Monday, August 23, 2010

GDC . . . O, and Wizard101 For BEST Community Relations!

Last year you saw me yammering on a lot about the AGDC event. The AGDC event happens to play out in Kingsisle's neck of the woods, so it’s kind of a no-brainer for them to attend the event. Heads up, though, there seems to have been a bit of a name change for AGDC, and now they are GDC . . . O. As in Game Developers Conference “Online.” This is cool and all, but what the heck does it mean for Wizard101 players?

hmmmmm. Let me think.

I’m not sure . . . some are saying Celestia is right around the corner, but I’m not convinced. KI seems to keep saying how large the world is and how much patience we need to have, and well, I don’t think anyone really knows the exact date yet. If you read that MMOCrunch Interview from the previous post, you'll see they are already saying "late summer / early fall" instead of just "late summer." We haven’t seen the end of summer yet (as in the end of September . . . remember that summer extends through September, kids). So, maybe we’ll see more about Celestia pop up around GDCO time (early October). It seems like a great time to reveal a few things here or there to interested news outlets. Man, I wish some well-to-do person would just pay for me to go to GDCO and do some on-site reporting . . . *end dream sequence*

Well, if anything I know we’ll be seeing *something* come out of the conference from Kingsisle in one form or another, so keep your ear to the ground during October 5-8. You never know, you may end up with something cool like this rare picture of Jeff Toney (Abracadoodle artist) playing Guitar Hero . . . stuff like that.

(graciously lifted off of Damned Vulpine)

BUT, of interest to our wonderful community is this little nugget right here: CLICK ME!

Yeah, Wizard101 is up for AN AWARD for the HAVING THE BEST COMMUNITY RELATIONS. You heard me! THE BEST! They’re even pitting us up against the fire of “The Game Which Shall Not Be Named” and the monster game of all space games, Eve Online.

So, HEY, Kingsisle, from me and the readers of The Friendly Necromancer, best of luck! We’re proud to be a part of that community! :-)

Happy Dueling!


Anonymous said...

celestia cant come out until next year! my computer is roadkill and breaks every 12 minutes, i timed it! also, school started so i have like NO time to play! i need to beat malistare!

John said...

Woop!!! Well of course we have the best community! Wizard101 definately has my backing, I play quite a few games and none of them have such a good community, and even relationship between those who work at kingsisle, and the players. If Wizard101 doesn't win, then they certainly deserved it anyway. :)

And I agree with Celestia being released around October, seems very logical.. And October is my favourite month for reasons I cannot disclose :D

I would pay for you to go report on it!!! I have crowns, gold, and treasure cards. Would those suffice? :P

witchwarrior said...

Celestia release... on my birthday month??!!

This'll be the best month EVER!

Leesha Darkheart said...

Well I will be there and squealing like a rabid fangirl for KI to win this award. I couldn't think of a more perfect honor for them.

Anonymous said...

Great News on the Day of my Return to the Best MMO out there!!

I hope they kick some MMO Butt :)

oh friendly on a key note, from now on the Pet Master will be called the Beast Master K?
Good :)