Friday, August 23, 2024

Busy and Brawl Stars

August has turned incredibly busy. My car's in the shop. We're commuting ourselves and our child long distances. School started. Work is busy. I don't know. Everything just kind of exploded here.

At the same time, right now I'm just kind of doing nothing. I'm sitting outside of a house we put an offer on waiting for my real estate agent and typing a post in the blogger app.

And there's my agent ...

(Insert home inspection walk through)

(Imsert trip to my mom's apartment)

(Insert 2 hours at work)

(Insert picking up child from school)

(Insert picking up wife from work)

(Insert dinner)

(Insert dropping kid off to band)

(Insert Target trip)

OK! So it's now 8pm and wow, the day just kinda dissolved. I'm just waiting to pick up my kid from band in an hour or so.

Anyway, the phone has been my main source of entertainment the past couple of days, so let me quickly talk about Brawl Stars!

The end of the road!

I managed to get to the end of the Brawl Pass and thus time I'm about 12 days early. I like it. Along the way I leveled up Shelly to max level, got my favorite skin ever, and won a new Brawler. Not a bad time at all here.

Cowboy Shelly at yer service, ma'am 

The main reason I leveled Shelly is because he has the potential to earn a supercharge power. As it stands now, characters with a supercharge have an advantage over those that don't, so those are are the most "max level worthy" to me.

Reaching into the hells to grab his bow

Next, seriously, this Bo skin is thee best. I love him as a red skinned demon. He's always been an amazing character and this skin is the icing on the cake.

And finally, look at this little doofus!  He's a sno cone machine!

what a little guy! What a little dude!

He's a little weird to play so far, but I do like how he can freeze opponents!

And there you go. I squeezed out a post on a crazy busy day. Whew. I can't belive I'm still loving Brawl Stars! Such a fun game and time killer.

Happy Dueling!

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