Sunday, September 15, 2024

Freaking Asgard's Wrath . . . Why are you so good?

So it's been a hot minute since I had my super fascination with Asgard's Wrath 2. I was so in love with that game, and the Quest 3 I was playing it on. Just a great game and experience all around. Unfortunately, I had to give that Quest 3 back to Meta when WIMO folded because it was an engineering model and had to be returned (kicks dirt).

I love that some of my final moments in the game industry were spent playing that game. I finished it up just in time. I would have been incredibly distraught if I hadn't finished it before having to surrender the headset.

THAT SAID, Asgard's Wrath I and II came bundled with the Quest 3, and both of those games landed safely in my library regardless of the headset loss. I still have the Quest 2, and I had never even touched the original Asgard's Wrath, so I loaded it up and gave it a go!  What a treat! 

let's load this thing up!

In hindsight, I suppose I should have played the original first before playing the sequel, but it was new with a shiny 10/10 rating! Had I played it first, I would have realized so many features in AW2 are straight from the first game. (Now I'm wondering if I sounded dumb to people who already knew about the original?  Ahh well. I sound dumb most of the time anyway, so no biggie.)

Act 1 -- Sea Serpent!

The game starts out with an epic battle against a Kraken to teach you the basics. Starting out with a boss fight like that is perfect. You are the unknown god and Loki is there to teach you how to realize your potential as a god of animals because you can take regular animals and turn them into furries . . . erm, Animorphs! 

Egil the Sharkman for the win!

Whereas AW2 had 5 Animorphs, it looks like there may be upwards of 10, which is crazy.  The first two you get are a shark and a turtle, which help you work your way through the first two dungeons. The shark gnaws on zombies in cages to raise platforms. The turtle uses its shell to block flame traps. I think AW2 perfected this.  Each Animorph in AW2 had two or three different functions. It made them feel more impactful.

Hero in a half-shell! TURTLE POWER!

Of important note, giving a high five to your Animorph was not a new thing in AW2, and it's still awesome to do in AW1. *smacks a five with shark boy*

God puzzles are a thing, just like they were in AW2. Since I've only started, I haven't encountered any super complex puzzles yet. The first one was discovering your power as a god and the second one was constructing a simple totem and placing your shark companion on a platform . . . pretty basic. I'm hoping this gets just as fun and complex as it did in AW2.

Running into my now third God Puzzle.

Combat seems more about timing your strikes, which is good. It makes it so you can't just waggle your sword at something and have it die, unless it's a zombie . . . those are just intro enemy fodder. I'm playing the game on what I believe to be normal difficulty, and it's been a challenge in several moments, which I'm gladly taking in stride.

Crossing the Bifröst

So far it's every bit as beautiful a game as AW2 . . . I just wish I had the quest 3 headset to fully enjoy the graphics. That said, it's still pretty immersive, and I'm happily playing a new game that will be sure to hold my interest for a month or two.

Happy Dueling!


  1. I never did finish Asgard's Wrath and I can't remember why. In fact I think I'd only unlocked 2 minions or whatever we're calling them. I loved sending the shark guy after some rotting meat on a hook which led to him pulling down a rope or something.

    Shoot now I gotta go back and see why I stopped. Assuming it ever gets cool enough to do VR again. Fall will come eventually, right?

  2. Fall has arrived here! Time to break out some Asgard's Wrath!
