Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Wintertusk Will Be the Newest World on the Spiral

If you search the term "Wintertusk Wizard101" early this morning while I type this blog post, you're going to find nothing. After eight o'clock eastern time, however, the information embargo gloves are off from KingsIsle, and you'll start to find that Google search becoming a little more populated as the news from PAX East filters in . . . because that *is* the news from PAX as far as KingsIsle is concerned.

Central and Twitter are going to explode today. It's going to be fun to watch. :)

Check out this awesome concept art!

HAHA! I just knew Grandmother Raven would make an appearance someday soon in the spiral. YES! Do you guys remember my podcast interview with J Todd Coleman and Josef Hall? When I brought up Grandmother Raven they said she'd definitely be making an appearance. Here it is. We finally get to meet her in the world of Wintertusk. Awesome.

I think it may be time to revisit Grizzleheim my friends because Wintertusk is a continuation of that story in the spiral with some surprises thrown in. Similiar to Grizzleheim (we don't know how similar yet), Wintertusk is going to offer new areas for both high-level and lower-level students of Ravenwood, but it really feels like the level 50+ crew is getting more storyline and the lower crowd is getting more of a continuation of where Crab Alley left off. As KingsIsle put it, "A revamped underwater introduction zone for lower level characters. This area will continue the story of the Crab King."

We're also getting new spells and level 58 class pets! SQUEE! Care to place any guesses to what those class pets will be? No one knows yet, but information will definitely be forthcoming over "the coming weeks." (So, no, we aren't busting into the new content just yet . . . we have "weeks" ahead of us still.)

KingsIsle isn't giving away all their surprises! They're going to slowly let us find out "the best details" of this new expansion over time.

As always, as I find out more information, you will find out more information!

Happy Dueling!


  1. Thanks for this very, very informative post, Friendly! I'm so excited! This is awesome! This has given me a renewed inspiration to finish that climb to get my last 3 characters to Legendary! Now when you say "weeks", does that mean it will be here by, say, Summer (June 21st)? It would be amazing to have something I could play through in the Summer! This world sound extremely interesting. I hope we get to see some Walruses!

  2. Sorry for the second blog post, but do you notice the horn in her hand? "The horn shall break!" Sound familiar? Is this Morganthe's next target? Does this horn keep the Spiral in tact? So many unanswered questions!

  3. Please please PLEASE! tell me those of us who already have our level 58 spells will still be able to earn those new school pets somehow!

    Hm, didn't Fred (in Ditto's interview) say we'd be seeing some new furry monsters soon?

  4. Anonymous15/3/11 10:09

    This is great news!!! I would say we may be waiting awhile for the final release, remember celestia, they made the announcement about this time, but we didnt get it till october. So It may be awhile.... but this is still awesome hmmmm the GH storyline was really fun.
    -Elizabeth Seacloud

  5. Anonymous15/3/11 10:57

    Thomas, think about that 5th seat in the Raven Vault. You know at the end of Grizzleheim. Maybe that is Grandmother Raven's seat? o:

  6. Tara Darkgem15/3/11 11:23

    whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! wintertusk? that will be the next world? level 58 PETS!? will wintertusk be like antarctica or something? hmm they should have come up with a better name though

  7. I AM A FAN OF THE STORM LORD PET AND LEVIATHAN PET! WOOO! but kingsisle should watch out on how they make it. I suggest putting on lvl 58+ over it and school only, unlike lvl 48 pets where you trade them and use them for ranked. But, I am disappointed by this a little bit, because kingsisle really needs to step it up somehow. I mean, Gh is pretty boring questing. I hope there is a litte bit more challenge to it like those birds with warts on nidavellir. I'm a crowns user, so I'll have to adjust to this. lol seems like candy land will have to wait

  8. TALON NIGHTSHADE15/3/11 12:12

    YES! Finnaly! I thought KI would NEVER tell us the next world. Maybe by the time wintertusk comes out, i'll be legendary. I always loved the crab alley quests because it was so comicly funny. I read somewhere that a lot of people felt that the grizzelheim storyline was feeling not complete, do you think it could finish here? What wouyld be really funny is that Raven tells us that her children are the ravens!


  9. Grandmother Raven and lvl 58 oets?! SQUEE!

  10. Evan LionTamer15/3/11 18:00


  11. Ah, one step closer to W101 Ragnarok.

  12. TALON NIGHTSHADE15/3/11 20:56

    You know friendly, do you think this is what autumn was so excited about? Still, new world, YAY!!!

  13. maybe the lvl 58 spells are finally pet verions of the 48 spells? the lvl 48 pets are based of of the lvl 42 spells. and what about the "new spells?" would they be lvl 60 spells or new "minor" schools like the Astral ones?

  14. Leviathan16/3/11 01:17

    guess who can't wait...... THIS GUY RIGHT HERE! and peter i did notice that infact they have a post about this on the official wizard101 site and i saw that and posted about it

  15. Anonymous16/3/11 16:00

    Please say we get level 58 pets even when we already got to level 58

  16. Ashley Spiritweaver16/3/11 22:31


  17. If my new pet is a power nova I have no idea what hybrids THAT would make (maybe a BLUE ball of fire lol) but I'm hoping for a ra that when mixed with the death pet makes Anuibus. That would be awesome.
    -by the way I'm balance and an extreme pet collector
