour. Maybe this is one of those situations?

After being swarmed by a gaggle of suits on the first two floors I had some hopes that maybe I could do this quest after all.

The rag doll physics of these suit zombies dropping down the broken escalator was hilarious

But when I looked up the shaft of the elevator on Floor 2, I quickly realized that I was going to have to nerd pole up to the top of this thing and fight for my life with each floor. This was not the façade I was looking for.

The cubicle farms of Floor 3 were full of things to check for loot, but I just started skipping past them at this point feeling like time was running out.

The wise part of me finally spoke up when I got to floor 4, and I totally noped out of that quest. I'm just glad I had a boot mod that allowed me to drop down the elevator from floor to floor so I could quickly get out of there and got home just in time for the zombies to all wade through my moat of wooden spikes.

Whew . . . ok, now we can let the real fight begin.

It makes me wonder though . . . What would happen if I spent the blood moon at the top of this skyscraper instead at my home base. I might survive it by just hiding out, but what's the fun in that? The Blood Moon is an opportunity for experience and loot! I may have to try that next Blood Moon just to see what the experience is like. I imagine they'd find their way to me, but maybe not?

Either way, I'll be back to explore a Tier 5 quest when I have more time and don't feel quite as pressured. Higashi Pharmaceutical looked like it'd take a nice 1.5 to 2 in-game-days to complete. I wouldn't mind exploring that more fully.

Happy Dueling!

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