Monday, June 28, 2021

Pirate101 Marleybone Bounties — Developers Behind Bars

The quest to clear Friendly Thomas's quest log has concluded in Marleybone. *insert personal fan-fare music* Eventually I wrapped up every last Rolling Stone Zeke quest item and captured every last developer-gone-rogue to finish out my MB side quests. 

Nice lyrics, Zeke . . .

Developer gone rogue?  Oh yeah, lemme tell you . . . there's an interesting chain of side quests where you help Mann the Bounty Hunter with tracking down a bunch of criminals that need to be locked up -- criminals that have a very interesting bunch of names attached to them.

Safely behind bars . . . whew . . .

First you capture ol' Lymie Stone, then move on to Merciless Meagan Quinn. Third is Professor Chadwick and then finally Grumpy Jeff Haskell. Right around Meagan Quinn I started putting it together. 

  • Mann the Bounty Hunter =  Mike Mann (the old Pirate101 Art Lead)
  • Lymie Stone = Mike Stone (the old Pirate101 Associate Producer)
  • Merceliss Meagan Quinn = Meagan Quinn (an old Pirate101 Associate Game Designer)
  • Professor Chadwick = This has to be Chad Brown (an old Pirate101 Game Designer) . . . although I suppose it could also be Chad La Guardia.
  • Grumpy Jeff Haskell = Jeff Haskell (an old Pirate101 Senior Game Designer)

In fact, in the very back of my mind I think I remember . . . yeah . . . that group of designers sat one row away from the Marketing Department, and I even think I remember when Jeff Haskell got the news that he was in the game. There was a lot of laughter and smug grins. 😆

And who wouldn't be smug knowing they were the one stealing all the toys . . .

All these developers have long since left the KingsIsle fold. The only one I've really kept up with on his career path is Chad Brown, who, as fortune would have it, is working on DCUO right now, which is a game you know I absolutely adore. Chad is pretty amazing himself. He used to play a Ranger in a lunch time D&D game ran by Sam Johnson (Creative Design Lead for KingsIsle). He's a super nice person and a really great world builder. Playing D&D with the old devs were good times! 

Now that I've rounded all those scoundrels up, I've earned my "Civilian Baliff" badge, and I'm ready for my next job. As fate would have it, my next closest quest can be found in Mooshu!  So that's where you'll find me for a bit. I'm sure I'll be uncovering long lost secrets and memories as I go along.

I'm definitely still having fun revisiting Pirate101.

Happy Dueling!

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