Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Celestia Housing Test Realm Redux


So there has been a lot of information sharing going on across the Wizard101 information super-highway, and I just want to point out a few of those and maybe discuss them a smidge.

First up is Kevin Battleblood's well written blog post. Kevin talks about the changes in the test realm that he finds pertinent: Floating pots and plants, petnomes, stun block, and gardening towers.

In particular I feel for Kevin (and all of us) in regards to the bugged petnome numbers. It's confusing enough to try and analyze pet abilities through a community site like Petnome, but a broken (or bugged) counting system really messes up trying to track these things . . . especially when already dealing with different generations of pets. I really hope that gets fixed.

Although I really liked the idea of gardening towers and getting more bang for your energy globe out of building your garden up instead of out, I personally never had a garden tower, so I won't miss this. *comfort* to those who will. :/

I liked Pyromancer Jonathon's review of the new Celestia crafted house. Although Jonathan mentions this is now the second house to have a dueling circle, he doesn't mention that this is the first house to have a dueling circle that doesn't require the purchase of crowns! Uber wife tells me that one of our characters already has everything she needs to craft one! Awesome.

If you're looking for a good list of ingredients that you'll need for this, I again refer you over to Battleblood's place. (Uber wife was all psyched that she could help Kevin out with a small error on the list. *giggle*)

For me, I just can't get over how much I really REALLY wanted an underwater house for Celestia ala Calypso's sunken ship. It's what I was hoping for. Dangit.

Of additional note: Stellarium got dumbed down. My video here, is no longer applicable, and I may take it down soon. Don't worry, all the other cheating bosses in the game are still there and cheating.

There have been a number of interesting posts over on Wizard101 Central about the new changes.
- Fierce Hounds have different appearances. (click!)
- Polar Cat gift card only gives one dragonblade now. (click!)
- Efreet is now a charm-class debuff instead of a damage-class debuff. (click!)
- Guide to the bosses in the Hand of Doom pack. (click!)
- Orthrus animation has changed. (click!)
- Can't use Gargantuan on Efreet. (click!)
- The let down on the new side quest in Grizzleheim. (click!)

For me, it's all about the Hand of Doom pack this time around. I love the new boss minions. It's just SUCH a cool new addition to be able to summon up one of these to help you out. I'm not all together thrilled that I get five or six junk cards with each pack I buy, but I do like where these minion cards are headed.

You know what I liked about casting the Lord Nightshade minion? He started with three power pips and crit on his vampire spell. A minion with a chance to crit is awesome.

Thumbs up KI for this addition! Just . . . PLEASE, I don't want any more junk cards. If you lowered the cost and gave me one minion card and no junk cards, I'd be happy. If you upped the cost and give me seven minion cards and no junk cards, I'd be happy. I just think this current method of giving me one or two good cards and junk that I have to sell off feels . . . old school . . . and if you're going old school, then I need a stick of gum with each purchase. ;-)

AND FINALLY, one last note before I let you go . . . the Indiana-Jones-esque Boulder rolling trick with the new small Celestia house? Epic! Just make the boulder roll more often or upon cue! (Like when I trip a switch or something) :-)

Happy Dueling!


  1. It's just so... SO EPIC! :D

  2. Anonymous2/2/11 11:30

    Bleh, the changes to Efreet have left many people annoyed. We wanted Nova powered up, not other spells powered down. It doesn't even make sense, if a damage spell with a charm effect is a charm spell, then spells like Leviathan and Earthquake should be charm spells too, and thus unenchantable.

  3. Anonymous2/2/11 14:51

    Good news! Professor Greyrose just confirmed that Efreet will still be enchanatble in the live realm! Hurrah!

  4. Hi, my name is Alric RavenShield and i need ur help. I am the leader of The Order Of The Spiral Clan and i was wondering if you could check out my website ASAP:

  5. Anonymous3/2/11 03:38

    I'm kind of upset that KI has "dumbed down" the Stellarium. When I went in there, I found fighting the cheating bosses to be fun :)

  6. Anonymous3/2/11 17:56

    how much do the celestia houses cost?
    Crowns and/or gold

    Luke Goldflame
    Level 31 Pyromancer

  7. The bolder does roll when you trip a switch, There's a trigger plate on the ground. It's the dimond on the floor that's lit up a little more than the others, if you watch very closely it goes down a little when you step on it and the bolder rolls.

  8. Anonymous4/2/11 18:20

    Luke Goldflame- The Island Getaway is 100,000 gold or 10,000 crowns, and the Celestial Observatory is 75,000 gold, and crafted. But at level 31, I wouldn't attempt to craft it. It's for Master Artison only, and it's NOT an easy craft.

    -Malorn Ghostrider

  9. Anonymous4/2/11 18:20

    Luke Goldflame- The Island Getaway is 100,000 gold or 10,000 crowns, and the Celestial Observatory is 75,000 gold, and crafted. But at level 31, I wouldn't attempt to craft it. It's for Master Artison only, and it's NOT an easy craft.

    -Malorn Ghostrider
