Thursday, August 1, 2024

Welcome to Blaugust 2024! Life is crazy!

It's once again time for Blaugust, and I've signed up! Blaugust is great! I love seeing all the insightful posts from dedicated writers in the gaming universe. Belghast has really put together something that continues to be loved by bloggers. The objective here is to up your post count during August, and if you can make a post a day, you've done amazing.

In the past years, I've done amazing. This year, well, the verdict is still out and I'm thinking I probably won't make all 30 days . . . that said . . . I'm in! Blaugust is a good time.

So if you haven't heard, 2024 was a pretty stupid year for me so far. It's the year where WIMO Games folded, causing me to lose my job, and the year where I've returned to my old stomping grounds, moving my family 1,000 miles in the other direction.

I'm still struggling to sell my house in Texas, and if there was a secret Blaugust wish in my Blaugust fortune cookie, it'd be that my old house sells, and I buy a new house. That would be amazing! The market in Pflugerville Texas (a suburb of Austin) hasn't been pretty for sellers, and that's been the main problem. Our house has been sitting on the market for a lot longer than I thought it would.

The floor and paint are all shiny and new now! Just waiting for a buyer!

On the other hand, the market in Utah is exactly the opposite. Where perhaps I might put down an offer with a contingency that, yeah, I'll buy your house--but my house in Texas has to sell first . . . um, that strategy just doesn't work because it's a Seller's Market here. I've tried nonetheless. I've put down about 3 contingency offers here and it's always washed over by 5 other buyers with better and more sure offers.

To those ends, my family and I are now in a bit of a state of limbo, but it's working. It was a whole desperate thing that involved fixing up my mom's abandoned house and making it new again. It's been an amazing renovation project that barely finished up right as my family was arriving. Lots of little miracles on the way to be honest.

Living back in my old neighborhood in Utah, you may remember this from 2022.

So, all of this has put gaming on a bit of a lower tier of importance for a bit and blogging about gaming on an even lower tier of importance than that. That said, any time I play a game I'm thinking, what could I say about this experience? It's just a side effect of keeping a blog for so long like this one.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read anything I post here, it's appreciated. I have some big plans to play 7 Days to Die tonight, so there might just be more 7 Days to Die posts in my future. I'm also in the middle of Act 2 on Baulder's Gate 3, and so the adventures of Avantador and Moonstar will be continuing. I'm also still playing a ton of Brawl Stars and Squad Busters on my phone. And in the VR world, I have a literal TON of games sitting in my inventory that I haven't even touched, so there's potential to go a bit crazy there.

Happy Dueling!


  1. The housing market in the UK has been slow of late, favouring the buyer and not the seller. My late parent's house went up for sale in July 2023 and it took until December that year to find a buyer. The price got adjusted down, twice. Final completed the sale at the end of February this year. So I appreciate your situation and hope you get it resolved favourably soon. Good luck.

  2. Thanks for the understanding well-wishes,Roger! Everytime before I've always sold my house in a few weeks. Thus time has been an absolute beast.

  3. Fingers crossed for you. And for the record, I enjoy reading non-gaming posts too. :)

  4. Thanks, Jaedia! I'll take all the finger and toe crossings I can get! Stick around, and I'll be sure to bather on more about real life. ;)

  5. Your house looks so nice!

    Good luck on the house hunt, its rough out there.

  6. Thank you, Frogster! I appreciate the words of support. *crosses fingers and toes
