Monday, August 5, 2024

Birthday Redux

A couple decades ago my birthday started to take on a sense of tradition. I'm not exactly how it started, but it usually involved two main activities:
  1. Go to an IMAX film at the Planetarium
  2. Go eat Mizithra Cheese pasta at the Spaghetti Factory
My kids were little and one of the short hour to 30-minute educational IMAX films was always something they enjoyed, and I liked it too, to be honest. Spaghetti Factory was all me though. I've loved that stupid Mizithra Cheese pasta with Browned Butter ever since I was a kid. 

Rewind to 12 years ago, and we moved to Texas. They still had the IMAX films, but the Old Spaghetti Factory chain was nowhere to be found. I wrote about it once before.  

Now fast forward to yesterday!  We're back in Utah and it was my birthday -- it was time once again to break out the old tradition! Do you know how cool it was to have all my kids with me and go eat at that stupid Old Spaghetti Factory? Super ultra cool. The best part was seeing my sons trust-fall onto the Mizithra Cheese pasta menu item with me and fall in love as I once did. I TOLD YOU IT WAS EPIC!


The IMAX film we saw was the Secrets of the Sea 3D. I'm not going to lie--I dozed off a bit near the end. The music was so serene and the sea creatures were just floating by . . . and I was blissfully napping with my 3D glasses on. That said, what I did see in this documentary was fantastic. :)

An IMAX film at the Planetarium -- a classic birthday endeavor

The family supplied me with some very thoughtful gifts:
  • A new camera stand for my 360 Camera
  • A micro collectible wacky packages card set (I have a thing about wacky packages)
  • A healing rock necklace
  • A shower curtain (it's a long story)
  • 50 bucks
  • A bag of assorted nuts
  • An Applebees gift card (my mom always gets me this)
  • A zucchini noodles maker and a few zucchinis to go with it
  • A commission-worthy piece of art of my choice
  • A slew of birthday cards
It was all very nice, and I feel incredibly loved. For the commission-worthy piece of art of my choice, I asked my oldest to draw The Friendly Necromancer avatar wearing a VR headset . . . check out the cool result!

I love it.

I had a very cool birthday, and I'm happy I got to hang out with the ones I love. I couldn't have asked for anything better than to get to spend some time with my crew today.

Happy Dueling!


  1. I remember Wacky Packages!!! I used to have bunches!!!

    I even drew my own and sent them to Topps. They sent them back.

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  2. Yes!! I still have a binder full of them. I'll have to share sometime. I love that you sent some to the company. Haha. That's awesome.
