Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pirate101's Wonder Woman -- It's Zeena Time!

 So, I know last post I said I was most likely headed to Mooshu for side quest fun, but I got sucked into Aquila instead and . . . so there I stayed. I ended up doing the promotion quest for Buffalo Bill and a bunch of random skyway missions involving vulture pirates. 

Buffalo Bill . . . ever waxing about Wyatt and stroking his magnificent beard.

There's one quest in particular there that has an abysmal drop rate, but nothing as awful as the original white buffalo quest in Cool Ranch . . . that was the stuff of community manager nightmares. I finished it up in 30 minutes or so and earned a bunch of gold and scrip while I was at it.  Not bad. It was a bit sad to see the skyways so barren in Aquila.

I also helped a band of cyclops bros, made offerings to all the statues of the gods around Aquila, defeated Grohl and his foo fighting band in Nevermind Cave, contacted students and poets for Chiron the Centaur, defeated a highly conflicted ettin, and gathered up every last missing eagle for Zeke. 

Thank you to a great band for standing so closely together in perfect aoe formation

While these were all great quests and profitable toward my seemingly neverending goal to level all my companions to level 70, the most memorable of the bunch had to have been the one where you obtain Zeena the Warrior Princess as a companion.

You know, there's a lot of min-maxers out there in Pirate101 who will purposely avoid side quests that grant companions until they are max level for the sole purpose that many of them come in at a higher level than your pirate, but I can't say that was my motivation for waiting. Mine was just pure laziness, and honestly, I'd rather just have the companion and play with it than wait until its power is prime. 

Of course, this isn't my first time doing the Zeena quest . . . I ran through it on the Pirate101 development servers so that I could make her Rogue's Gallery spotlight back in June of 2017. Sam Johnson (aka Blind Mew) wrote up some pretty awesome backstory to make her more than just an obscure headnod to Princess Diana of Themyscira or Xena: Warrior Princess.

(Much like there might be a conflict between the Atlanteans and the Amazons in the DC Universe at times) Zeena finds herself embroiled in conflict between the Bird-like race of amazons in Pirate101 and the Centaurs of Aquila. In resolving the conflict, you'll be running into the statue of Ares and the raven sisters, aka the Fates who have lost their shears.

In the process you get a wake up call as the player when the Statue of Ares tells you he's a big fan because all the war and trouble you've started in the main storyline, and good ol' Ares is really the one who's caused the misunderstandings (as the character of Ares would similarly do in the Xena: Warrior Princess series) because WAR GOOD! So you fix things up between the Amazons and Centaurs, and Zeena joins your crew to learn a thing or two about controlling her temper. 

Welcome aboard, Zeena! What's one more mouth to feed, eh?

I'm enjoying having Zeena as a part of my crew. She has a pretty great Rain of Fire ability that sets a nice pattern of fire on the battlefield that's great for damaging approaching enemies or those already upon you, and since she's coming in at level 72, I can see why the min-maxers like having her on their team.

As for me, I'll keep hitting these side quests! Hopefully I can clear out my log and then start looking at doing the daily quests more often. 

Happy Dueling!

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