Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Red Mesa in 7D2D -- #Blaugust2021 Day 17

There's a particular Tier IV quest I've been repeating a lot of lately in 7 Days to Die, and it feels like I've almost got it down to a science. It's an underground Military installation called Red Mesa.

Welcome to Red Mesa -- it ain't restricted no more!

Upon entry beyond the front outer perimeter you get attacked by 4-5 zombies. There is a chance that one or two of them may be feral, but usually it's easy pickins with a hunting rifle. 

If you scoot off to the left, you get a side view of the end of the "dungeon" and you can actually help yourself out here and pick off a couple of the zombies from shooting the outside in through the window grates. It takes a bit of creative jumping, but it can be done.  If you really wanted to, I suppose you could use boxes to get to the top of the building and hammer your way through the top door and crawl the dungeon backwards, but I haven't done that yet.

Just inside, you open an access hatch to a broken elevator and slip down through. The first door in below this has a nice horde of zombies that try to swarm out. Use that door's pinch point to your advantage.

Off the right there's a chance that the vending machine will be active. Check that for your favorite buff food. I always buy the loot finding buff here if it's available. This is car part nirvana and you have 2 full military vans and a car -- great place to get gas. After this room, you may actually need to lay down a crate for all the goodies you've collected just at the front. There's plenty more loot to come.

The door beyond this always has at least one zombie, usually hidden off to the left. Up the stairs you'll find a broken window for you to crawl through and make your way down the catwalk level by level until you get to the bottom. Every door and false wall here contains a zombie or two on your way down. Eventually you'll jump down to the bottom and crawl the tunnel between buildings. There's a zombie dog here that's very bitey.

I'm ready for you bitey dog!

Across the tunnel, you'll find a couple of old barracks. These two rooms are book reading paradise! I can't tell you how many books and schematics I've found here. Reading is for winners! You'll find a couple zombies in the showers here that connect the two barracks, but nothing that can't be dealt with easily.

Next up in your crawl is the mess hall and it's full of goodies! After you've looted the store room, try sneaking around the corner and picking off a couple of the motionless zombies down the hallway. It makes this spot easier so you don't get swarmed. Always check the soda machine here. It's great for finding energy drinks that give you a speed boost.

After the mess hall comes a place I like to call the control room. Not only is it full of office chairs, but it's full of zombies. What I like to do is path to the far stairway, take a quick step down to spawn the hoard, and then sprint back to the beginning. Typically they just come around the corner and start walking down toward you in a nice straight line. Armor piercing bullets can cut through them all with super efficiency.

Line 'em up, and gun 'em down!

There's an extra room of loot down here that's through a door that you have to break down, but I typically skip it because my bags are full anyway to be honest, and your end goal is just up some stairs. Cue this fight by getting close to the motherload door and then sprint backward a bit . . . in fact, going all the way back down the stairs you came from is a pretty good idea because they always seem to find a way behind you.

Thank you for your service

This final horde of zombies is no joke. It's about 6 army zombies and a few others.  If you're ready for it though with a full load out of loaded guns, it's not a problem.

Pop those loot bonuses my friends because at this point you're entering ammo and weapon heaven. Those military zombies were hiding a couple boxes of shotgun supplies, a gun bag, a couple ammo piles, and two locked chests of loot. 

Loot heaven!

If you're low on ammo, this is a good spot to quest. If you happen to have any other tips or tricks for this area or if I've missed something you like to do when in this Tier IV quest, let me know!

Happy Dueling!

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