Friday, June 12, 2009

Housing Items of the Day--Bottle Burner, Lectern, and Park Bench

Hello housing item collectors!

I have a few more items from our friend, Sestiva Hex--three of them in fact. She just had so much good stuff around her house. Anyway, this should round out the featured items from Sestiva nicely. (Thanks again for showing me around!)

This bottle burner comes from finishing the golem tower quests in Wizard City. The actual name of the quest is "The Final Piece."

That looks like it would go good next to a brain jar for sure.

Next up is a lectern that you get for completing "The Dark of Nightshade" quest in Wizard City.

I can sense that Sestiva gives many a dark lecture from this lectern. If Dworgyn gets tenure as Autumn is proposing, maybe Sestiva should consider giving this up as a donation to him.

And finally, here is a wonderful bench that Sestiva had surrounded by trees in a park setting. This "Park Bench" comes from completing the "Another Delivery" quest in Marleybone.

Happy Dueling!


  1. What's the occasion with the Santa Suit in the first two pictures? ?

  2. I'm the evil santa! I came to take, not give.
